Celebrate a Storybook Evening in Copenhagen with Verisign

Hello GNSO Council colleagues and ICANN GNSO Team. You are all invited to Verisign’s reception in Copenhagen, which is scheduled for Sunday the 12th. Details are below. I hope you can make it! Best regards, Keith If your email program has trouble displaying this email, view it as a web page<http://now.eloqua.com/es.asp?s=425&e=250593&elqTrackId=2245ca904e4b4268ac39b...> Join Verisign to celebrate a Story Book Evening Join Verisign to celebrate a Story Book Evening<http://img.en25.com/EloquaImages/clients/Verisign/%7bfe8a03b0-5fa4-45fe-8d44...> <http://s3.amazonaws.com/verisign-email-2017/VRSN_Copenhagen_ICANN_Email_0222...> Join Verisign to celebrate a Story Book Evening at the H.C. Andersen Castle in Tivoli Garden. The H.C. Andersen Castle is named after the world famous Danish fairytale writer Hans Christian Andersen – whose famous works include The Ugly Duckling, The Little Mermaid, The Nightingale and many more timeless classics. Tivoli Garden is a top attraction in Copenhagen and we hope you can join us for drinks, appetizers and great company. EVENT DETAILS: Date: Sunday, March 12 Time: 19:00 – 22:00 hours Venue: H.C. Andersen Castle H.C. Andersen Blvd. 22, 1553 København V, Denmark Phone +45 33 15 10 01 Dress Code: Business Attire or Cocktail Getting There: The castle is located a short drive from AC Bella Sky. Buses will be available from the AC Bella Sky departing at 18:30 until 19:30 hours. Please have your RSVP confirmation page and ICANN Name Badge with you prior to loading the bus. Entrance: Your ICANN Name Badge and a RSVP Confirmation is required to enter the event. This exclusive event is by INVITATION ONLY. <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-story-book-evening-with-verisign-tickets-3231...> <http://s3.amazonaws.com/verisign-email-2017/VRSN_Copenhagen_ICANN_Email_0222...> <https://twitter.com/verisign?elqTrackId=5c98875f5d2e402f9e571766b59c263e&elq...> <https://www.facebook.com/Verisign?elqTrackId=87a7dd04226a4937904e8c9f33bd180...> <http://www.linkedin.com/company/verisign?elqTrackId=177d733ac979442b8e05e72d...> <http://blogs.verisigninc.com?elqTrackId=6cb9d63530234fe189481c8b9523ae26&elq...> Connect with Verisign on Social Media to stay on top of current internet security news, trends, and information. <http://img.en25.com/EloquaImages/clients/Verisign/%7b9ba0327d-eaaf-439d-b14a...> Verisign.com<http://www.Verisign.com?elqTrackId=e0a605df77aa47078061359eea607c45&elq=f287...> ©2017 Verisign, Inc. All rights reserved. VERISIGN, the VERISIGN logo, and other trademarks, service marks, and designs are registered or unregistered trademarks of Verisign, Inc. and its subsidiaries in the United States and in foreign countries. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. To remove your name from future Verisign promotional mailings or to update your communication preferences and user profile, please visit us at: http://www.verisign.com/en_US/compref/index.xhtml<http://www.verisign.com/en_US/compref/index.xhtml?elqTrackId=9d887eff59524234ad5d335de8414ce1&elq=f2874edd00b0404fada8719284d6701e&elqaid=2201&elqat=1&elqCampaignId=1899> or write to Verisign, Inc., Attention: Subscriber Services, 12061 Bluemont Way, Reston, VA 20190. To remove yourself from receiving future Verisign promotional emails or non-service emails, please visit us at http://www.verisign.com/compref/<HTTP://www.verisigninc.com/compref?elq=f2874edd00b0404fada8719284d6701e&elqaid=2201&elqat=1&elqTrackId=44e685fd90444185ab5b5950990d472d>and update your communication preferences and user profile. <http://s425.t.en25.com/e/FooterImages/FooterImage1?elq=f2874edd00b0404fada87...>
participants (1)
Drazek, Keith