Thursday, 3 September 2020


ICANN Community Leadership Digest



The ICANN org Policy Development Support function publishes this twice-weekly digest

to help ICANN community leaders track requests and follow updates.


Table of Contents


Information Sharing

·     NEW: ICANN69 Publication Support

·     REMINDER: At-Large Capacity Building Webinar on DoH/DoT: Benefits, Drawbacks, and a Way Forward

·     REMINDER: Webinar on the Draft Final Report of the GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group

·     REMINDER: Webinar on PDP 3.0 Implementation

Public Comment

·     GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Draft Final Report

·     Reference Label Generation Rulesets (LGRs) for the Second Level




Information Sharing


NEW: ICANN69 Publication Support


Design Deadline

For publication design assistance, please provide all the text, images, layout, and publication type/size requirements (i.e. newsletter vs. one-pager vs. trifold, etc.). There is a maximum of two design iterations per publication. Please provide everything by Friday, 11 September 2020. Please keep in mind that all materials, new or updated, must be evergreen.


Translation-only Deadline

For translation, please provide the final material(s) by Monday, 21 September 2020. This ensures that there is enough time to translate the publication. If the publication requires design assistance, please note that the final materials will have to be complete, including the edit/approval process, by this deadline in order to be translated.


Please work directly with your support staff to submit these requests to and



REMINDER: At-Large Capacity Building Webinar on DoH/DoT: Benefits, Drawbacks, and a Way Forward

From: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support


The At-Large community invites all ICANN community members to attend the next At-Large Capacity Building Working Group webinar, "DoH/DoT: Benefits, Drawbacks, and a Way Forward" on Monday, 7 September at 21:00 UTC. Participation details and the agenda for the webinar can be found here [].


At-Large Advisory Committee member Holly Raiche will review what the terms mean, how the two technologies work, and the debates about both the benefits and drawbacks of the technologies.



REMINDER: Webinar on the Draft Final Report of the GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group

From: Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Jeffrey Neuman, Co-Chairs


The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process Working Group published its draft Final Report for Public Comment on 20 August 2020. This draft Final Report is the culmination of several years of deliberations and numerous public consultations, in support of the large number of topics captured in the working group charter.


The working group has worked extremely hard to reach this point and is looking forward to considering feedback received as it seeks to complete its Final Report and deliver it to the GNSO Council. To aid in your review and understanding of the draft Final Report, we have scheduled a webinar on Monday, 14 September 2020 at 20:00 UTC to present on a selection of the topics within the draft Final Report, answer questions you may have, and provide context where it may be needed.


You can find the agenda here []. If you are interested in joining, please email



REMINDER: Webinar on PDP 3.0 Implementation

From: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support


The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council invites you to attend a webinar to discuss the implementation status of the Policy Development Process (PDP) 3.0 initiative on Tuesday, 15 September 2020 at 21:00 UTC for 90 minutes. Please email for information on how to join. Participants are encouraged to join the discussions. More information will be posted here [].


There are three objectives for this webinar:

1.  Review the purposes and practical examples of the PDP 3.0 work products that have been applied in ongoing GNSO working groups

2.  Begin the preliminary assessment of PDP 3.0 impact

3.  Help other Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees evaluate the applicability of PDP 3.0 improvements in their internal processes. 


In addition, the webinar will also include an introduction of the Consensus Playbook [] to start the initial community discussion of its contents and practical utility.


PDP 3.0 is a GNSO Council initiative designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the GNSO policy development process. The GNSO Council adopted the PDP 3.0 Final Report [] in February 2020; many work products related to the 14 PDP 3.0 improvements have been deployed in GNSO working groups or used by the GNSO Council.


Public Comment



Volume 2, Issue 67 | Archive [] | Next Issue: Monday, 7 September 2020