
The latest on Helsinki planning below.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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Begin forwarded message:

From: "Tanzanica S. King" <>
Date: May 16, 2016 at 12:20:58 AM GMT+1
To: "Austin, Donna" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, James Bladel <>
Cc: Nick Tomasso <>, "" <>, David Olive <>, Sally Costerton <>, Teresa Elias <>, "Michelle Bright" <>, Melissa King <>, Vinciane Koenigsfeld <>, Heidi Ullrich <>, Gisella Gruber <>, "Olof Nordling" <>, Julia Charvolen <>, Marika Konings <>, Glen de Saint Géry <>, Bart Boswinkel <>, Joke Braeken <>, "" <>, Maya Saito <>, Steve Sheng <>, Julie Hedlund <>
Subject: ICANN56 - Schedule DRAFTv3.3

Hi All,

The latest schedule is attached and updated on the community wiki page

Block Schedule

In an effort to increase the time you have available to meet, I made a few changes to the block schedule format (some of which you may have already noticed in the last version that went out) :

- The afternoon coffee break has been reduced to 15 min
- Day now ends at 1830 instead of 1800 and all afternoon time slots are 90 min
- Lunch is scheduled from 1200-1330 daily, however a minimum of just 60 min is required, therefore you have the option to schedule morning sessions through 12:30 if needed.

Slight changes to some of your session times have also been made to match the available time blocks and breaks, but given the above option, you may want to make further adjustments to take advantage of the additional time offered.  

Proposed Layout for CC Topic Sessions

I believe the consensus for the cross-community discussions in the afternoons is for these to be topic based sessions for any SO/AC - type [2] as described in Patrik’s email. One SO/AC is the host/leader for each session, and these have been identified on the latest draft of the schedule.  Staff is reaching out to session leaders to collect description/agenda details for each topic and we will share those on this thread as soon as they become available. 

To Donna’s question below about CCWG and ICANN Accountability – I’ve noted ASO as a potential leader for this topic, but interest came from ASO, ALAC, and ccNSO.  Please share any thoughts you might have on the intent for this topic, and ultimately, who will host the discussion.

Evening Activities

We started to receive a number of requests for cocktails in the evenings.  In the spirit of cross community interaction and networking opportunities, we’ve decided the best approach is to have a reception for all delegates every evening.  

Monday:            1830-2000   Local Host Reception (Location: City Hall)
Tuesday:           1830-1930   President’s Reception
Wednesday:      1830-1930   Chairman’s Reception
Thursday:          1830-1930   Wrap-Up Reception

Next Steps

An invitation will go out to SO/AC support staff tomorrow so they can submit your final sessions into our Event Management Scheduling Software (EMS). All submissions will be due over the next two weeks and a final schedule will be posted no later than 6 June. 

Please let me know if you have any questions - Thanks!


Tanzanica S. King
Sr. Manager, Meeting Strategy and Design 

Office   +1 310 301 5800
Mobile  +1 310 995 3038

From: Donna Austin <>
Date: Mon, 9 May 2016 at 16:47
To: "Tanzanica S. King" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Alan Greenberg <>, Beran Dondeh <>, Ana Neves <>, Tom Dale <>, James Bladel <>
Cc: Nick Tomasso <>, "" <>, David Olive <>, Sally Costerton <>, Teresa Elias <>, Michelle Bright <>, Melissa King <>, Vinciane Koenigsfeld <>, Heidi Ullrich <>, Gisella Gruber <>, Olof Nordling <>, Julia Charvolen <>, Marika Konings <>, Glen de Saint Géry <>, Bart Boswinkel <>, Joke Braeken <>, "" <>, Maya Saito <>

Hi Tanzie


Thank you for the revised schedule. I think it’s looking good.


Is it possible to make a direct swap for two of the Cross Community Discussions please:

·        Move the PDP New gTLD Subsequent Procedures from Monday 1700-1830 to Tuesday at the same time; and

·        Move the PDP on Next Generation gTLD Registration Directory Service (WHOIS) from Tuesday at 1700-1830 to Monday at the same time.


This will enable the Cross Community Discussions to take place before the respective PDP WG sessions.


On your other questions:

  • Should any of the currently scheduled CC topic sessions be 100% non-conflicted? (I.e. CCWG & ICANN Accountability)

I’d like to have a better understanding of the intent of some of the sessions, for example if the CCWG & ICANN Accountability session is intended to be a update session then I question the value of having this identified as a 100% non-conflicted topic.


I’m not sure that the Privacy and Proxy issue needs to be a CC topic, but it would help to understand what folks would like to get from the discussion. As this topic was the subject of a long-running PDP and the recommendations were approved by the Council and forwarded to the Board for consideration, I’m not sure what we expect to gain from further discussion.


I support the remainder of the topics identified for CC Discussions being non-conflicted.

  • On the remaining eight discussion topics, I offer the following suggestions:

The GNSO Implementation Thick WHOIS Review Team does not need to be a CC topic and I’m not sure that it falls into the category of a bilateral discussion. My understanding is that this would be a meeting of the Implementation Review Team, which we hope can be accommodated into the overall schedule.

IGO-INGO names & acronyms also does not need to be a CC topic, but it is a topic that the GNSO Council has an interest in discussing with the Board.

The Charter for the CCWG on the use of gTLD Auction Proceeds already has a session on the schedule.





From: Tanzanica S. King []
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 10:37 PM
To:;;;;;;;;;;;; Austin, Donna <>;; James Bladel <>
Cc: Nick Tomasso <>;; David Olive <>; Sally Costerton <>; Teresa Elias <>; Michelle Bright <>; Melissa King <>; Vinciane Koenigsfeld <>; Heidi Ullrich <>; Gisella Gruber <>; Olof Nordling <>; Julia Charvolen <>; Marika Konings <>; Glen de Saint Géry <>; Bart Boswinkel <>; Joke Braeken <>;; Maya Saito <>


Hi Everyone,


Please see the attached document which includes a detailed list of proposed topics for cross community discussions in Helsinki and the latest draft schedule. (This info is also updated on the community wiki page at 


The revised schedule includes significant changes provided by ALAC, GNSO, ccNSO, and RSSAC. Additionally, eight of the most requested topics (out of 16 total) for cross community discussions have been tentatively slotted in the afternoons Monday through Thursday. 


PAGE 1-2: Please review the revised schedule and share any comments /suggestions with the group.

  • Day/Time preferences for CC topic sessions currently appearing on the schedule
  • Should any of the currently scheduled CC topic sessions be 100% non-conflicted? (I.e. CCWG & ICANN Accountability)


PAGE 3: Please provide any comments/suggestions for the remaining eight discussion topics.

  • Which topics are suitable for bilateral meetings? 
  • Will topics of interest to a single group be absorbed within the "intra-community" sessions of that group?


Please provide your feedback ASAP, but no later than EOD Monday, 9 May.





Tanzanica S. King

Sr. Manager, Meeting Strategy and Design 



Office   +1 310 301 5800

Mobile  +1 310 995 3038
