Re: [council] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad

Dear Ayden and all, We apologize if there were difficulties with accessing the feedback tool – there ought not to be any, so please do try it again if you wish to provide feedback. Please be assured that ICANN organization is committed to and interested in gathering the community’s feedback on each of the features that we will be rolling out with the objective of improving the findability, transparency, and accessibility of ICANN public content. The deadlines are, unfortunately, what they are in order to ensure that we are able to deliver on this major project on budget and on time. There will certainly be multiple and additional opportunities and forums for continuing community feedback, as noted in David’s blog that is referenced in the announcement below. Thank you. Best regards, Mary From: council <> on behalf of Ayden Férdeline <> Reply-To: Ayden Férdeline <> Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 09:17 To: Heather Forrest <> Cc: GNSO Council List <> Subject: Re: [council] Fwd: [So-ac-sg-cleaders] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad Given comments are being sought for less than a week, this does not strike me as a genuine consultative activity but appears to be a token form of participation intended to manipulate public opinion. This new website implies a shift towards greater consultation and community participation in ICANN's content strategy, but we cannot actually wield any influence by commenting here. (And not just because if you press the 'provide feedback' button, you see "The feedback survey is temporarily unavailable.") From what I understand we are not even being asked to comment on anything important. The list of 250 definitions, which I would like to review for neutrality and accuracy, are not online and it sounds like they have already been approved internally and are not open to community review. Are we really being asked to comment on just the glossary tool itself, and did ICANN really produce a video mockup and slide deck of something so incredibly mundane when it is up for public comment for just a week? Please forgive the negative sentiment to my message here, but it really seems a poor allocation of resources to me. Ayden Férdeline ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On 25 April 2018 3:03 PM, Heather Forrest <> wrote: Dear Council colleagues, I am pleased to pass on David Olive's update, below, on the Information Transparency Initiative. Best wishes, Heather ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "David Olive" <<>> Date: 24/04/2018 10:37 AM Subject: [So-ac-sg-cleaders] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad To: "<>" <<>> Cc: "David Conrad" <<>>, "Jana Juginovic" <<>>[]<> The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live I'm pleased to announce that today, we launched the ITI feedback site[]<> ([]<>). As I have written about in previous blogs and discussed at ICANN60 and ICANN61 sessions, this site[]<> is intended to provide you, the ICANN community, with the ability to share your input on the content and features the ITI team is working on to improve the findability, transparency, and accessibility of ICANN public content. The first item we are looking for your comments on is an updated Acronyms and Terms feature[]<> to replace the existing feature[]<>. Our update doubles the number of terms available, provides up-to-date definitions for the terms, and improves search. Unlike most of the ITI project, we will launch this updated feature on the current[]<> before 31 May 2018. The deadline to provide your input on the proposed updates to Acronyms and Terms is 30 April 2018, 23:59 UTC. Please visit[]<> to experience the proposed changes and complete a short survey. How the ITI Feedback Site Works The ITI Team will regularly post documents, mockups, or video walkthroughs of new content and features. The proposed content or feature items are listed on the homepage under the heading "Feedback Needed." Each item lists a deadline by which you need to provide input. Simply click on the item you're interested in. This will take you to another page, which provides you with the option to either download a mockup or watch a video walkthrough. Once you have completed that task, click on the "Feedback" button to complete a short survey or email your feedback to<>. Once the deadline has passed, the ITI Team will collect and publish all comments to[]<>. All published results of the survey will be anonymous, unless otherwise requested by the submitter. We will review all submissions and make our best efforts to implement the feedback, prioritizing input that serves the goals of improving search and accessibility, and increasing the transparency of our content. Feedback Deadlines We do have a tight deadline for community comments – one week for each new item. The reason for this timeline is we need to maintain a rigorous development schedule to ensure we are delivering the project on time and within budget. However,[]<> is not your only avenue to share input. ITI has many other opportunities to learn about ITI and provide comments including: * Regular sessions at ICANN Public Meetings. * Special sessions or webinars for Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees (SO/ACs) on request or for special features and content like Public Comment. * Monthly blogs and newsletters. * Via email at<> Feedback Translations As I outlined above, we are working at a brisk development pace. This does limit our ability to fully translate[]<> and its survey. But, if you want to share feedback in another language, email us at<>. It is important to emphasize that one of the primary goals of ITI is a multilingual[]<>, and the sooner we complete this project, the sooner we can deliver on that goal. ITI Goals ITI's goal is not a revamp of[]<>. While the ITI team is working on making improvements to your User Experience (UX) on[]<>, the vast majority of our efforts are focused on: * Creating content governance through new, enforced workflows and the creation of a consistent, multilingual taxonomy. * Building new technical infrastructures including a first-ever for ICANN document management system (DMS) and a new content management system (CMS). This new infrastructure will enforce this governance and enable improved content findability. Much of this foundational work won't be available on the feedback site for your input, but we will show the intended benefits of this work through the content and features we will share. ITI Update The ITI team has been hard at work completing that foundational work I mentioned above. We have completed the following tasks since the January 2018 launch of ITI: * The foundational build of the DMS and CMS, and the integration between the two platforms. * Sixty percent of the content audit and the taxonomy creation. * Interviews with SO/AC leaders, registrants, registrars, Fellows, and other ICANN stakeholders. We have also begun work on the following items: * Content modelling, workflow creation, and content governance enforcement in the DMS. * Accessibility guidelines and multilingual site implementation planning. ITI will launch in December 2019. ITI Backgrounders For those of you unfamiliar with ITI, you can read about what it is and how it will benefit the ICANN community in my kickoff blog[]<>. You can learn more about how the content audit and taxonomy will help your search experience in my January blog[]<>. We also outlined the differences between ITI and the Open Data Initiative (ODI) in our pre-ICANN61 blog[]<>. We Need Your Feedback Remember, we need your input to help us make the specific improvements to search, transparency, and accessibility that you need and want. Please visit the ITI feedback site[]<> and email us anytime at<>. Comments Log in to Comment[]<> or Sign Up[]<> Details * ICANN Blog * Author: David Conrad, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Senior Vice-President * 23 Apr 2018 David A. Olive Senior Vice President Policy Development Support Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) _______________________________________________ So-ac-sg-cleaders mailing list<>

Thanks, Mary- The issue that the feedback tool does not actually work is not the real concern that I have here; the concern I have is that we are not being asked to offer any real feedback. We are not being asked to review the 250 new definitions of acronyms that will appear on the ICANN website. Instead we are being asked to watch a stupid 3 minute YouTube video (that could be condensed to three screenshots), and to comment on this ‘tool.’ It is a pseudo consultation at best, and I really think ICANN has wasted resources developing it. And with respect, I think the suggestion that the comment period could only be open for under a week, due to budget constraints, is ludicrous. It says a lot about how ICANN org values community feedback. Ayden Sent from ProtonMail Mobile On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 17:13, Mary Wong <> wrote:
Dear Ayden and all,
We apologize if there were difficulties with accessing the feedback tool – there ought not to be any, so please do try it again if you wish to provide feedback.
