REMINDER: EXTENSION of Public Comment: Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery Working Group Presents Its Proposed Final Report -extended to 22 APRIL Public Comment: Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery Working Group Presents Its Proposed Final Report Your Input Requested on Fourteen (14) Recommendations 21 February 2011 The GNSO Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery (PEDNR) Policy Development Process Working Group was tasked to address questions in relation to what extent registrants should be able to renew their domain names after they expire. At issue is whether the current policies of registrars on the renewal, transfer and deletion of expired domain names are adequate. Following review of the comments received on its Initial Report and further deliberations, the Working Group now presents its Proposed Final Report, which contains fourteen (14) recommendations to address the five charter questions it was assigned. Before finalizing its report and submitting it to the GNSO Council for its consideration, the Working Group is asking for your input on the proposed Final Report, especially the proposed recommendations. The public comment forum will be open for 45 days (until 7 April 2011 Extended to 22 April 22). For those interested, the PEDNR Working Group will present its report and proposed recommendations at the ICANN meeting in San Francisco (see for further details). The Recommendations (abbreviated version) The full recommendations including rationales and other comments can be found in the proposed Final Report. Recommendation #1: Define "Registered Name Holder at Expiration" (RNHaE) to clearly identify the entity or individual that was eligible to renew the domain name registration immediately prior to expiration. Recommendation #2: Provide a minimum of 8 days after expiration when the RNHaE can renew, and disable normal operation during that time to attract the attention of the RNHaE. Recommendation #3: Changes to WHOIS after expiration must not alter the RNHaE ability to renew. Recommendation #4: All unsponsored gTLD Registries shall offer the Redemption Grace Period (RGP). Recommendation #5: If a Registrar offers registrations in a gTLD that supports the RGP, the Registrar must allow the Registered Name Holder at Expiration to redeem the Registered Name after it has entered RGP. Recommendation #6: Registrar website should state any fee(s) charged for the post-expiration renewal of a domain name. Recommendation #7: Registrars who have a web presence, shall provide a link to ICANN published web content providing educational materials with respect to registrant responsibilities and the gTLD domain life-cycle. Recommendation #8: ICANN, with the support of Registrars, ALAC and other interested parties, is to develop educational materials about how to properly steward a domain name and how to prevent unintended loss. Recommendation #9: The registration agreement and Registrar web site (if one is used) must clearly indicate what methods will be used to deliver pre- and post-expiration notifications. Recommendation #10: Registrar must notify Registered name Holder of impending expiration no less than two times. Subject to an exceptions policy, the timing of such notices is specified. Recommendation #11: Notifications of impending expiration must include method(s) that do not require explicit action other than standard e-mail receipt in order to receive such notifications. Recommendation #12: Unless the Registered Name is deleted by the Registrar, at least one notification must be sent after expiration. Recommendation #13: If at any time after expiration when the Registered Name is still renewable by the RNHaE, the Registrar changes the DNS resolution path to effect a different landing website than the one used by the RNHaE prior to expiration, the page shown must explicitly say that the domain has expired and give instructions on how to recover the domain. Recommendation #14: Best Practice: If post-expiration notifications are normally sent to a point of contact using the domain in question, and delivery is known to have been interrupted by post-expiration actions, post-expiration notifications should be sent to some other contact point associated with the registrant if one exists. Deadline and how to submit comments Comments are welcome via e-mail to until 7 April 2011 Extended to 22 April 2011. Access to the public comment forum from which comments can be posted can be found at: An archive of all comments received will be publicly posted: Further information: * PEDNR PDP Proposed Final Report [PDF, 972 KB] * PEDNR PDP Proposed Final Report – Executive Summary only o English [PDF, 376 KB] o العربية o 中文 [PDF, 600 KB] o Français [PDF, 472 KB] o Español [PDF, 397 KB] o Русский [PDF, 501 KB] * PEDNR PDP Initial Report [PDF, 1.02 MB] * PEDNR PDP Initial Report - Executive Summary o English [PDF, 128 KB] * PEDNR WG workspace Background At the ICANN Meeting in Cairo in November 2008, the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC), voted to request an Issues Report on the subject of registrants being able to recover domain names after their formal expiration date. The ALAC request was submitted to ICANN policy staff and the GNSO Council on 20 November 2008. The Issues Report on Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery [PDF, 422 KB] was submitted to the GNSO Council on 5 December 2008. The GNSO Council initiated a PDP on 7 May 2009 and tasked a Working Group to answer the following charter questions: * Whether adequate opportunity exists for registrants to redeem their expired domain names; * Whether expiration-related provisions in typical registration agreements are clear and conspicuous enough; * Whether adequate notice exists to alert registrants of upcoming expirations; * Whether additional measures need to be implemented to indicate that once a domain name enters the Auto-Renew Grace Period, it has expired (e.g., hold status, a notice on the site with a link to information on how to renew, or other options to be determined); * Whether to allow the transfer of a domain name during the RGP. The Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery (PEDNR) PDP Working Group started its deliberations in July 2009. Staff responsible: Marika Konings Glen de Saint Géry GNSO Secretariat
participants (1)
Glen de Saint Géry