Hi everyone, Having seen no more inputs to this Question Set #3, we will close the google doc tomorrow and Jeff will respond to the ODP team with these elements. Thanks to those who contributed. Regards, Philippe Orange Restricted From: FOUQUART Philippe INNOV/NET Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2022 2:44 PM To: FOUQUART Philippe INNOV/NET <philippe.fouquart@orange.com>; council@gnso.icann.org Cc: gnso-secs@icann.org Subject: RE: Finalize Question Set 3 Hi everyone, Following up (belatedly) from our council meeting: last call on our comments on Question Set #3, please have a final look at Council's suggested response at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OtddNIUaAitHiJPE8pBTBcirTaDjyzPkcZY6BJmJ... Thank you. Philippe Orange Restricted From: council <council-bounces@gnso.icann.org<mailto:council-bounces@gnso.icann.org>> On Behalf Of philippe.fouquart--- via council Sent: Friday, June 3, 2022 7:22 PM To: council@gnso.icann.org<mailto:council@gnso.icann.org> Cc: gnso-secs@icann.org<mailto:gnso-secs@icann.org> Subject: [council] FW: Finalize Question Set 3 Hi Kurt, everyone, Thanks for your inputs on the ODP Question Set#3, please have a look at Jeff's note below and proposal on how to include them, or not for two of them. Thank you. Regards, Philippe Orange Restricted From: Jeff Neuman <jeff@jjnsolutions.com<mailto:jeff@jjnsolutions.com>> Sent: Friday, June 3, 2022 4:26 PM To: FOUQUART Philippe INNOV/NET <philippe.fouquart@orange.com<mailto:philippe.fouquart@orange.com>>; Tomslin Samme-Nlar (mesumbeslin@gmail.com<mailto:mesumbeslin@gmail.com>) <mesumbeslin@gmail.com<mailto:mesumbeslin@gmail.com>>; Sebastien@registry.godaddy<mailto:Sebastien@registry.godaddy> Cc: Steve Chan <steve.chan@icann.org<mailto:steve.chan@icann.org>> Subject: Finalize Question Set 3 Dear Council Leadership, We have everyone until; June 1st to let us know their thought on Question set #3<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OtddNIUaAitHiJPE8pBTBcirTaDjyzPkcZY6BJmJ...>. Kurt had a few comments I incorporated. There are 2 comments that I propose not incorporating for the reasons set forth below: 1. The first comment from Kurt is on the substance of the Final Report recommendation and not believing it is implementable. I understand why Kurt feels that way, but the purpose of the ODP Questions are to seek clarity on the recommendations and not our opinion on whether we still like (or don't like) the SubPro Final Report recommendations. That comment is response to Question 3 2. The second comment Kurt makes, which I think is a good recommendation on implementation is just that....implementation. And although I think we would all agree with his comment in response to that part of question 4, this has not been discussed by the Council. And it can be brought up during implementation anyway. Can you please forward this to the Council list and let them know that unless I hear anything by Wednesday, June 8, I will send this off without the comments you currently see in the draft. Thanks. Jeff GNSO Liaison to SubPro ODP [cid:image001.png@01D88CB3.30BA9B00] Jeffrey J. Neuman Founder & CEO JJN Solutions, LLC p: +1.202.549.5079 E: jeff@jjnsolutions.com<mailto:jeff@jjnsolutions.com> http://jjnsolutions.com _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, veuillez le signaler a l'expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages electroniques etant susceptibles d'alteration, Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Merci. This message and its attachments may contain confidential or privileged information that may be protected by law; they should not be distributed, used or copied without authorisation. 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participants (1)