Please be assured that ICANN organization is committed to and interested in gathering the community’s feedback on each of the features that we will be rolling out with the objective of improving the findability, transparency, and accessibility of ICANN public content. The deadlines are, unfortunately, what they are in order to ensure that we are able to deliver on this major project on budget and on time. There will certainly be multiple and additional opportunities and forums for continuing community feedback, as noted in David’s blog that is referenced in the announcement below.
Thank you.
Best regards,
From: council <> on behalf of Ayden Férdeline <> Reply-To: Ayden Férdeline <> Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 09:17 To: Heather Forrest <> Cc: GNSO Council List <> Subject: Re: [council] Fwd: [So-ac-sg-cleaders] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad
[Given comments are being sought for less than a week, this does not strike me as a genuine consultative activity but appears to be a token form of participation intended to manipulate public opinion. This new website implies a shift towards greater consultation and community participation in ICANN's content strategy, but we cannot actually wield any influence by commenting here. (And not just because if you press the 'provide feedback' button, you see "The feedback survey is temporarily unavailable.") ]
From what I understand we are not even being asked to comment on anything important. The list of 250 definitions, which I would like to review for neutrality and accuracy, are not online and it sounds like they have already been approved internally and are not open to community review. Are we really being asked to comment on just the glossary tool itself, and did ICANN really produce a video mockup and slide deck of something so incredibly mundane when it is up for public comment for just a week?
Please forgive the negative sentiment to my message here, but it really seems a poor allocation of resources to me.
Ayden Férdeline
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On 25 April 2018 3:03 PM, Heather Forrest <> wrote:
Dear Council colleagues,
I am pleased to pass on David Olive's update, below, on the Information Transparency Initiative.
Best wishes,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "David Olive" < >
Date: 24/04/2018 10:37 AM
Subject: [So-ac-sg-cleaders] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad
To: " " <>
Cc: "David Conrad" < >, "Jana Juginovic" < >
The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live
I'm pleased to announce that today, we launched the [ITI feedback site[]]( ([[]]( As I have written about in previous blogs and discussed at ICANN60 and ICANN61 sessions, [this site[]]( is intended to provide you, the ICANN community, with the ability to share your input on the content and features the ITI team is working on to improve the findability, transparency, and accessibility of ICANN public content.
The first item we are looking for your comments on is an updated [Acronyms and Terms feature[]]( to replace [the existing feature[]]( Our update doubles the number of terms available, provides up-to-date definitions for the terms, and improves search. Unlike most of the ITI project, we will launch this updated feature on the current [[]]( before 31 May 2018. The deadline to provide your input on the proposed updates to Acronyms and Terms is 30 April 2018, 23:59 UTC. Please visit [[]]( to experience the proposed changes and complete a short survey.
How the ITI Feedback Site Works
The ITI Team will regularly post documents, mockups, or video walkthroughs of new content and features. The proposed content or feature items are listed on the homepage under the heading "Feedback Needed." Each item lists a deadline by which you need to provide input. Simply click on the item you're interested in. This will take you to another page, which provides you with the option to either download a mockup or watch a video walkthrough. Once you have completed that task, click on the "Feedback" button to complete a short survey or email your feedback to
Once the deadline has passed, the ITI Team will collect and publish all comments to [[]]( All published results of the survey will be anonymous, unless otherwise requested by the submitter.
We will review all submissions and make our best efforts to implement the feedback, prioritizing input that serves the goals of improving search and accessibility, and increasing the transparency of our content.
Feedback Deadlines
We do have a tight deadline for community comments – one week for each new item. The reason for this timeline is we need to maintain a rigorous development schedule to ensure we are delivering the project on time and within budget. However, [[]]( is not your only avenue to share input. ITI has many other opportunities to learn about ITI and provide comments including:
- Regular sessions at ICANN Public Meetings.
- Special sessions or webinars for Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees (SO/ACs) on request or for special features and content like Public Comment.
- Monthly blogs and newsletters.
- Via email at
Feedback Translations
As I outlined above, we are working at a brisk development pace. This does limit our ability to fully translate [[]]( and its survey. But, if you want to share feedback in another language, email us at It is important to emphasize that one of the primary goals of ITI is a multilingual [[]](, and the sooner we complete this project, the sooner we can deliver on that goal.
ITI Goals
ITI's goal is not a revamp of [[]]( While the ITI team is working on making improvements to your User Experience (UX) on [[]](, the vast majority of our efforts are focused on:
- Creating content governance through new, enforced workflows and the creation of a consistent, multilingual taxonomy.
- Building new technical infrastructures including a first-ever for ICANN document management system (DMS) and a new content management system (CMS). This new infrastructure will enforce this governance and enable improved content findability.
Much of this foundational work won't be available on the feedback site for your input, but we will show the intended benefits of this work through the content and features we will share.
ITI Update
The ITI team has been hard at work completing that foundational work I mentioned above. We have completed the following tasks since the January 2018 launch of ITI:
- The foundational build of the DMS and CMS, and the integration between the two platforms.
- Sixty percent of the content audit and the taxonomy creation.
- Interviews with SO/AC leaders, registrants, registrars, Fellows, and other ICANN stakeholders.
We have also begun work on the following items:
- Content modelling, workflow creation, and content governance enforcement in the DMS.
- Accessibility guidelines and multilingual site implementation planning.
ITI will launch in December 2019.
ITI Backgrounders
For those of you unfamiliar with ITI, you can read about what it is and how it will benefit the ICANN community in my [kickoff blog[]](
You can learn more about how the content audit and taxonomy will help your search experience in my [January blog[]](
We also outlined the differences between ITI and the Open Data Initiative (ODI) in our [pre-ICANN61 blog[]](
We Need Your Feedback
Remember, we need your input to help us make the specific improvements to search, transparency, and accessibility that you need and want.
Please visit the [ITI feedback site[]]( and email us anytime at
[Log in to Comment[]]( or [Sign Up[]](
- ICANN Blog
- Author: David Conrad, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Senior Vice-President
- 23 Apr 2018
David A. Olive Senior Vice President
Policy Development Support Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
So-ac-sg-cleaders mailing list

I have noticed that the Information Transparency Initiative, which opened up for public comment for a total of seven days last month, has still not yet published the results of its consultation. It apparently required 15 days to review the feedback received in that one week, but three weeks have now passed and the consultation results have yet to be published. I think this sham consultation is a waste of resources, and I continue to maintain that it is offensive for ICANN org to claim that this outrageously small consultation window of one week was justifiable given budgetary constraints. I also note that my repeated requests to see the actual substance - that is, not mock ups of the design of the new glossary tool, but the actual text that will populate the tool and its 250 definitions - have been ignored. Given the tightening budgetary situation and the need to realise operational efficiencies across ICANN, I would personally appreciate some clarity into how much this Initiative is costing, as I do not believe it is delivering anything of value -- not yet anyway. Ayden Férdeline ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On 25 April 2018 6:08 PM, Ayden Férdeline <> wrote:
Thanks, Mary-
The issue that the feedback tool does not actually work is not the real concern that I have here; the concern I have is that we are not being asked to offer any real feedback.
