Supporting Document for November Council Meeting Agenda Item 4: Revised GNSO Councilor Job Description for the Nominating Committee

Dear Councilors, On behalf of the small team (Flip Petillion, Mark Datysgeld, Maxim Alzoba, Olga Cavalli, and Tomslin Samme-Nlar) that worked on the revised NomCom job description, please find their proposed final draft attached in both redline and clean. This version attempts to take into account the initial edits proposed initially by the previous Council leadership team, discussion both on list and during the previous Council call, as well as subsequent email dialogue amongst the small team. Best, Steve Steven Chan Senior Director, GNSO Support Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536 Email:<> Skype: steve.chan55 Mobile: +1.310.339.4410 Find out more about the GNSO by visiting:<> Follow @GNSO on Twitter:<> Transcripts and recordings of GNSO Working Group and Council events are located on the GNSO Master Calendar <>

Thanks for your hard work on this job description. NCSG has had a brief discussion on this topic, and believes that we have taken a slight wrong turn in some of the revisions. We believe that it is important for Nomcom to seek fresh eyes and talent for the Nomcom representatives on Council. The job description should therefore not insist, as this new version does, on the importance of experience. Understanding of the role of the GNSO, certainly, but experience in the ICANN MS model and its structures is certainly NOT necessary or even desireable. WE want fresh eyes, different experience and ideas that can help us improve. There is obviously an issue if former Councillors start to apply for a Nomcom seat on Council when their terms are up, in terms of upsetting the balance of stakeholder group/constituency representation. We are not looking for a prohibition of Councillors coming back as Nomcom, just to remove the emphasis on previous GNSO/ICANN experience. I hope that I have expressed the views of my SG adequately in these comments and the attached markup, and suggest we have a thorough discussion of this topic in our meeting this week. Stephanie Perrin On 2021-11-15 8:00 p.m., Steve Chan via council wrote:
Dear Councilors,
On behalf of the small team (Flip Petillion, Mark Datysgeld, Maxim Alzoba, Olga Cavalli, and Tomslin Samme-Nlar) that worked on the revised NomCom job description, please find their proposed final draft attached in both redline and clean. This version attempts to take into account the initial edits proposed initially by the previous Council leadership team, discussion both on list and during the previous Council call, as well as subsequent email dialogue amongst the small team.
*Steven Chan** ***
Senior Director, GNSO Support
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536
Email: <>
Skype: steve.chan55
Mobile: +1.310.339.4410
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Follow @GNSO on Twitter: <>
Transcripts and recordings of GNSO Working Group and Council events are located on the GNSO Master Calendar<>
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Dear Stephanie, It took me a moment to see what you were suggesting, as I saw no redlines. I’ve since seen your comment in the Word doc and thought it might be helpful to make clear what specific change you are suggesting. For the first sentence under Job Description: * As currently shared: The NomCom is seeking accomplished persons of integrity, objectivity, and intelligence with experience in the multistakeholder policymaking process and within the GNSO community. * Suggested change, which reverts to previous language: The NomCom is seeking accomplished persons of integrity, objectivity, and intelligence with an interest in the multistakeholder policymaking process. I have tried to highlight the difference between the two versions by bolding the relevant elements, and hope Councilors find this helpful. Best, Steve From: council <> on behalf of Stephanie E Perrin via council <> Reply-To: Stephanie E Perrin <> Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 10:02 AM To: "" <> Cc: NCSG PC <> Subject: Re: [council] Supporting Document for November Council Meeting Agenda Item 4: Revised GNSO Councilor Job Description for the Nominating Committee Thanks for your hard work on this job description. NCSG has had a brief discussion on this topic, and believes that we have taken a slight wrong turn in some of the revisions. We believe that it is important for Nomcom to seek fresh eyes and talent for the Nomcom representatives on Council. The job description should therefore not insist, as this new version does, on the importance of experience. Understanding of the role of the GNSO, certainly, but experience in the ICANN MS model and its structures is certainly NOT necessary or even desireable. WE want fresh eyes, different