Hi Marika and Glen, as discussed during the (new) council development session in Dublin communication between the parties involved in the council chair election process is essential. I tried to shed some light on this and would like to ask for your assistance. Parties involved: a.. houses: CPH, NCPH; nominate each 1 chair candidate + 1 vice chair b.. SGs: RySG, RrSG, CSG, NCSG c.. Cs: BC, IPC, ISPCP, NCUC, NPOC d.. council members, selected by their respective SG, C; vote e.. NCAs: selected by NomCom; 2 vote, 1 non voting times to be taken into consideration: a.. designation of new council NCAs by NomCom b.. designation of new council members by SGs/Cs c.. nomination of chair candidates by houses Only when this has been achieved the various communication channels deemed to be needed can be activated: a.. chair candidates to SGs/Cs from both houses b.. chair candidates to NCAs c.. SGs/Cs internal and between each other inside the house d.. SGs/Cs between houses e.. SGs/Cs to NCAs Please 1.. check whether this is useful and complete 2.. provide timeline relative to the election Thanks and best regards Wolf-Ulrich

Thanks Wolf-Ulrich for your feedback. Maybe I can turn the question around and share with you the original timeline for the election which was approved by the GNSO Council following review and discussion (see Proposed time table for Election of the GNSO Council Chair<http://gnso.icann.org/en/drafts/gnso-council-chair-election-24jul15-en.pdf>)? It may be helpful for everyone to review and provide feedback in hindsight whether the timing should have been different factoring in some of the elements you outline below so it can help inform future election time lines? Best regards, Marika From: <owner-council@gnso.icann.org<mailto:owner-council@gnso.icann.org>> on behalf of WUKnoben <wolf-ulrich.knoben@t-online.de<mailto:wolf-ulrich.knoben@t-online.de>> Reply-To: WUKnoben <wolf-ulrich.knoben@t-online.de<mailto:wolf-ulrich.knoben@t-online.de>> Date: Thursday 29 October 2015 14:00 To: GNSO Council List <council@gnso.icann.org<mailto:council@gnso.icann.org>> Subject: [council] council chair election Hi Marika and Glen, as discussed during the (new) council development session in Dublin communication between the parties involved in the council chair election process is essential. I tried to shed some light on this and would like to ask for your assistance. Parties involved: * houses: CPH, NCPH; nominate each 1 chair candidate + 1 vice chair * SGs: RySG, RrSG, CSG, NCSG * Cs: BC, IPC, ISPCP, NCUC, NPOC * council members, selected by their respective SG, C; vote * NCAs: selected by NomCom; 2 vote, 1 non voting times to be taken into consideration: * designation of new council NCAs by NomCom * designation of new council members by SGs/Cs * nomination of chair candidates by houses Only when this has been achieved the various communication channels deemed to be needed can be activated: * chair candidates to SGs/Cs from both houses * chair candidates to NCAs * SGs/Cs internal and between each other inside the house * SGs/Cs between houses * SGs/Cs to NCAs Please 1. check whether this is useful and complete 2. provide timeline relative to the election Thanks and best regards Wolf-Ulrich

I would rather not see the Council changing its Operating Procedures during an election cycle. For now we have to live with the consequences what was defined before, and plan ahead for future election cycles how to address all of this. That doesn't prevent us from adopting some improvements in ad-hoc fashion within the timeline that staff already informed us that the current OP prescribe, notably the communication part. Rubens
Em 29 de out de 2015, à(s) 18:18:000, Marika Konings <marika.konings@icann.org> escreveu:
Thanks Wolf-Ulrich for your feedback. Maybe I can turn the question around and share with you the original timeline for the election which was approved by the GNSO Council following review and discussion (see Proposed time table for Election of the GNSO Council Chair <http://gnso.icann.org/en/drafts/gnso-council-chair-election-24jul15-en.pdf>)? It may be helpful for everyone to review and provide feedback in hindsight whether the timing should have been different factoring in some of the elements you outline below so it can help inform future election time lines?
Best regards,
From: <owner-council@gnso.icann.org <mailto:owner-council@gnso.icann.org>> on behalf of WUKnoben <wolf-ulrich.knoben@t-online.de <mailto:wolf-ulrich.knoben@t-online.de>> Reply-To: WUKnoben <wolf-ulrich.knoben@t-online.de <mailto:wolf-ulrich.knoben@t-online.de>> Date: Thursday 29 October 2015 14:00 To: GNSO Council List <council@gnso.icann.org <mailto:council@gnso.icann.org>> Subject: [council] council chair election
Hi Marika and Glen,
as discussed during the (new) council development session in Dublin communication between the parties involved in the council chair election process is essential. I tried to shed some light on this and would like to ask for your assistance.
Parties involved: houses: CPH, NCPH; nominate each 1 chair candidate + 1 vice chair SGs: RySG, RrSG, CSG, NCSG Cs: BC, IPC, ISPCP, NCUC, NPOC council members, selected by their respective SG, C; vote NCAs: selected by NomCom; 2 vote, 1 non voting times to be taken into consideration: designation of new council NCAs by NomCom designation of new council members by SGs/Cs nomination of chair candidates by houses Only when this has been achieved the various communication channels deemed to be needed can be activated: chair candidates to SGs/Cs from both houses chair candidates to NCAs SGs/Cs internal and between each other inside the house SGs/Cs between houses SGs/Cs to NCAs Please check whether this is useful and complete provide timeline relative to the election Thanks and best regards