We are not being asked to review the 250 new definitions of acronyms that will appear on the ICANN website. Instead we are being asked to watch a stupid 3 minute YouTube video (that could be condensed to three screenshots), and to comment on this ‘tool.’ It is a pseudo consultation at best, and I really think ICANN has wasted resources developing it.
And with respect, I think the suggestion that the comment period could only be open for under a week, due to budget constraints, is ludicrous. It says a lot about how ICANN org values community feedback.
Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 17:13, Mary Wong <> wrote:
Dear Ayden and all,
We apologize if there were difficulties with accessing the feedback tool – there ought not to be any, so please do try it again if you wish to provide feedback.
Please be assured that ICANN organization is committed to and interested in gathering the community’s feedback on each of the features that we will be rolling out with the objective of improving the findability, transparency, and accessibility of ICANN public content. The deadlines are, unfortunately, what they are in order to ensure that we are able to deliver on this major project on budget and on time. There will certainly be multiple and additional opportunities and forums for continuing community feedback, as noted in David’s blog that is referenced in the announcement below.
Thank you.
Best regards,
From: council <> on behalf of Ayden Férdeline <> Reply-To: Ayden Férdeline <> Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 09:17 To: Heather Forrest <> Cc: GNSO Council List <> Subject: Re: [council] Fwd: [So-ac-sg-cleaders] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad
[Given comments are being sought for less than a week, this does not strike me as a genuine consultative activity but appears to be a token form of participation intended to manipulate public opinion. This new website implies a shift towards greater consultation and community participation in ICANN's content strategy, but we cannot actually wield any influence by commenting here. (And not just because if you press the 'provide feedback' button, you see "The feedback survey is temporarily unavailable.") ]
From what I understand we are not even being asked to comment on anything important. The list of 250 definitions, which I would like to review for neutrality and accuracy, are not online and it sounds like they have already been approved internally and are not open to community review. Are we really being asked to comment on just the glossary tool itself, and did ICANN really produce a video mockup and slide deck of something so incredibly mundane when it is up for public comment for just a week?
Please forgive the negative sentiment to my message here, but it really seems a poor allocation of resources to me.
Ayden Férdeline
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On 25 April 2018 3:03 PM, Heather Forrest <> wrote:
Dear Council colleagues,
I am pleased to pass on David Olive's update, below, on the Information Transparency Initiative.
Best wishes,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "David Olive" < >
Date: 24/04/2018 10:37 AM
Subject: [So-ac-sg-cleaders] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad
To: " " <>
Cc: "David Conrad" < >, "Jana Juginovic" < >
The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live
I'm pleased to announce that today, we launched the [ITI feedback site[]]( ([[]]( As I have written about in previous blogs and discussed at ICANN60 and ICANN61 sessions, [this site[]]( is intended to provide you, the ICANN community, with the ability to share your input on the content and features the ITI team is working on to improve the findability, transparency, and accessibility of ICANN public content.
The first item we are looking for your comments on is an updated [Acronyms and Terms feature[]]( to replace [the existing feature[]]( Our update doubles the number of terms available, provides up-to-date definitions for the terms, and improves search. Unlike most of the ITI project, we will launch this updated feature on the current [[]]( before 31 May 2018. The deadline to provide your input on the proposed updates to Acronyms and Terms is 30 April 2018, 23:59 UTC. Please visit [[]]( to experience the proposed changes and complete a short survey.
How the ITI Feedback Site Works
The ITI Team will regularly post documents, mockups, or video walkthroughs of new content and features. The proposed content or feature items are listed on the homepage under the heading "Feedback Needed." Each item lists a deadline by which you need to provide input. Simply click on the item you're interested in. This will take you to another page, which provides you with the option to either download a mockup or watch a video walkthrough. Once you have completed that task, click on the "Feedback" button to complete a short survey or email your feedback to
Once the deadline has passed, the ITI Team will collect and publish all comments to [[]]( All published results of the survey will be anonymous, unless otherwise requested by the submitter.
We will review all submissions and make our best efforts to implement the feedback, prioritizing input that serves the goals of improving search and accessibility, and increasing the transparency of our content.
Feedback Deadlines
We do have a tight deadline for community comments – one week for each new item. The reason for this timeline is we need to maintain a rigorous development schedule to ensure we are delivering the project on time and within budget. However, [[]]( is not your only avenue to share input. ITI has many other opportunities to learn about ITI and provide comments including:
- Regular sessions at ICANN Public Meetings.
- Special sessions or webinars for Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees (SO/ACs) on request or for special features and content like Public Comment.
- Monthly blogs and newsletters.
- Via email at
Feedback Translations
As I outlined above, we are working at a brisk development pace. This does limit our ability to fully translate [[]]( and its survey. But, if you want to share feedback in another language, email us at It is important to emphasize that one of the primary goals of ITI is a multilingual [[]](, and the sooner we complete this project, the sooner we can deliver on that goal.
ITI Goals
ITI's goal is not a revamp of [[]]( While the ITI team is working on making improvements to your User Experience (UX) on [[]](, the vast majority of our efforts are focused on:
- Creating content governance through new, enforced workflows and the creation of a consistent, multilingual taxonomy.
- Building new technical infrastructures including a first-ever for ICANN document management system (DMS) and a new content management system (CMS). This new infrastructure will enforce this governance and enable improved content findability.
Much of this foundational work won't be available on the feedback site for your input, but we will show the intended benefits of this work through the content and features we will share.
ITI Update
The ITI team has been hard at work completing that foundational work I mentioned above. We have completed the following tasks since the January 2018 launch of ITI:
- The foundational build of the DMS and CMS, and the integration between the two platforms.
- Sixty percent of the content audit and the taxonomy creation.
- Interviews with SO/AC leaders, registrants, registrars, Fellows, and other ICANN stakeholders.
We have also begun work on the following items:
- Content modelling, workflow creation, and content governance enforcement in the DMS.
- Accessibility guidelines and multilingual site implementation planning.
ITI will launch in December 2019.
