Call for Volunteers to the PDP Working Group on IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms

Dear fellow Councilors, As GNSO Council liaison to the new PDP Working Group on IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms, I write to ask that you circulate the Call for Volunteers to the WG to your respective communities: <>. We are preparing to hold our first meeting on Monday 11 August, and would very much like to see representation from all GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies and if possible the ccNSO, ALAC and other SO/ACs, especially those who participated in the original IGO-INGO PDP Working Group chaired by Thomas. I will also be reaching out to the GAC, to try to ensure balanced and diverse representation in this WG, including from IGO and INGO representatives if they are interested. Please do not hesitate to contact me or the policy staff supporting this WG (Mary Wong, Steve Chan and Berry Cobb) if you have any questions or require further information. FYI the WG currently has volunteers from the BC, IPC, RySG as well as several individuals participating in a personal capacity. The current list of WG volunteers is posted on the WG’s wiki space at <>. Please note also that this is the first WG formed for which participants can choose to be a full member or an observer (i.e. tracking the mailing list but without participating in the meetings; this status can be changed on request). Best regards, Petter -- Petter Rindforth, LL M Fenix Legal KB Stureplan 4c, 4tr 114 35 Stockholm Sweden Fax: +46(0)8-4631010 Direct phone: +46(0)702-369360 E-mail: NOTICE This e-mail message is intended solely for the individual or individuals to whom it is addressed. It may contain confidential attorney-client privileged information and attorney work product. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are requested not to read, copy or distribute it or any of the information it contains. Please delete it immediately and notify us by return e-mail. Fenix Legal KB, Sweden, Thank you
participants (1)
Petter Rindforth