Credit where credit is due

All, Setting aside the fact that we were scheduled from dawn til dusk at the just concluded ICANN 49 in Singapore, I wanted to say I was not just tired but proud to be a part of such a group of (not too serious) people who seem to have their heads screwed on straight. I was glad to have such role models! As for a single take-away from the more than 24 hours we spent together, I have to credit Volker Greimann for putting it into words: "I'd rather be presumptuous than mute." Not a bad motto, eh? Cheers, Berard

Thanks John, We seem to be doing whatever we can to work productively and effectively without taking ourselves (too) seriously. Also, my sense is that we are gaining recognition for this such that we can expect to be heard when we make an important point. Jonathan From: [] Sent: 01 April 2014 00:36 To: Subject: [council] Credit where credit is due All, Setting aside the fact that we were scheduled from dawn til dusk at the just concluded ICANN 49 in Singapore, I wanted to say I was not just tired but proud to be a part of such a group of (not too serious) people who seem to have their heads screwed on straight. I was glad to have such role models! As for a single take-away from the more than 24 hours we spent together, I have to credit Volker Greimann for putting it into words: "I'd rather be presumptuous than mute." Not a bad motto, eh? Cheers, Berard

Indeed. We had a very productive week with regard to the advancement of GNSO recognition and got a few importnt points across, I think. Volker Am 01.04.2014 09:34, schrieb Jonathan Robinson:
Thanks John,
We seem to be doing whatever we can to work productively and effectively without taking ourselves (too) seriously.
Also, my sense is that we are gaining recognition for this such that we can expect to be heard when we make an important point.
*From:* [] *Sent:* 01 April 2014 00:36 *To:* *Subject:* [council] Credit where credit is due
Setting aside the fact that we were scheduled from dawn til dusk at the just concluded ICANN 49 in Singapore, I wanted to say I was not just tired but proud to be a part of such a group of (not too serious) people who seem to have their heads screwed on straight. I was glad to have such role models!
As for a single take-away from the more than 24 hours we spent together, I have to credit Volker Greimann for putting it into words: "I'd rather be presumptuous than mute." Not a bad motto, eh?
-- Bei weiteren Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Volker A. Greimann - Rechtsabteilung - Key-Systems GmbH Im Oberen Werk 1 66386 St. Ingbert Tel.: +49 (0) 6894 - 9396 901 Fax.: +49 (0) 6894 - 9396 851 Email: Web: / / Folgen Sie uns bei Twitter oder werden Sie unser Fan bei Facebook: Geschäftsführer: Alexander Siffrin Handelsregister Nr.: HR B 18835 - Saarbruecken Umsatzsteuer ID.: DE211006534 Member of the KEYDRIVE GROUP Der Inhalt dieser Nachricht ist vertraulich und nur für den angegebenen Empfänger bestimmt. Jede Form der Kenntnisgabe, Veröffentlichung oder Weitergabe an Dritte durch den Empfänger ist unzulässig. Sollte diese Nachricht nicht für Sie bestimmt sein, so bitten wir Sie, sich mit uns per E-Mail oder telefonisch in Verbindung zu setzen. -------------------------------------------- Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Best regards, Volker A. Greimann - legal department - Key-Systems GmbH Im Oberen Werk 1 66386 St. Ingbert Tel.: +49 (0) 6894 - 9396 901 Fax.: +49 (0) 6894 - 9396 851 Email: Web: / / Follow us on Twitter or join our fan community on Facebook and stay updated: CEO: Alexander Siffrin Registration No.: HR B 18835 - Saarbruecken V.A.T. ID.: DE211006534 Member of the KEYDRIVE GROUP This e-mail and its attachments is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. Furthermore it is not permitted to publish any content of this email. You must not use, disclose, copy, print or rely on this e-mail. If an addressing or transmission error has misdirected this e-mail, kindly notify the author by replying to this e-mail or contacting us by telephone.

I echo & amplify the points made by John & Volker. This group works very well together. But I think we should maintain (and increase) the pressure from the Council on issues facing the community that are both within our remit and critically important to the stakeholders that elected us. In particular, I am in favor of taking a "hard line" on the IGO/NGO recommendations, Staff handling of RAA data retention waiver requests, and keeping a bottom-up focus on Internet Governance. Great seeing everyone and looking forward to our next few calls. J. From: Volker Greimann <<>> Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 at 6:10 To: "<>" <<>>, "<>" <<>>, GNSO Council List <<>> Subject: Re: [council] Credit where credit is due Indeed. We had a very productive week with regard to the advancement of GNSO recognition and got a few importnt points across, I think. Volker Am 01.04.2014 09:34, schrieb Jonathan Robinson: Thanks John, We seem to be doing whatever we can to work productively and effectively without taking ourselves (too) seriously. Also, my sense is that we are gaining recognition for this such that we can expect to be heard when we make an important point. Jonathan<> [] Sent: 01 April 2014 00:36 To:<> Subject: [council] Credit where credit is due All, Setting aside the fact that we were scheduled from dawn til dusk at the just concluded ICANN 49 in Singapore, I wanted to say I was not just tired but proud to be a part of such a group of (not too serious) people who seem to have their heads screwed on straight. I was glad to have such role models! As for a single take-away from the more than 24 hours we spent together, I have to credit Volker Greimann for putting it into words: "I'd rather be presumptuous than mute." Not a bad motto, eh? Cheers, Berard -- Bei weiteren Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Volker A. Greimann - Rechtsabteilung - Key-Systems GmbH Im Oberen Werk 1 66386 St. Ingbert Tel.: +49 (0) 6894 - 9396 901 Fax.: +49 (0) 6894 - 9396 851 Email:<> Web:<> /<><> /<> Folgen Sie uns bei Twitter oder werden Sie unser Fan bei Facebook:<><> Geschäftsführer: Alexander Siffrin Handelsregister Nr.: HR B 18835 - Saarbruecken Umsatzsteuer ID.: DE211006534 Member of the KEYDRIVE GROUP<> Der Inhalt dieser Nachricht ist vertraulich und nur für den angegebenen Empfänger bestimmt. Jede Form der Kenntnisgabe, Veröffentlichung oder Weitergabe an Dritte durch den Empfänger ist unzulässig. Sollte diese Nachricht nicht für Sie bestimmt sein, so bitten wir Sie, sich mit uns per E-Mail oder telefonisch in Verbindung zu setzen. -------------------------------------------- Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Best regards, Volker A. Greimann - legal department - Key-Systems GmbH Im Oberen Werk 1 66386 St. Ingbert Tel.: +49 (0) 6894 - 9396 901 Fax.: +49 (0) 6894 - 9396 851 Email:<> Web:<> /<><> /<> Follow us on Twitter or join our fan community on Facebook and stay updated:<><> CEO: Alexander Siffrin Registration No.: HR B 18835 - Saarbruecken V.A.T. ID.: DE211006534 Member of the KEYDRIVE GROUP<> This e-mail and its attachments is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. Furthermore it is not permitted to publish any content of this email. You must not use, disclose, copy, print or rely on this e-mail. If an addressing or transmission error has misdirected this e-mail, kindly notify the author by replying to this e-mail or contacting us by telephone.
participants (4)
James M. Bladel
Jonathan Robinson
Volker Greimann