Draft Agenda for GNSO Council teleconference - Thursday 12 May 2005

Draft Agenda for Council meeting Thursday 12 May 2005 Coordinated Universal Time UTC 12:00 (5:00 Los Angeles, 8:00 Washington DC, 14:00 Brussels, 22:00 Melbourne) Item 1: Approval of minutes Item 2: Approval of new terms of reference for combined WHOIS task force, and approval of membership and voting rules Item 3: Process for use by ICANN in considering requests for consent and related contractual amendments to allow changes in the architecture operation of a gTLD registry. - review revised preliminary report for publication for public comment Item 4: Transfers policy report - discuss staff report, and provide guidance for the 6 monthly review Item 5: Update on ICANN strategic and operational planning process Item 6: Any other business

Dear Bruce and other council members, This message is to offer my resignation from the GNSO-council as representative of the NCUC effective immediately. For personal reasons I have been unable to participate in meetings and teleconferences since April of this year. I do not expect things to improve very soon. It seems better to let someone else take over now and not wait until my term expires in Autumn. It was great working with you all! Best wishes, Marc Schneiders

Dear Marc, sorry to hear this - you made a valuable contribution to much GNSO work. Philip
participants (3)
Bruce Tonkin
Marc Schneiders
Philip Sheppard