Sent on behalf of Scott Pinzon

The redesign of ICANN.ORG <
http://ICANN.ORG>  just went live today, 27 February.   

The new information architecture arranges the resources that ICANN.ORG offers in a more logical style. More than 38,000 pages and files were carefully examined and migrated into the best locations, following extensive consultation with the ICANN community:

  1. Nearly 300 responses to the site survey conducted by The Revere Group
  2. More than two dozen in-depth interviews with SO and AC members
  3. A series of live briefings (with Q&A) across two ICANN public meetings
  4. At least three briefings to Board Directors (via the Public Participation Committee)
  5. Two public webinars requesting input and concerns

Some of the new features on the site include:

Note that the changes affect, quite literally, ICANN.ORG, and not other ICANN sites such as,, the wiki sites, and so on.

If you’d like to provide feedback or ask questions about the new look and feel, please feel free to email

Thanks also for your patience and support during the careful process that has brought us to this milestone. We’re far from done, but I hope you'll see the newly redesigned site as a significant improvement in making ICANN’s work more understandable and inclusive.

Best Regards,

Scott Pinzon
Director of Marketing and Outreach