ITI Backgrounders
For those of you unfamiliar with ITI, you can read about what it is and how it will benefit the ICANN community in my [kickoff blog[]](
You can learn more about how the content audit and taxonomy will help your search experience in my [January blog[]](
We also outlined the differences between ITI and the Open Data Initiative (ODI) in our [pre-ICANN61 blog[]](
We Need Your Feedback
Remember, we need your input to help us make the specific improvements to search, transparency, and accessibility that you need and want.
Please visit the [ITI feedback site[]]( and email us anytime at
[Log in to Comment[]]( or [Sign Up[]](
- ICANN Blog
- Author: David Conrad, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Senior Vice-President
- 23 Apr 2018
David A. Olive Senior Vice President
Policy Development Support Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
So-ac-sg-cleaders mailing list

Ayden, I would suggest you reach out to<> so that those responsible for this initiative can respond to your questions. Best regards, Marika From: council <> on behalf of Ayden Férdeline <> Reply-To: Ayden Férdeline <> Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 15:29 To: Ayden Férdeline <> Cc: GNSO Council List <> Subject: Re: [council] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad I have noticed that the Information Transparency Initiative, which opened up for public comment for a total of seven days last month, has still not yet published the results of its consultation. It apparently required 15 days to review the feedback received in that one week, but three weeks have now passed and the consultation results have yet to be published. I think this sham consultation is a waste of resources, and I continue to maintain that it is offensive for ICANN org to claim that this outrageously small consultation window of one week was justifiable given budgetary constraints. I also note that my repeated requests to see the actual substance - that is, not mock ups of the design of the new glossary tool, but the actual text that will populate the tool and its 250 definitions - have been ignored. Given the tightening budgetary situation and the need to realise operational efficiencies across ICANN, I would personally appreciate some clarity into how much this Initiative is costing, as I do not believe it is delivering anything of value -- not yet anyway. Ayden Férdeline ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On 25 April 2018 6:08 PM, Ayden Férdeline <> wrote: Thanks, Mary- The issue that the feedback tool does not actually work is not the real concern that I have here; the concern I have is that we are not being asked to offer any real feedback. We are not being asked to review the 250 new definitions of acronyms that will appear on the ICANN website. Instead we are being asked to watch a stupid 3 minute YouTube video (that could be condensed to three screenshots), and to comment on this ‘tool.’ It is a pseudo consultation at best, and I really think ICANN has wasted resources developing it. And with respect, I think the suggestion that the comment period could only be open for under a week, due to budget constraints, is ludicrous. It says a lot about how ICANN org values community feedback. Ayden Sent from ProtonMail Mobile On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 17:13, Mary Wong <<>> wrote: Dear Ayden and all, We apologize if there were difficulties with accessing the feedback tool – there ought not to be any, so please do try it again if you wish to provide feedback. Please be assured that ICANN organization is committed to and interested in gathering the community’s feedback on each of the features that we will be rolling out with the objective of improving the findability, transparency, and accessibility of ICANN public content. The deadlines are, unfortunately, what they are in order to ensure that we are able to deliver on this major project on budget and on time. There will certainly be multiple and additional opportunities and forums for continuing community feedback, as noted in David’s blog that is referenced in the announcement below. Thank you. Best regards, Mary From: council <> on behalf of Ayden Férdeline <> Reply-To: Ayden Férdeline <> Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 09:17 To: Heather Forrest <> Cc: GNSO Council List <> Subject: Re: [council] Fwd: [So-ac-sg-cleaders] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad Given comments are being sought for less than a week, this does not strike me as a genuine consultative activity but appears to be a token form of participation intended to manipulate public opinion. This new website implies a shift towards greater consultation and community participation in ICANN's content strategy, but we cannot actually wield any influence by commenting here. (And not just because if you press the 'provide feedback' button, you see "The feedback survey is temporarily unavailable.") From what I understand we are not even being asked to comment on anything important. The list of 250 definitions, which I would like to review for neutrality and accuracy, are not online and it sounds like they have already been approved internally and are not open to community review. Are we really being asked to comment on just the glossary tool itself, and did ICANN really produce a video mockup and slide deck of something so incredibly mundane when it is up for public comment for just a week? Please forgive the negative sentiment to my message here, but it really seems a poor allocation of resources to me. Ayden Férdeline ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On 25 April 2018 3:03 PM, Heather Forrest <> wrote: Dear Council colleagues, I am pleased to pass on David Olive's update, below, on the Information Transparency Initiative. Best wishes, Heather ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "David Olive" <<> > Date: 24/04/2018 10:37 AM Subject: [So-ac-sg-cleaders] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad To: "<> " <<>> Cc: "David Conrad" <<> >, "Jana Juginovic" <<> >[]<> The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live I'm pleased to announce that today, we launched the ITI feedback site[]<> ([]<>). As I have written about in previous blogs and discussed at ICANN60 and ICANN61 sessions, this site[]<> is intended to provide you, the ICANN community, with the ability to share your input on the content and features the ITI team is working on to improve the findability, transparency, and accessibility of ICANN public content. The first item we are looking for your comments on is an updated Acronyms and Terms feature[]<> to replace the existing feature[]<>. Our update doubles the number of terms available, provides up-to-date definitions for the terms, and improves search. Unlike most of the ITI project, we will launch this updated feature on the current[]<> before 31 May 2018. The deadline to provide your input on the proposed updates to Acronyms and Terms is 30 April 2018, 23:59 UTC. Please visit[]<> to experience the proposed changes and complete a short survey. How the ITI Feedback Site Works The ITI Team will regularly post documents, mockups, or video walkthroughs of new content and features. The proposed content or feature items are listed on the homepage under the heading "Feedback Needed." Each item lists a deadline by which you need to provide input. Simply click on the item you're interested in. This will take you to another page, which provides you with the option to either download a mockup or watch a video walkthrough. Once you have completed that task, click on the "Feedback" button to complete a short survey or email your feedback to<>. Once the deadline has passed, the ITI Team will collect and publish all comments to[]<>. All published results of the survey will be anonymous, unless otherwise requested by the submitter. We will review all submissions and make our best efforts to implement the feedback, prioritizing input that serves the goals of improving search and accessibility, and increasing the transparency of our content. Feedback Deadlines We do have a tight deadline for community comments – one week for each new item. The reason for this timeline is we need to maintain a rigorous development schedule to ensure we are delivering the project on time and within budget. However,[]<> is not your only avenue to share input. ITI has many other opportunities to learn about ITI and provide comments including: * Regular sessions at ICANN Public Meetings. * Special sessions or webinars for Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees (SO/ACs) on request or for special features and content like Public Comment. * Monthly blogs and newsletters. * Via email at<> Feedback Translations As I outlined above, we are working at a brisk development