experience and ideas that can help us improve. There is obviously an issue if former Councillors start to apply for a Nomcom seat on Council when their terms are up, in terms of upsetting the balance of stakeholder group/constituency representation. We are not looking for a prohibition of Councillors coming back as Nomcom, just to remove the emphasis on previous GNSO/ICANN experience. I hope that I have expressed the views of my SG adequately in these comments and the attached markup, and suggest we have a thorough discussion of this topic in our meeting this week. Stephanie Perrin On 2021-11-15 8:00 p.m., Steve Chan via council wrote: Dear Councilors, On behalf of the small team (Flip Petillion, Mark Datysgeld, Maxim Alzoba, Olga Cavalli, and Tomslin Samme-Nlar) that worked on the revised NomCom job description, please find their proposed final draft attached in both redline and clean. This version attempts to take into account the initial edits proposed initially by the previous Council leadership team, discussion both on list and during the previous Council call, as well as subsequent email dialogue amongst the small team. Best, Steve Steven Chan Senior Director, GNSO Support Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536 Email:<> Skype: steve.chan55 Mobile: +1.310.339.4410 Find out more about the GNSO by visiting:<> Follow @GNSO on Twitter:<> Transcripts and recordings of GNSO Working Group and Council events are located on the GNSO Master Calendar <> _______________________________________________ council mailing list<> _______________________________________________ By submitting your personal data, you consent to the processing of your personal data for purposes of subscribing to this mailing list accordance with the ICANN Privacy Policy ( and the website Terms of Service ( You can visit the Mailman link above to change your membership status or configuration, including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.

Dear Councillors, If I may, The proposed redraft of the second bullet under the last section of "Eligibility" may require some clarification: *Eligibility* - The memberApplicants must commit to act independently and in the larger public interest, and not act as a representative of, nor lobby or advance the interest of any ICANN community group, client, employer, organization, group, or committee. Does Council intend for this commitment to be solicited during NomCom's application process *but to only have effect during the term of a selected Applicant*? Otherwise, this draft could be interpreted to instantaneously render certain potential candidates ineligible to apply, eg. someone appointed by an ICANN community group etc to participate and continues to participate in an existing PDP WG under the PDP 3.0 representative models, during the application period. Noting that this JD also provides that NomCom appointee can participate in GNSO and Council activities, including GNSO WG. Thank you, Justine On Thu, 18 Nov 2021 at 05:45, Steve Chan via council <> wrote:
Dear Stephanie,
It took me a moment to see what you were suggesting, as I saw no redlines. I’ve since seen your comment in the Word doc and thought it might be helpful to make clear what specific change you are suggesting. For the first sentence under Job Description:
- *As currently shared*: The NomCom is seeking accomplished persons of integrity, objectivity, and intelligence *with experience* in the multistakeholder policymaking process *and within the GNSO community*.
- *Suggested change, which reverts to previous language*: The NomCom is seeking accomplished persons of integrity, objectivity, and intelligence with *an interest* in the multistakeholder policymaking process.
I have tried to highlight the difference between the two versions by bolding the relevant elements, and hope Councilors find this helpful.
*From: *council <> on behalf of Stephanie E Perrin via council <> *Reply-To: *Stephanie E Perrin <> *Date: *Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 10:02 AM *To: *"" <> *Cc: *NCSG PC <> *Subject: *Re: [council] Supporting Document for November Council Meeting Agenda Item 4: Revised GNSO Councilor Job Description for the Nominating Committee
Thanks for your hard work on this job description. NCSG has had a brief discussion on this topic, and believes that we have taken a slight wrong turn in some of the revisions. We believe that it is important for Nomcom to seek fresh eyes and talent for the Nomcom representatives on Council. The job description should therefore not insist, as this new version does, on the importance of experience. Understanding of the role of the GNSO, certainly, but experience in the ICANN MS model and its structures is certainly NOT necessary or even desireable. WE want fresh eyes, different experience and ideas that can help us improve.
