FW: [Soac-infoalert] Important Review-related activities

From: David Olive [mailto:david.olive@icann.org] Sent: 22 June 2015 13:34 To: soac-infoalert@icann.org Cc: Charla Shambley Subject: [Soac-infoalert] Important Review-related activities Public session at ICANN53 AoC and Organizational Reviews: Supporting ICANN Accountability <http://buenosaires53.icann.org/en/schedule/wed-aoc-org-reviews> . Wed, 24 June 2015 - 10:30 to 12:00 ART; Room: Libertador AB . Session overview: Reviews make an important contribution to supporting ICANN accountability. During this session, we will cover Reviews defined by the Affirmation of Commitments (AoC) and Organizational Reviews, mandated by ICANN's Bylaws. Topics will include: proposed schedule for upcoming reviews, proposed process and operational improvements to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of reviews, implementation status of recommendations from the Second Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT2), the Security, Stability & Resiliency of the DNS Review (SSR) and the "WHOIS Policy" Review (WHOIS). Public Comment pertaining to Proposed Schedule and Process/Operational Improvements for AoC and Organizational Reviews <https://www.icann.org/public-comments/proposed-aoc-org-reviews-process-2015 -05-15-en> . . Public comments period closes 2 July. . The purpose of this Public Comment posting: to request community feedback on a proposed schedule and process, including operational improvements, for Reviews mandated by the Affirmation of Commitments (AoC Reviews) and the ICANN Bylaws (Organizational Reviews). The request for the community is based on both appreciating the community's workload and the timing of several Reviews in FY2016. Larisa B. Gurnick Director, Strategic Initiatives Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) larisa.gurnick@icann.org 310 383-8995
participants (1)
Jonathan Robinson