LAST CALL - latest version of GNSO Review of GAC Communique

Dear Councilors, Please submit any other comments you may have on the revised draft GNSO Response to the GAC Helsinki Communique by close of business (COB) in your time zone today, Wednesday 27 July 2016. The latest version is dated 23 July (as circulated by Marika with Carlos’ edits). I’ve reattached it for your convenience. As you’ll recall, the Council will vote on this item by electronic ballot starting on 6 August, with the voting period running for 4 calendar days thereafter (till 9 August). Please see Glen’s recent note to you about confirming your email availability for this period. Note that there will also be another motion up for voting, on confirming the final slate of CSC members and liaisons. Thanks and cheers Mary Mary Wong Senior Policy Director Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Email: Telephone: +1-603-5744889 On 7/23/16, 12:27, " on behalf of Marika Konings" < on behalf of> wrote: Dear All, To facilitate your review, I’ve incorporated Carlos’s proposed edits in redline format in the attached version. Carlos, please note that I made some minor editorial changes while doing so (changed ‘rounds’ to ‘procedures’ in the first sentence, and used the complete reference for the Health Index in response (1)(I)(b)). Please share any further comments and/or edits you may have by Wednesday 27 July at the latest. Best regards, Marika On 22/07/16 15:11, "Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez G." <> wrote: Thank you for the extra time. Some comments on the new text. Additionally, listening to the feedback call between the GAC and Board shows that there is still a lot to do ( maybe in the GAC-GNSO coordination group) to clarify the relations between the GAC-BOARD-GNSO, particularly of the role of individual GAC members participation in PDPs, as some Councillors have suggested. In the case of the AoC Review Teams, it is my understanding that the GAC member elected to the Team is a full GAC rep, or not? Wish you all a nice weekend Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez +506 8837 7176 Skype: carlos.raulg Current UTC offset: -6.00 (Costa Rica) On 21 Jul 2016, at 17:20, Marika Konings wrote: > Dear All, > > As discussed during today’s meeting, please find attached the latest > version of the GNSO Review of the GAC Communique. On page 7 you will > find the addition suggested by James in bold. Please review this > document and share any comments and/or edits you may have by Wednesday > 27 July at the latest. > > Thanks, > > Marika > > Marika Konings > Senior Policy Director & Team Leader for the GNSO, Internet > Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) > Email:<> > > Follow the GNSO via Twitter @ICANN_GNSO > Find out more about the GNSO by taking our interactive > courses<> and visiting the GNSO > Newcomer > pages<>.
participants (1)
Mary Wong