There is obviously an issue if former Councillors start to apply for a Nomcom seat on Council when their terms are up, in terms of upsetting the balance of stakeholder group/constituency representation. We are not looking for a prohibition of Councillors coming back as Nomcom, just to remove the emphasis on previous GNSO/ICANN experience.
I hope that I have expressed the views of my SG adequately in these comments and the attached markup, and suggest we have a thorough discussion of this topic in our meeting this week.
Stephanie Perrin
On 2021-11-15 8:00 p.m., Steve Chan via council wrote:
Dear Councilors,
On behalf of the small team (Flip Petillion, Mark Datysgeld, Maxim Alzoba, Olga Cavalli, and Tomslin Samme-Nlar) that worked on the revised NomCom job description, please find their proposed final draft attached in both redline and clean. This version attempts to take into account the initial edits proposed initially by the previous Council leadership team, discussion both on list and during the previous Council call, as well as subsequent email dialogue amongst the small team.
*Steven Chan*
Senior Director, GNSO Support
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536
Skype: steve.chan55
Mobile: +1.310.339.4410
Find out more about the GNSO by visiting: <>
Follow @GNSO on Twitter: <>
Transcripts and recordings of GNSO Working Group and Council events are located on the GNSO Master Calendar <>
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_______________________________________________ council mailing list
_______________________________________________ By submitting your personal data, you consent to the processing of your personal data for purposes of subscribing to this mailing list accordance with the ICANN Privacy Policy ( and the website Terms of Service ( You can visit the Mailman link above to change your membership status or configuration, including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.

Dear Councilors, Council Leadership worked with Support Staff to produce an updated version of the GNSO Councilor Job Description, incorporating the recent feedback from both Paul and Justine. Please let us know if you have any additional feedback. Thank you. Best regards, Caitlin From: council <> on behalf of Justine Chew via council <> Reply-To: Justine Chew <> Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 8:36 PM To: "" <> Subject: Re: [council] Supporting Document for November Council Meeting Agenda Item 4: Revised GNSO Councilor Job Description for the Nominating Committee Dear Councillors, If I may, The proposed redraft of the second bullet under the last section of "Eligibility" may require some clarification: Eligibility * The memberApplicants must commit to act independently and in the larger public interest, and not act as a representative of, nor lobby or advance the interest of any ICANN community group, client, employer, organization, group, or committee. Does Council intend for this commitment to be solicited during NomCom's application process but to only have effect during the term of a selected Applicant? Otherwise, this draft could be interpreted to instantaneously render certain potential candidates ineligible to apply, eg. someone appointed by an ICANN community group etc to participate and continues to participate in an existing PDP WG under the PDP 3.0 representative models, during the application period. Noting that this JD also provides that NomCom appointee can participate in GNSO and Council activities, including GNSO WG. Thank you, Justine On Thu, 18 Nov 2021 at 05:45, Steve Chan via council <<>> wrote: Dear Stephanie, It took me a moment to see what you were suggesting, as I saw no redlines. I’ve since seen your comment in the Word doc and thought it might be helpful to make clear what specific change you are suggesting. For the first sentence under Job Description: * As currently shared: The NomCom is seeking accomplished persons of integrity, objectivity, and intelligence with experience in the multistakeholder policymaking process and within the GNSO community. * Suggested change, which reverts to previous language: The NomCom is seeking accomplished persons of integrity, objectivity, and intelligence with an interest in the multistakeholder policymaking process. I have tried to highlight the difference between the two versions by bolding the relevant elements, and hope Councilors find this helpful. Best, Steve From: council <<>> on behalf of Stephanie E Perrin via council <<>> Reply-To: Stephanie E Perrin <<>> Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 10:02 AM To: "<>" <<>> Cc: NCSG PC <<>> Subject: Re: [council] Supporting Document for November Council Meeting Agenda Item 4: Revised GNSO Councilor Job Description for the Nominating Committee Thanks for your