Updated: Action Items - GNSO Council meeting | 15 December 2022

*Please note additional Action Item to #7, assigned to all councilors * Dear Councilors, Please find the action items, as stated during the meeting, below arising from the GNSO Council meeting held on Thursday 15 December 2022. Please refer to the Action Item page<https://community.icann.org/display/gnsocouncilmeetings/Action+Items> for updates on item completion progress. Please take note of the action items coming out of the Council meeting and the proposed timing for delivering on these actions. Please refer to this page for the recent status updates on the Action items. Please note that actions for all councilors are highlighted below. Item 3: Consent Agenda * Approval of Standing Selection Committee (SSC) leadership for 2022-2023 Action Items: On behalf of the GNSO Council, GNSO support staff: 1. Informs the candidates and the SSC that the GNSO Council has approved the SSC leadership team and 2. Thanks Arinola Akinyemi and Alan Woods for volunteering to serve on the SSC leadership team. * Confirmation of the Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) Chair and GNSO Council representative to the WS2 Community Coordination Group Action Items: On behalf of the GNSO Council, the ICANN org support staff thanks Olga Cavalli for her service and Manju Chen for volunteering to serve as the Chair of the CCOICI and as the GNSO Council representative to the WS2 Community Coordination Group (CCG) and requests her to report back to the GNSO Council on a regular basis on the status of the CCG’s deliberations. [ * Acknowledgment of the GNSO Council liaison to the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) for Applicant Support Action Items: On behalf of the GNSO Council, the GNSO support staff notifies Paul McGrady and the members of the Working Group that the GNSO Council has approved Paul McGrady in the position of Liaison from the GNSO Council to the GGP for Applicant Support Working Group. [COMPLETE] * Acknowledgment of the Work Plan [gnso.icann.org]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/policy/2022/draft/draft-subpro-ggp-initiation-request-clean-26oct22-en.pdf__;!!PtGJab4!9OXDvOmoaG7hFEMHqUwE8Scy5iVar1BGIZ_xpJuTZvuWFCKUulnFBVtEkTf-yBHGZrdIpR-o1R7YiW3bG-ArKYz7gx7Y_sg$>for the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) for Applicant Support Action Items: On behalf of the GNSO Council, the GNSO support staff notifies the GGP for Applicant Support WG of its approval of the WG’s Work Plan and Timeline. Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Adopting the Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvements (CCOICI)’s Work Stream 2 (WS2) Recommendations Report Action Items: The GNSO Council directs GNSO staff support to: 1. Communicate the WS2 status designations as outlined in the Recommendations Report to the relevant ICANN org colleagues to document the Council’s assessment of these recommendations; 2. Move forward with the implementation recommendations related to 2.1.2. (Petition for Removal of Directors); 3. Work on a proposed implementation of the recommendations, consulting relevant community experts as needed. This proposed implementation is to be reviewed by the GNSO Council before implementation; and 4. Thank the CCOICI for its work and expresses its appreciation to Olga Cavalli, who served until recently as the Chair of the CCOICI. [COMPLETE] Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Expired Domain Deletion Policy and the Expired Registration Recovery Policy Next Steps Action Items: The GNSO Council agreed to create a small team including: Greg DiBiase, Susan Payne, and Nacho Amadoz, to review the report from Contractual Compliance in detail and determine if any of the issues raised warrant further work at present. Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Debrief From Council-Specific SubPro Operational Design Assessment (ODA) Webinar and Q&A ( Action Items: 1. GNSO Council to reconstitute the previous SubPro ODP Q&A small team to develop questions to the ODA ICANN Org team and feedback to the Board. Volunteers from Council include Jeff Neuman, Anne Aikman-Scalese, Thomas Rickert, and Susan Payne. 2. GNSO Support staff to develop a draft assignment form to help guide the work of the small team. Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Review Action Items From Strategic Planning Session Action Items: GNSO Councilors to review by 27 January following which staff will post and assign action items. Item 8: ANY OTHER BUSINESS 8.1 - Vacant Council Liaison positions (TPR) Action Items: GNSO Chair to ask a Councilor to take on the role. Osvaldo Novoa volunteered. Secretariat staff to notify the TPR PDP WG accordingly. 8.2 - Standing Committee on ICANN Budget & Operations (SCBO) new approach - any objections? Action Items: Staff to carry out the steps to evolve the SCBO as outlined in the evolution proposal at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dQ7cAQeVpwfmeTC11H9BrF3UyWqtOvdFs2yN7kCv... [docs.google.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/1dQ7cAQeVpwfme...> 8.3 - Any suggested Additional Budget Requests (ABRs)? Action Items: Staff to provide a draft of an ABR for GNSO Council to consider at its meeting on 19 January to decide whether to submit for the deadline of 30 January 2023. 8.4 - Update on RPMs IRT timeline Action Items: John McElwaine to seek additional information during the next IRT meeting in January 2023. 8.5 - DNS abuse draft letters [gnso.icann.org]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/policy...> Action Items: DNS Abuse Team leadership to review suggestion in relation to requesting respondents to provide their definition of bulk registrations and suggest updates to the letter as deemed appropriate by Friday, 16 December.
participants (1)
Nathalie Peregrine