pace. This does limit our ability to fully translate[]<> and its survey. But, if you want to share feedback in another language, email us at<>. It is important to emphasize that one of the primary goals of ITI is a multilingual[]<>, and the sooner we complete this project, the sooner we can deliver on that goal. ITI Goals ITI's goal is not a revamp of[]<>. While the ITI team is working on making improvements to your User Experience (UX) on[]<>, the vast majority of our efforts are focused on: * Creating content governance through new, enforced workflows and the creation of a consistent, multilingual taxonomy. * Building new technical infrastructures including a first-ever for ICANN document management system (DMS) and a new content management system (CMS). This new infrastructure will enforce this governance and enable improved content findability. Much of this foundational work won't be available on the feedback site for your input, but we will show the intended benefits of this work through the content and features we will share. ITI Update The ITI team has been hard at work completing that foundational work I mentioned above. We have completed the following tasks since the January 2018 launch of ITI: * The foundational build of the DMS and CMS, and the integration between the two platforms. * Sixty percent of the content audit and the taxonomy creation. * Interviews with SO/AC leaders, registrants, registrars, Fellows, and other ICANN stakeholders. We have also begun work on the following items: * Content modelling, workflow creation, and content governance enforcement in the DMS. * Accessibility guidelines and multilingual site implementation planning. ITI will launch in December 2019. ITI Backgrounders For those of you unfamiliar with ITI, you can read about what it is and how it will benefit the ICANN community in my kickoff blog[]<>. You can learn more about how the content audit and taxonomy will help your search experience in my January blog[]<>. We also outlined the differences between ITI and the Open Data Initiative (ODI) in our pre-ICANN61 blog[]<>. We Need Your Feedback Remember, we need your input to help us make the specific improvements to search, transparency, and accessibility that you need and want. Please visit the ITI feedback site[]<> and email us anytime at<>. Comments Log in to Comment[]<> or Sign Up[]<> Details * ICANN Blog * Author: David Conrad, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Senior Vice-President * 23 Apr 2018 David A. Olive Senior Vice President Policy Development Support Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) _______________________________________________ So-ac-sg-cleaders mailing list<>

Thank you; I will advise the Council if I receive a response regarding this initiative. In the meantime I have noticed that the new acronym glossary has been launched, and the term 'GNSO' is missing. Not to repeat myself, but perhaps if we had been consulted on the actual text that would populate this tool, and not on its layout and interface, this could have been picked up earlier. Other SO/ACs, like the ccNSO, are included in the glossary. Ayden ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On 23 May 2018 11:41 PM, Marika Konings <> wrote:
Ayden, I would suggest you reach out to so that those responsible for this initiative can respond to your questions.
Best regards,
From: council <> on behalf of Ayden Férdeline <> Reply-To: Ayden Férdeline <> Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 15:29 To: Ayden Férdeline <> Cc: GNSO Council List <> Subject: Re: [council] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad
I have noticed that the Information Transparency Initiative, which opened up for public comment for a total of seven days last month, has still not yet published the results of its consultation. It apparently required 15 days to review the feedback received in that one week, but three weeks have now passed and the consultation results have yet to be published.
I think this sham consultation is a waste of resources, and I continue to maintain that it is offensive for ICANN org to claim that this outrageously small consultation window of one week was justifiable given budgetary constraints. I also note that my repeated requests to see the actual substance - that is, not mock ups of the design of the new glossary tool, but the actual text that will populate the tool and its 250 definitions - have been ignored.
Given the tightening budgetary situation and the need to realise operational efficiencies across ICANN, I would personally appreciate some clarity into how much this Initiative is costing, as I do not believe it is delivering anything of value -- not yet anyway.
Ayden Férdeline
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On 25 April 2018 6:08 PM, Ayden Férdeline <> wrote:
Thanks, Mary-
The issue that the feedback tool does not actually work is not the real concern that I have here; the concern I have is that we are not being asked to offer any real feedback.
We are not being asked to review the 250 new definitions of acronyms that will appear on the ICANN website. Instead we are being asked to watch a stupid 3 minute YouTube video (that could be condensed to three screenshots), and to comment on this ‘tool.’ It is a pseudo consultation at best, and I really think ICANN has wasted resources developing it.
And with respect, I think the suggestion that the comment period could only be open for under a week, due to budget constraints, is ludicrous. It says a lot about how ICANN org values community feedback.
Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 17:13, Mary Wong <> wrote:
Dear Ayden and all,
We apologize if there were difficulties with accessing the feedback tool – there ought not to be any, so please do try it again if you wish to provide feedback.
Please be assured that ICANN organization is committed to and interested in gathering the community’s feedback on each of the features that we will be rolling out with the objective of improving the findability, transparency, and accessibility of ICANN public content. The deadlines are, unfortunately, what they are in order to ensure that we are able to deliver on this major project on budget and on time. There will certainly be multiple and additional opportunities and forums for continuing community feedback, as noted in David’s blog that is referenced in the announcement below.
Thank you.
Best regards,
From: council <> on behalf of Ayden Férdeline <> Reply-To: Ayden Férdeline <> Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 09:17 To: Heather Forrest <> Cc: GNSO Council List <> Subject: Re: [council] Fwd: [So-ac-sg-cleaders] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad
[Given comments are being sought for less than a week, this does not strike me as a genuine consultative activity but appears to be a token form of participation intended to manipulate public opinion. This new website implies a shift towards greater consultation and community participation in ICANN's content strategy, but we cannot actually wield any influence by commenting here. (And not just because if you press the 'provide feedback' button, you see "The feedback survey is temporarily unavailable.") ]
From what I understand we are not even being asked to comment on anything important. The list of 250 definitions, which I would like to review for neutrality and accuracy, are not online and it sounds like they have already been approved internally and are not open to community review. Are we really being asked to comment on just the glossary tool itself, and did ICANN really produce a video mockup and slide deck of something so incredibly mundane when it is up for public comment for just a week?
Please forgive the negative sentiment to my message here, but it really seems a poor allocation of resources to me.
Ayden Férdeline
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On 25 April 2018 3:03 PM, Heather Forrest <> wrote:
Dear Council colleagues,
I am pleased to pass on David Olive's update, below, on the Information Transparency Initiative.
Best wishes,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "David Olive" < >
Date: 24/04/2018 10:37 AM
Subject: [So-ac-sg-cleaders] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad
To: " " <>
Cc: "David Conrad" < >, "Jana Juginovic" < >
The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live
I'm pleased to announce that today, we launched the [ITI feedback site[]]( ([[]]( As I have written about in previous blogs and discussed at ICANN60 and ICANN61 sessions, [this site[]]( is intended to provide you, the ICANN community, with the ability to share your input on the content and features the ITI team is working on to improve the findability, transparency, and accessibility of ICANN public content.