Thanks Rubens, It wasn't my intention to interfere into the current election rather looking ahead how the GNSO could improve to avoid a similar situation in future. After the election is before the election. The next one shall happen next year. If we don't keep the ball rolling now, we may be surprised by the time of that election. Regards Wolf-Ulrich Sent from my personal phone
Am 29.10.2015 um 23:29 schrieb Rubens Kuhl <rubensk@nic.br>:
I would rather not see the Council changing its Operating Procedures during an election cycle. For now we have to live with the consequences what was defined before, and plan ahead for future election cycles how to address all of this. That doesn't prevent us from adopting some improvements in ad-hoc fashion within the timeline that staff already informed us that the current OP prescribe, notably the communication part.
Em 29 de out de 2015, à(s) 18:18:000, Marika Konings <marika.konings@icann.org> escreveu:
Thanks Wolf-Ulrich for your feedback. Maybe I can turn the question around and share with you the original timeline for the election which was approved by the GNSO Council following review and discussion (see Proposed time table for Election of the GNSO Council Chair)? It may be helpful for everyone to review and provide feedback in hindsight whether the timing should have been different factoring in some of the elements you outline below so it can help inform future election time lines?
Best regards,
From: <owner-council@gnso.icann.org> on behalf of WUKnoben <wolf-ulrich.knoben@t-online.de> Reply-To: WUKnoben <wolf-ulrich.knoben@t-online.de> Date: Thursday 29 October 2015 14:00 To: GNSO Council List <council@gnso.icann.org> Subject: [council] council chair election
Hi Marika and Glen,
as discussed during the (new) council development session in Dublin communication between the parties involved in the council chair election process is essential. I tried to shed some light on this and would like to ask for your assistance.
Parties involved: houses: CPH, NCPH; nominate each 1 chair candidate + 1 vice chair SGs: RySG, RrSG, CSG, NCSG Cs: BC, IPC, ISPCP, NCUC, NPOC council members, selected by their respective SG, C; vote NCAs: selected by NomCom; 2 vote, 1 non voting times to be taken into consideration: designation of new council NCAs by NomCom designation of new council members by SGs/Cs nomination of chair candidates by houses Only when this has been achieved the various communication channels deemed to be needed can be activated: chair candidates to SGs/Cs from both houses chair candidates to NCAs SGs/Cs internal and between each other inside the house SGs/Cs between houses SGs/Cs to NCAs Please check whether this is useful and complete provide timeline relative to the election Thanks and best regards

Marika and all, thanks for the information. with regards to the timing of the election/nomination process in general some questions/assumptions arise: 1. the “new” council is usually electing the chair 2. it is therefore assumed that the “new” council members should be able to engage in the election/nomination process as far as possible 3. Q: Is there a deadline (counted in days prior to the election) for the constituencies to nominate their council members? Does this allow to engage in the nomination period? 4. Acc. to the 2015 timetable house candidate nominations were requested by 25 Sep. This is exactly the date when the NomCom announced the new NCAs: https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2-2015-09-25-en. That means NCAs were excluded from the nomination process (active and passive) due to timing. Maybe others have additional questions. It seems worth to dig into it with more diligence. Maybe the council should have a discussion about at the next meeting and – if deemed useful – could task the SCI to come back with recommendations. Best regards Wolf-Ulrich From: Marika Konings Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 9:18 PM To: WUKnoben ; GNSO Council List Subject: Re: [council] council chair election Thanks Wolf-Ulrich for your feedback. Maybe I can turn the question around and share with you the original timeline for the election which was approved by the GNSO Council following review and discussion (see Proposed time table for Election of the GNSO Council Chair)? It may be helpful for everyone to review and provide feedback in hindsight whether the timing should have been different factoring in some of the elements you outline below so it can help inform future election time lines? Best regards, Marika From: <owner-council@gnso.icann.org> on behalf of WUKnoben <wolf-ulrich.knoben@t-online.de> Reply-To: WUKnoben <wolf-ulrich.knoben@t-online.de> Date: Thursday 29 October 2015 14:00 To: GNSO Council List <council@gnso.icann.org> Subject: [council] council chair election Hi Marika and Glen, as discussed during the (new) council development session in Dublin communication between the parties involved in the council chair election process is essential. I tried to shed some light on this and would like to ask for your assistance. Parties involved: a.. houses: CPH, NCPH; nominate each 1 chair candidate + 1 vice chair b.. SGs: RySG, RrSG, CSG, NCSG c.. Cs: BC, IPC, ISPCP, NCUC, NPOC d.. council members, selected by their respective SG, C; vote e.. NCAs: selected by NomCom; 2 vote, 1 non voting times to be taken into consideration: a.. designation of new council NCAs by NomCom b.. designation of new council members by SGs/Cs c.. nomination of chair candidates by houses Only when this has been achieved the various communication channels deemed to be needed can be activated: a.. chair candidates to SGs/Cs from both houses b.. chair candidates to NCAs c.. SGs/Cs internal and between each other inside the house d.. SGs/Cs between houses e.. SGs/Cs to NCAs Please 1.. check whether this is useful and complete 2.. provide timeline relative to the election Thanks and best regards Wolf-Ulrich

