Attached is the draft IDNC final report by Bart and Chris




From: [] On Behalf Of Bart Boswinkel
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 9:05 PM
Subject: [ccnso-idncctld] Draft Final Report


Dear All,
Included is the first version of the draft Final Report. To be discussed at the next call. The next IDNC WG call is scheduled for Wednesday 11 June 2008, at noon (12 am) UTC.

Those members of the IDNC WG who think that Principle E should be re-worded and/or there should be an objection procedure, please provide wording to be inserted. In the draft is a section for minority views. It would be most helpful if the wording could be provided two day in advance of the next IDNC WG call.

The intention is to post the draft Final Report on the ICANN Website by 13 June 2008.

Kind regards,