RE: SSR & WHOIS AoC Reviews - Applications - GNSO Endorsement

Here's corrected message: Here are the final set of applicants for the AoC SSR & Whois RTs. Note that GNSO AoC Reviews site contains these as well with their country and SG; see . The GNSO 21-day period for SG endorsements begins now. Primary SG endorsements and any alternate candidates to meet diversity goals are due not later than Friday, 20 August, but if you are able to provide them by Wednesday, 18 August, or sooner that would be much appreciated so that we can meet our procedural requirement of 8-day advance notice for our 26 August meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Thanks for your cooperation. Chuck From: Gomes, Chuck Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 11:45 AM To: Council GNSO Subject: FW: SSR & WHOIS AoC Reviews - Applications - GNSO Endorsement Importance: High Here are the final set of applicants for the AoC SSR & Whois RTs. Note that GNSO AoC Reviews site contains these as well with their country and SG; see . The GNSO 21-day period for SG endorsements begins now. Primary SG endorsements and any alternate candidates to meet diversity goals are due not later than Friday, 20 August, but if you are able to provide them by Wednesday, 8 August, or sooner that would be much appreciated so that we can meet our procedural requirement of 8-day advance notice for our 26 August meeting. Please provide this information to your respective groups right away. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Thanks for your cooperation. Chuck From: Alice Jansen [] Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 11:06 AM To: Gomes, Chuck Cc: 'Glen'; Olof Nordling Subject: SSR & WHOIS AoC Reviews - Applications - GNSO Endorsement Importance: High Dear Chuck, As you know, the deadline for a position of volunteer Member on the Security, Stability & Resiliency of the DNS (Affrev 2 - SSR) and WHOIS Policy (Affrev 4 - WHOIS) Review Teams expired yesterday. We are pleased to inform you that the overall number of applications received for a position on the Affirmation review 2 (SSR) tallies up to 21 while 15 candidatures were submitted for the Affirmation review 4 (WHOIS). Among the applicants, 15 Community Members stated their willingness to represent the GNSO during the process; the Review(s) for which they are volunteering are indicated for your convenience: - Bill Smith - 1. WHOIS 2. SSR - David Cake - SSR - Eric Brunner-Williams - 1. SSR 4. WHOIS - George Sakyi - SSR - Jeff Brueggeman - SSR - Kenneth Silva -SRR - Richard Wilhem - SRR - Amber Sterling - WHOIS - Babagana Abubakar - WHOIS - James Bladel - WHOIS - Kathy Kleiman - WHOIS - Kim Von Arx - WHOIS - Susan Kawaguchi - WHOIS - Attached please find the respective applicants' files and details. Passing on the torch to you, we now invite you to review these candidatures so as to determine the applications the GNSO wishes to endorse. Please inform us of your decision no later than 12 September - 23:59 UTC so that ICANN's CEO - Mr. Rod Beckstrom - and the Chair of the GAC - Mrs. Heather Dryden - may begin the selection process. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have further questions. Many thanks in advance for your cooperation. Kind regards Alice Alice E. Jansen -------------------------- ICANN Assistant, Organizational & Affirmation Reviews Direct Dial: + Mobile: + Office Fax: + Skype: alice_jansen_icann -------------------------- 6, Rond Point Schuman B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
participants (1)
Gomes, Chuck