Hi, I second WUK’s point here. Right now, the operating procedures only allow for sitting councillors to be candidates in upcoming council elections. It’d be helpful if they were to allow for incoming councillors as well; either those elected by their SGs/Cs or incoming NCAs. Ironically, those who are incoming have a chance to become candidates only in the event that the council fails to elect a chair in the first and second rounds of voting (as was the case in the not too distant past). May be worthwhile to pursue a revision of this rule. I don’t believe the intent was to exclude those who are incoming from being worthy of consideration. If all incoming and outgoing councillors cannot be candidates, this significantly reduces the pool size of those the council can elect/select to its leadership team. Just some thoughts. Thanks. Amr
On Oct 30, 2015, at 1:26 PM, WUKnoben <wolf-ulrich.knoben@t-online.de> wrote:
Marika and all,
thanks for the information.
with regards to the timing of the election/nomination process in general some questions/assumptions arise: 1. the “new” council is usually electing the chair 2. it is therefore assumed that the “new” council members should be able to engage in the election/nomination process as far as possible 3. Q: Is there a deadline (counted in days prior to the election) for the constituencies to nominate their council members? Does this allow to engage in the nomination period? 4. Acc. to the 2015 timetable house candidate nominations were requested by 25 Sep. This is exactly the date when the NomCom announced the new NCAs: https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2-2015-09-25-en. That means NCAs were excluded from the nomination process (active and passive) due to timing.
Maybe others have additional questions. It seems worth to dig into it with more diligence. Maybe the council should have a discussion about at the next meeting and – if deemed useful – could task the SCI to come back with recommendations.
Best regards
From: Marika Konings Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 9:18 PM To: WUKnoben ; GNSO Council List Subject: Re: [council] council chair election
Thanks Wolf-Ulrich for your feedback. Maybe I can turn the question around and share with you the original timeline for the election which was approved by the GNSO Council following review and discussion (see Proposed time table for Election of the GNSO Council Chair)? It may be helpful for everyone to review and provide feedback in hindsight whether the timing should have been different factoring in some of the elements you outline below so it can help inform future election time lines?
Best regards,
From: <owner-council@gnso.icann.org> on behalf of WUKnoben <wolf-ulrich.knoben@t-online.de> Reply-To: WUKnoben <wolf-ulrich.knoben@t-online.de> Date: Thursday 29 October 2015 14:00 To: GNSO Council List <council@gnso.icann.org> Subject: [council] council chair election
Hi Marika and Glen,
as discussed during the (new) council development session in Dublin communication between the parties involved in the council chair election process is essential. I tried to shed some light on this and would like to ask for your assistance.
Parties involved: • houses: CPH, NCPH; nominate each 1 chair candidate + 1 vice chair • SGs: RySG, RrSG, CSG, NCSG • Cs: BC, IPC, ISPCP, NCUC, NPOC • council members, selected by their respective SG, C; vote • NCAs: selected by NomCom; 2 vote, 1 non voting times to be taken into consideration: • designation of new council NCAs by NomCom • designation of new council members by SGs/Cs • nomination of chair candidates by houses Only when this has been achieved the various communication channels deemed to be needed can be activated: • chair candidates to SGs/Cs from both houses • chair candidates to NCAs • SGs/Cs internal and between each other inside the house • SGs/Cs between houses • SGs/Cs to NCAs Please • check whether this is useful and complete • provide timeline relative to the election Thanks and best regards
participants (5)
Amr Elsadr
Marika Konings
Rubens Kuhl