hard work on this job description. NCSG has had a brief discussion on this topic, and believes that we have taken a slight wrong turn in some of the revisions. We believe that it is important for Nomcom to seek fresh eyes and talent for the Nomcom representatives on Council. The job description should therefore not insist, as this new version does, on the importance of experience. Understanding of the role of the GNSO, certainly, but experience in the ICANN MS model and its structures is certainly NOT necessary or even desireable. WE want fresh eyes, different experience and ideas that can help us improve. There is obviously an issue if former Councillors start to apply for a Nomcom seat on Council when their terms are up, in terms of upsetting the balance of stakeholder group/constituency representation. We are not looking for a prohibition of Councillors coming back as Nomcom, just to remove the emphasis on previous GNSO/ICANN experience. I hope that I have expressed the views of my SG adequately in these comments and the attached markup, and suggest we have a thorough discussion of this topic in our meeting this week. Stephanie Perrin On 2021-11-15 8:00 p.m., Steve Chan via council wrote: Dear Councilors, On behalf of the small team (Flip Petillion, Mark Datysgeld, Maxim Alzoba, Olga Cavalli, and Tomslin Samme-Nlar) that worked on the revised NomCom job description, please find their proposed final draft attached in both redline and clean. This version attempts to take into account the initial edits proposed initially by the previous Council leadership team, discussion both on list and during the previous Council call, as well as subsequent email dialogue amongst the small team. Best, Steve Steven Chan Senior Director, GNSO Support Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536 Email:<> Skype: steve.chan55 Mobile: +1.310.339.4410 Find out more about the GNSO by visiting:<> Follow @GNSO on Twitter:<> Transcripts and recordings of GNSO Working Group and Council events are located on the GNSO Master Calendar <> _______________________________________________ council mailing list<> _______________________________________________ By submitting your personal data, you consent to the processing of your personal data for purposes of subscribing to this mailing list accordance with the ICANN Privacy Policy ( and the website Terms of Service ( You can visit the Mailman link above to change your membership status or configuration, including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on. _______________________________________________ council mailing list<> _______________________________________________ By submitting your personal data, you consent to the processing of your personal data for purposes of subscribing to this mailing list accordance with the ICANN Privacy Policy ( and the website Terms of Service ( You can visit the Mailman link above to change your membership status or configuration, including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.

Dear Councilors, Having seen no comments to date regarding the GNSO Councilor Job Description distributed by Caitlin below, I’d like to suggest that unless there are any remaining concerns, the description will be sent to the relevant NomCom support staff shortly after 23:59 UTC on 1 December 2021. Best, Steve From: council <> on behalf of Caitlin Tubergen via council <> Reply-To: Caitlin Tubergen <> Date: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 at 10:36 AM To: Justine Chew <>, "" <> Subject: Re: [council] Supporting Document for November Council Meeting Agenda Item 4: Revised GNSO Councilor Job Description for the Nominating Committee Dear Councilors, Council Leadership worked with Support Staff to produce an updated version of the GNSO Councilor Job Description, incorporating the recent feedback from both Paul and Justine. Please let us know if you have any additional feedback. Thank you. Best regards, Caitlin From: council <> on behalf of Justine Chew via council <> Reply-To: Justine Chew <> Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 8:36 PM To: "" <> Subject: Re: [council] Supporting Document for November Council Meeting Agenda Item 4: Revised GNSO Councilor Job Description for the Nominating Committee Dear Councillors, If I may, The proposed redraft of the second bullet under the last section of "Eligibility" may require some clarification: Eligibility * The memberApplicants must commit to act independently and in the larger public interest, and not act as a representative of, nor lobby or advance the interest of any ICANN community group, client, employer, organization, group, or committee. Does Council intend for this commitment to be solicited during NomCom's application process but to only have effect during the term of a selected