Dear Bruce,


Thanks for forwarding this to the Council. I note that Paul Twomey is suggesting what appears to be a session limited to the chairs of the SO, or their representative. In the Council case, we have used a small group of volunteers who have reviewed the Stratplan and participated throughout the process, being very inclusive of the full So in all the events, etc. I am not sure that it is feasible, or adviseable to resolve this into such a small group as Paul suggests. perhaps we can discuss further how best to ensure broad support to the Stratplan.



From:  "Bruce Tonkin" <>
To:  "GNSO Council" <>
Subject:  [council] ICANN Strategic Planning Process
Date:  Thu, 22 Sep 2005 17:10:58 +1000
>Hello All,
>See note from Paul Twomey below.
>I proposed we schedule a GNSO Council meeting for Thursday 6 October
>2005 to discuss the issues paper which will be available next week.   We
>can then respond back to Paul by 15 October 2005.
>Bruce Tonkin
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Paul Twomey []
>Sent: Thursday, 22 September 2005 4:58 PM
>To: Bruce Tonkin
>Subject: ICANN Strategic Planning Process
>Dear Bruce
>We are now in the middle of the ICANN strategic planning process for the
>2006-2009 plan.  In Luxembourg, the process was outlined, and a copy of
>that outline is attached.
>At present we are waiting for the response from the final SO/AC and hope
>to have the issues paper available next week.  This puts us a little
>behind schedule, but not hopelessly so.
>The next step is to have the SOs, ACs and other members of the community
>respond to the issues paper.  We will be asking for two elements in
>those responses.
>The first element will be an indication of whether the issues that have
>been identified in the issues paper are the correct issues.  The issues
>paper is based on the input that was received from the consultation
>process.  There will undoubtedly be places where the perspectives of
>members of the GNSO differ from some of the views of other members of
>the community.  What we are looking for is a validation that the major
>issues have been covered and that the views of the GNSO are represented,
>not that you agree with everything that everybody said.
>Based on those issues, we would like the GNSO to identify what it
>believes the strategic priorities for ICANN should be, and, if possible,
>how ICANN should go about addressing those priorities. If the priorities
>really are to be priorities, there should be no more than five of them.
>Although it is a tight deadline, we would like to have those responses
>by 15 October.
>As mentioned in Luxembourg, we would then like to convene a meeting of
>the Chairs of the SOs and ACs (or their representatives) to agree on a
>common set of priorities.  The arrangements for this meeting are still
>being finalised and we will let you know the details as soon as
>Once these key strategic priorities have been formulated, they will be
>circulated for comment.  Based on the feedback received, a draft
>strategic plan will be prepared for distribution in November.  Further
>consultation will take place at the Vancouver meeting, with a view to
>having the Board approve a final version of the plan in January.
>Thank you for your assistance in the planning process.

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