The first item we are looking for your comments on is an updated [Acronyms and Terms feature[]]( to replace [the existing feature[]]( Our update doubles the number of terms available, provides up-to-date definitions for the terms, and improves search. Unlike most of the ITI project, we will launch this updated feature on the current [[]]( before 31 May 2018. The deadline to provide your input on the proposed updates to Acronyms and Terms is 30 April 2018, 23:59 UTC. Please visit [[]]( to experience the proposed changes and complete a short survey.
How the ITI Feedback Site Works
The ITI Team will regularly post documents, mockups, or video walkthroughs of new content and features. The proposed content or feature items are listed on the homepage under the heading "Feedback Needed." Each item lists a deadline by which you need to provide input. Simply click on the item you're interested in. This will take you to another page, which provides you with the option to either download a mockup or watch a video walkthrough. Once you have completed that task, click on the "Feedback" button to complete a short survey or email your feedback to
Once the deadline has passed, the ITI Team will collect and publish all comments to [[]]( All published results of the survey will be anonymous, unless otherwise requested by the submitter.
We will review all submissions and make our best efforts to implement the feedback, prioritizing input that serves the goals of improving search and accessibility, and increasing the transparency of our content.
Feedback Deadlines
We do have a tight deadline for community comments – one week for each new item. The reason for this timeline is we need to maintain a rigorous development schedule to ensure we are delivering the project on time and within budget. However, [[]]( is not your only avenue to share input. ITI has many other opportunities to learn about ITI and provide comments including:
- Regular sessions at ICANN Public Meetings.
- Special sessions or webinars for Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees (SO/ACs) on request or for special features and content like Public Comment.
- Monthly blogs and newsletters.
- Via email at
Feedback Translations
As I outlined above, we are working at a brisk development pace. This does limit our ability to fully translate [[]]( and its survey. But, if you want to share feedback in another language, email us at It is important to emphasize that one of the primary goals of ITI is a multilingual [[]](, and the sooner we complete this project, the sooner we can deliver on that goal.
ITI Goals
ITI's goal is not a revamp of [[]]( While the ITI team is working on making improvements to your User Experience (UX) on [[]](, the vast majority of our efforts are focused on:
- Creating content governance through new, enforced workflows and the creation of a consistent, multilingual taxonomy.
- Building new technical infrastructures including a first-ever for ICANN document management system (DMS) and a new content management system (CMS). This new infrastructure will enforce this governance and enable improved content findability.
Much of this foundational work won't be available on the feedback site for your input, but we will show the intended benefits of this work through the content and features we will share.
ITI Update
The ITI team has been hard at work completing that foundational work I mentioned above. We have completed the following tasks since the January 2018 launch of ITI:
- The foundational build of the DMS and CMS, and the integration between the two platforms.
- Sixty percent of the content audit and the taxonomy creation.
- Interviews with SO/AC leaders, registrants, registrars, Fellows, and other ICANN stakeholders.
We have also begun work on the following items:
- Content modelling, workflow creation, and content governance enforcement in the DMS.
- Accessibility guidelines and multilingual site implementation planning.
ITI will launch in December 2019.
ITI Backgrounders
For those of you unfamiliar with ITI, you can read about what it is and how it will benefit the ICANN community in my [kickoff blog[]](
You can learn more about how the content audit and taxonomy will help your search experience in my [January blog[]](
We also outlined the differences between ITI and the Open Data Initiative (ODI) in our [pre-ICANN61 blog[]](
We Need Your Feedback
Remember, we need your input to help us make the specific improvements to search, transparency, and accessibility that you need and want.
Please visit the [ITI feedback site[]]( and email us anytime at
[Log in to Comment[]]( or [Sign Up[]](
- ICANN Blog
- Author: David Conrad, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Senior Vice-President
- 23 Apr 2018
David A. Olive Senior Vice President
Policy Development Support Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
So-ac-sg-cleaders mailing list

Hello Ayden, Thanks for spotting this! Our colleagues in the ITI team advised us that the launch of the acronym feature at this point is primarily intended to test integration with the new CMS, DMS, and content governance. Hence the list is not comprehensive right now. The ITI team aims to get this critical part right first, given the significant investment of time and resources for ITI. Additional terms and definitions (or revisions) will be added over time in an iterative process. This blogpost may help answer some of your questions/concerns regarding acronyms: If you don’t see an acronym and term available, it may be coming soon. That being said, please don’t hesitate to email<> if you have input/feedback on the acronyms. Thank you, Ariel Ariel Xinyue Liang Policy Analyst | Washington, DC Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) From: council <> on behalf of Ayden Férdeline <> Reply-To: Ayden Férdeline <> Date: Saturday, June 2, 2018 at 11:22 AM To: Marika Konings <> Cc: GNSO Council List <> Subject: Re: [council] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad Thank you; I will advise the Council if I receive a response regarding this initiative. In the meantime I have noticed that the new acronym glossary has been launched, and the term 'GNSO' is missing. Not to repeat myself, but perhaps if we had been consulted on the actual text that would populate this tool, and not on its layout and interface, this could have been picked up earlier. Other SO/ACs, like the ccNSO, are included in the glossary. Ayden ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On 23 May 2018 11:41 PM, Marika Konings <> wrote: Ayden, I would suggest you reach out to<> so that those responsible for this initiative can respond to your questions. Best regards, Marika From: council <> on behalf of Ayden Férdeline <> Reply-To: Ayden Férdeline <> Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 15:29 To: Ayden Férdeline <> Cc: GNSO Council List <> Subject: Re: [council] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad I have noticed that the Information Transparency Initiative, which opened up for public comment for a total of seven days last month, has still not yet published the results of its consultation. It apparently required 15 days to review the feedback received in that one week, but three weeks have now passed and the consultation results have yet to be published. I think this sham consultation is a waste of resources, and I continue to maintain that it is offensive for ICANN org to claim that this outrageously small consultation window of one week was justifiable given budgetary constraints. I also note that my repeated requests to see the actual substance - that is, not mock ups of the design of the new glossary tool, but the actual text that will populate the tool and its 250 definitions - have been ignored. Given the tightening budgetary situation and the need to realise operational efficiencies across ICANN, I would personally appreciate some clarity into how much this Initiative is costing, as I do not believe it is delivering anything of value -- not yet anyway. Ayden Férdeline ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On 25 April 2018 6:08 PM, Ayden Férdeline <> wrote: Thanks, Mary- The issue that the feedback tool does not actually work is not the real concern that I have here; the concern I have is that we are not being asked to offer any real feedback. We are not being asked to review the 250 new definitions of acronyms that will appear on the ICANN website. Instead we are being asked to watch a stupid 3 minute YouTube video (that could be condensed to three screenshots), and to comment on this ‘tool.’ It is a pseudo consultation at best, and I really think ICANN has wasted resources developing it. And with respect, I think the suggestion that the comment period could only be open for under a week, due to budget constraints, is ludicrous. It says a lot about how ICANN org values community feedback. Ayden Sent from ProtonMail Mobile On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 17:13, Mary Wong <<>> wrote: Dear Ayden and all, We apologize if there were difficulties with accessing the feedback tool – there ought not to be any, so please do try it again if you wish to provide feedback. Please be assured that ICANN organization is committed to and interested in gathering the community’s feedback on each of the features that we will be rolling out with the objective of improving the findability, transparency, and accessibility of ICANN public content. The deadlines are, unfortunately, what they are in order to ensure that we are able to deliver on this major project on budget and on time. There will certainly be multiple and additional opportunities and forums for continuing community feedback, as noted in David’s blog that is referenced in the announcement below. Thank you. Best regards, Mary From: council <> on behalf of Ayden Férdeline <> Reply-To: Ayden Férdeline <> Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 09:17 To: Heather Forrest <> Cc: GNSO Council List <> Subject: Re: [council] Fwd: [So-ac-sg-cleaders] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad Given comments are being sought for less than a week, this does not strike me as a genuine consultative activity but appears to be a token form of participation intended to manipulate public opinion. This new website implies a shift towards greater consultation and community participation in ICANN's content strategy, but we cannot actually wield any influence by commenting here. (And not just because if you press the 'provide feedback' button, you see "The feedback survey is temporarily unavailable.") From what I understand we are not even being asked to comment on anything important. The list of 250 definitions, which I would like to review for neutrality and accuracy, are not online and it sounds like they have already been approved internally and are not open to community review. Are we really being asked to comment on just the glossary tool itself, and did ICANN really produce a video mockup and slide deck of something so incredibly mundane when it is up for public comment for just a week? Please forgive the negative sentiment to my message here, but it really seems a poor allocation of resources to me. Ayden Férdeline ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On 25 April 2018 3:03 PM, Heather Forrest <> wrote: Dear Council colleagues, I am pleased to pass on David Olive's update, below, on the Information Transparency Initiative. Best wishes, Heather ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "David Olive" <<> > Date: 24/04/2018 10:37 AM Subject: [So-ac-sg-cleaders] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad To: "<> " <<>> Cc: "David Conrad" <<> >, "Jana Juginovic" <<> >[]<> The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live I'm pleased to announce that today, we launched the ITI feedback site[]<> ([]<>). As I have written about in previous blogs and discussed at ICANN60 and ICANN61 sessions, this site[]<> is intended to provide you, the ICANN community, with the ability to share your input on the content and features the ITI team is working on to improve the findability, transparency, and accessibility of ICANN public content. The first item we are looking for your comments on is an updated Acronyms and Terms feature[]<> to replace the existing feature[]<>. Our update doubles the number of terms available, provides up-to-date definitions for the terms, and improves search. Unlike most of the ITI project, we will launch this updated feature on the current[]<> before 31 May 2018. The deadline to provide your input on the proposed updates to Acronyms and Terms is 30 April 2018, 23:59 UTC. Please visit[]<> to experience the proposed changes and complete a short survey. How the ITI Feedback Site Works The ITI Team will regularly post documents, mockups, or video walkthroughs of new content and features. The proposed content or feature items are listed on the homepage under the heading "Feedback Needed." Each item lists a deadline by which you need to provide input. Simply click on the item you're interested in. This will take you to another page, which provides you with the option to either download a mockup or watch a video walkthrough. Once you have completed that task, click on the "Feedback" button to complete a short survey or email your feedback to<>. Once the deadline has passed, the ITI Team will collect and publish all comments to[]<>. All published results of the survey will be anonymous, unless otherwise requested by the submitter. We will review all submissions and make our best efforts to implement the feedback, prioritizing input that serves the goals of improving search and accessibility, and increasing the transparency of our content. Feedback Deadlines We do have a tight deadline for community comments – one week for each new item. The reason for this timeline is we need to maintain a rigorous development schedule to ensure we are delivering the project on time and within budget. However,[]<> is not your only avenue to share input. ITI has many other opportunities to learn about ITI and provide comments including: * Regular sessions at ICANN Public Meetings. * Special sessions or webinars for Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees (SO/ACs) on request or for special features and content like Public Comment. * Monthly blogs and newsletters. * Via email at<> Feedback Translations As I outlined above, we are working at a brisk development pace. This does limit our ability to fully translate[]<> and its survey. But, if you want to share feedback in another language, email us at<>. It is important to emphasize that one of the primary goals of ITI is a multilingual[]<>, and the sooner we complete this project, the sooner we can deliver on that goal. ITI Goals ITI's goal is not a revamp of[]<>. While the ITI team is working on making improvements to your User Experience (UX) on[]<>, the vast majority of our efforts are focused on: * Creating content governance through new, enforced workflows and the creation of a consistent, multilingual taxonomy. * Building new technical infrastructures including a first-ever for ICANN document management system (DMS) and a new content management system (CMS). This new infrastructure will enforce this governance and enable improved content findability. Much of this foundational work won't be available on the feedback site for your input, but we will show the intended benefits of this work through the content and features we will share. ITI Update The ITI team has been hard at work completing that foundational work I mentioned above. We have completed the following tasks since the January 2018 launch of ITI: * The foundational build of the DMS and CMS, and the integration between the two platforms. * Sixty percent of the content audit and the taxonomy creation. * Interviews with SO/AC leaders, registrants, registrars, Fellows, and other ICANN stakeholders. We have also begun work on the following items: * Content modelling, workflow creation, and content governance enforcement in the DMS. * Accessibility guidelines and multilingual site implementation planning. ITI will launch in December 2019. ITI Backgrounders For those of you unfamiliar with ITI, you can read about what it is and how it will benefit the ICANN community in my kickoff blog[]<>. You can learn more about how the content audit and taxonomy will help your search experience in my January blog[]<>. We also outlined the differences between ITI and the Open Data Initiative (ODI) in our pre-ICANN61 blog[]<>. We Need Your Feedback Remember, we need your input to help us make the specific improvements to search, transparency, and accessibility that you need and want. Please visit the ITI feedback site[]<> and email us anytime at<>. Comments Log in to Comment[]<> or Sign Up[]<> Details * ICANN Blog * Author: David Conrad, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Senior Vice-President * 23 Apr 2018 David A. Olive Senior Vice President Policy Development Support Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) _______________________________________________ So-ac-sg-cleaders mailing list<>

Hello, A year has now passed - is an update available on the Information Transparency Initiative (ITI)? The website has not been updated since 11 October 2018, and I understand there is a large budget allocation still assigned to this work. In April 2018, the launch for ITI was apparently imminent. Whatever happened to it? Thank you. Kind regards, Ayden Férdeline ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Saturday, 2 June 2018 15:21, Ayden Férdeline <> wrote:
Thank you; I will advise the Council if I receive a response regarding this initiative.
