Fwd: Budget Process Proposal on Community Wiki Page

Councillors, FYI. Stéphane Début du message réexpédié :
De : "Maya S. Reynolds" <maya.reynolds@icann.org> Objet : Budget Process Proposal on Community Wiki Page Date : 29 septembre 2012 02:10:23 HAEC À : Charles Gomes <cgomes@verisign.com>, "tijani.benjemaa@fmai.org" <tijani.benjemaa@fmai.org>, Marilyn Cade <marilynscade@hotmail.com>, Chris Chaplow <chris@andalucia.com>, Raimundo Beca <rbeca@imaginaccion.cl>, Bret Fausett <bret@internet.pro>, 'Roelof Meijer' <roelof.meijer@sidn.nl>, Paul Diaz <pdiaz@pir.org>, Olivier Crepin-Leblond <ocl@gih.com>, Alain Berranger <alain.berranger@gmail.com>, "tonyarholmes@btinternet.com" <tonyarholmes@btinternet.com>, Patrik Fältström <patrik@frobbit.se>, Steven Metalitz <met@msk.com>, Heather <Heather.Dryden@ic.gc.ca>, "junsec@wide.ad.jp" <junsec@wide.ad.jp>, "lesley@nominet.org.uk" <lesley@nominet.org.uk>, 'Stéphane Van Gelder' <stephane.vangelder@indom.com>, "jcurran@arin.net" <jcurran@arin.net>, Robin Gross <robin@ipjustice.org>, "dave@difference.com.au" <dave@difference.com.au>, "dmaher@pir.org" <dmaher@pir.org>, "matt.serlin@markmonitor.com" <matt.serlin@markmonitor.com>, Byron Holland <byron.holland@cira.ca>, 'Louie ' <louie@louie.net> Cc : Aba Diakite <aba.diakite@icann.org>, Janice Douma Lange <janice.lange@icann.org>, "Xavier J. Calvez" <xavier.calvez@icann.org>, Larisa Gurnick <larisa.gurnick@icann.org>, Sharon van Dort <sharon.vandort@sidn.nl>, Gisella Gruber <Gisella.Gruber@icann.org>, Carole Cornell <carole.cornell@icann.org>, "Maya S. Reynolds" <maya.reynolds@icann.org>
Dear All,
We would like to remind you that the draft budget document that we reviewed in the last Ad Hoc session is on the wiki for you to comment through Monday (Also attached in this email). We will consider any of those comments, or ones received previously, in the final draft plan that will be discussed on Sunday 14 October in Toronto.
Community Wiki Page: https://community.icann.org/display/projfinadhocws/Finance+Ad+Hoc+Community+...
If you have any difficulty logging to the community wiki, please contact Maya Reynolds maya.reynolds@icann.org. Thank you for your continuous support.
Best regards, Maya Reynolds on behalf of Xavier Calvez, ICANN CFO
Maya Saito Reynolds Executive Assistant to Xavier Calvez, CFO ICANN 12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536 310-301-5833 Office 310-339-3787 Cell
participants (1)
Stéphane Van Gelder