FW: Cross-Community Working Group (CCWG) to develop a plan for the use of new gTLD auction proceeds
From: Byron Holland [mailto:byron.holland@cira.ca] Sent: 20 May 2015 11:19 To: jrobinson@afilias.info Cc: Bart Boswinkel Subject: Cross-Community Working Group (CCWG) to develop a plan for the use of new gTLD auction proceeds Dear Jonathan, In March 2015, the ccNSO was requested to indicate whether it would support the creation of a cross-community working group or working group to develop a plan for the use of the gTLD auction proceeds, which was followed by an invitation in April 2015 to participate in the drafting team for the charter of a cross-community working group. As already indicated in March 2015, the ccNSO Council decided that the ccNSO will not participate in a cross-community working group. The main reason is that ccTLDs did not contribute to the proceeds of the auction of new gTLD proceeds, and hence it is considered out of scope. However, the ccNSO Council did acknowledge that some members of the ccTLD community have experience in dealing with funds such as from the auction proceeds, and that this experience could be valuable for developing a plan for the use of those proceeds. Once the charter of the CCWG has been adopted and a call for volunteers is received, the ccNSO Council will convey this call to individual ccTLDs and others realted to the ccTLD community who have experience in this area. On behalf of the ccNSO Council Byron Holland, Chair
participants (1)
Jonathan Robinson