Applicant? Otherwise, this draft could be interpreted to instantaneously render certain potential candidates ineligible to apply, eg. someone appointed by an ICANN community group etc to participate and continues to participate in an existing PDP WG under the PDP 3.0 representative models, during the application period. Noting that this JD also provides that NomCom appointee can participate in GNSO and Council activities, including GNSO WG. Thank you, Justine On Thu, 18 Nov 2021 at 05:45, Steve Chan via council <<>> wrote: Dear Stephanie, It took me a moment to see what you were suggesting, as I saw no redlines. I’ve since seen your comment in the Word doc and thought it might be helpful to make clear what specific change you are suggesting. For the first sentence under Job Description: * As currently shared: The NomCom is seeking accomplished persons of integrity, objectivity, and intelligence with experience in the multistakeholder policymaking process and within the GNSO community. * Suggested change, which reverts to previous language: The NomCom is seeking accomplished persons of integrity, objectivity, and intelligence with an interest in the multistakeholder policymaking process. I have tried to highlight the difference between the two versions by bolding the relevant elements, and hope Councilors find this helpful. Best, Steve From: council <<>> on behalf of Stephanie E Perrin via council <<>> Reply-To: Stephanie E Perrin <<>> Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 10:02 AM To: "<>" <<>> Cc: NCSG PC <<>> Subject: Re: [council] Supporting Document for November Council Meeting Agenda Item 4: Revised GNSO Councilor Job Description for the Nominating Committee Thanks for your hard work on this job description. NCSG has had a brief discussion on this topic, and believes that we have taken a slight wrong turn in some of the revisions. We believe that it is important for Nomcom to seek fresh eyes and talent for the Nomcom representatives on Council. The job description should therefore not insist, as this new version does, on the importance of experience. Understanding of the role of the GNSO, certainly, but experience in the ICANN MS model and its structures is certainly NOT necessary or even desireable. WE want fresh eyes, different experience and ideas that can help us improve. There is obviously an issue if former Councillors start to apply for a Nomcom seat on Council when their terms are up, in terms of upsetting the balance of stakeholder group/constituency representation. We are not looking for a prohibition of Councillors coming back as Nomcom, just to remove the emphasis on previous GNSO/ICANN experience. I hope that I have expressed the views of my SG adequately in these comments and the attached markup, and suggest we have a thorough discussion of this topic in our meeting this week. Stephanie Perrin On 2021-11-15 8:00 p.m., Steve Chan via council wrote: Dear Councilors, On behalf of the small team (Flip Petillion, Mark Datysgeld, Maxim Alzoba, Olga Cavalli, and Tomslin Samme-Nlar) that worked on the revised NomCom job description, please find their proposed final draft attached in both redline and clean. This version attempts to take into account the initial edits proposed initially by the previous Council leadership team, discussion both on list and during the previous Council call, as well as subsequent email dialogue amongst the small team. Best, Steve Steven Chan Senior Director, GNSO Support Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536 Email:<> Skype: steve.chan55 Mobile: +1.310.339.4410 Find out more about the GNSO by visiting:<> Follow @GNSO on Twitter:<> Transcripts and recordings of GNSO Working Group and Council events are located on the GNSO Master Calendar <> _______________________________________________ council mailing list<> _______________________________________________ By submitting your personal data, you consent to the processing of your personal data for purposes of subscribing to this mailing list accordance with the ICANN Privacy Policy ( and the website Terms of Service ( You can visit the Mailman link above to change your membership status or configuration, including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on. _______________________________________________ council mailing list<> _______________________________________________ By submitting your personal data, you consent to the processing of your personal data for purposes of subscribing to this mailing list accordance with the ICANN Privacy Policy ( and the website Terms of Service ( You can visit the Mailman link above to change your membership status or configuration, including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.
participants (4)
Caitlin Tubergen
Justine Chew
Stephanie E Perrin
Steve Chan