In the meantime I have noticed that the new acronym glossary has been launched, and the term 'GNSO' is missing. Not to repeat myself, but perhaps if we had been consulted on the actual text that would populate this tool, and not on its layout and interface, this could have been picked up earlier. Other SO/ACs, like the ccNSO, are included in the glossary.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On 23 May 2018 11:41 PM, Marika Konings <> wrote:
Ayden, I would suggest you reach out to so that those responsible for this initiative can respond to your questions.
Best regards,
From: council <> on behalf of Ayden Férdeline <> Reply-To: Ayden Férdeline <> Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 15:29 To: Ayden Férdeline <> Cc: GNSO Council List <> Subject: Re: [council] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad
I have noticed that the Information Transparency Initiative, which opened up for public comment for a total of seven days last month, has still not yet published the results of its consultation. It apparently required 15 days to review the feedback received in that one week, but three weeks have now passed and the consultation results have yet to be published.
I think this sham consultation is a waste of resources, and I continue to maintain that it is offensive for ICANN org to claim that this outrageously small consultation window of one week was justifiable given budgetary constraints. I also note that my repeated requests to see the actual substance - that is, not mock ups of the design of the new glossary tool, but the actual text that will populate the tool and its 250 definitions - have been ignored.
Given the tightening budgetary situation and the need to realise operational efficiencies across ICANN, I would personally appreciate some clarity into how much this Initiative is costing, as I do not believe it is delivering anything of value -- not yet anyway.
Ayden Férdeline
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On 25 April 2018 6:08 PM, Ayden Férdeline <> wrote:
Thanks, Mary-
The issue that the feedback tool does not actually work is not the real concern that I have here; the concern I have is that we are not being asked to offer any real feedback.
We are not being asked to review the 250 new definitions of acronyms that will appear on the ICANN website. Instead we are being asked to watch a stupid 3 minute YouTube video (that could be condensed to three screenshots), and to comment on this ‘tool.’ It is a pseudo consultation at best, and I really think ICANN has wasted resources developing it.
And with respect, I think the suggestion that the comment period could only be open for under a week, due to budget constraints, is ludicrous. It says a lot about how ICANN org values community feedback.
Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 17:13, Mary Wong <> wrote:
Dear Ayden and all,
We apologize if there were difficulties with accessing the feedback tool – there ought not to be any, so please do try it again if you wish to provide feedback.
Please be assured that ICANN organization is committed to and interested in gathering the community’s feedback on each of the features that we will be rolling out with the objective of improving the findability, transparency, and accessibility of ICANN public content. The deadlines are, unfortunately, what they are in order to ensure that we are able to deliver on this major project on budget and on time. There will certainly be multiple and additional opportunities and forums for continuing community feedback, as noted in David’s blog that is referenced in the announcement below.
Thank you.
Best regards,
From: council <> on behalf of Ayden Férdeline <> Reply-To: Ayden Férdeline <> Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 09:17 To: Heather Forrest <> Cc: GNSO Council List <> Subject: Re: [council] Fwd: [So-ac-sg-cleaders] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad
[Given comments are being sought for less than a week, this does not strike me as a genuine consultative activity but appears to be a token form of participation intended to manipulate public opinion. This new website implies a shift towards greater consultation and community participation in ICANN's content strategy, but we cannot actually wield any influence by commenting here. (And not just because if you press the 'provide feedback' button, you see "The feedback survey is temporarily unavailable.") ]
From what I understand we are not even being asked to comment on anything important. The list of 250 definitions, which I would like to review for neutrality and accuracy, are not online and it sounds like they have already been approved internally and are not open to community review. Are we really being asked to comment on just the glossary tool itself, and did ICANN really produce a video mockup and slide deck of something so incredibly mundane when it is up for public comment for just a week?
Please forgive the negative sentiment to my message here, but it really seems a poor allocation of resources to me.
Ayden Férdeline
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On 25 April 2018 3:03 PM, Heather Forrest <> wrote:
Dear Council colleagues,
I am pleased to pass on David Olive's update, below, on the Information Transparency Initiative.
Best wishes,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "David Olive" < >
Date: 24/04/2018 10:37 AM
Subject: [So-ac-sg-cleaders] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad
To: " " <>
Cc: "David Conrad" < >, "Jana Juginovic" < >
The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live
I'm pleased to announce that today, we launched the [ITI feedback site[]]( ([[]]( As I have written about in previous blogs and discussed at ICANN60 and ICANN61 sessions, [this site[]]( is intended to provide you, the ICANN community, with the ability to share your input on the content and features the ITI team is working on to improve the findability, transparency, and accessibility of ICANN public content.
The first item we are looking for your comments on is an updated [Acronyms and Terms feature[]]( to replace [the existing feature[]]( Our update doubles the number of terms available, provides up-to-date definitions for the terms, and improves search. Unlike most of the ITI project, we will launch this updated feature on the current [[]]( before 31 May 2018. The deadline to provide your input on the proposed updates to Acronyms and Terms is 30 April 2018, 23:59 UTC. Please visit [[]]( to experience the proposed changes and complete a short survey.
How the ITI Feedback Site Works
The ITI Team will regularly post documents, mockups, or video walkthroughs of new content and features. The proposed content or feature items are listed on the homepage under the heading "Feedback Needed." Each item lists a deadline by which you need to provide input. Simply click on the item you're interested in. This will take you to another page, which provides you with the option to either download a mockup or watch a video walkthrough. Once you have completed that task, click on the "Feedback" button to complete a short survey or email your feedback to
Once the deadline has passed, the ITI Team will collect and publish all comments to [[]]( All published results of the survey will be anonymous, unless otherwise requested by the submitter.
We will review all submissions and make our best efforts to implement the feedback, prioritizing input that serves the goals of improving search and accessibility, and increasing the transparency of our content.
Feedback Deadlines
We do have a tight deadline for community comments – one week for each new item. The reason for this timeline is we need to maintain a rigorous development schedule to ensure we are delivering the project on time and within budget. However, [[]]( is not your only avenue to share input. ITI has many other opportunities to learn about ITI and provide comments including:
- Regular sessions at ICANN Public Meetings.
- Special sessions or webinars for Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees (SO/ACs) on request or for special features and content like Public Comment.
- Monthly blogs and newsletters.
- Via email at
Feedback Translations
As I outlined above, we are working at a brisk development pace. This does limit our ability to fully translate [[]]( and its survey. But, if you want to share feedback in another language, email us at It is important to emphasize that one of the primary goals of ITI is a multilingual [[]](, and the sooner we complete this project, the sooner we can deliver on that goal.
ITI Goals
ITI's goal is not a revamp of [[]]( While the ITI team is working on making improvements to your User Experience (UX) on [[]](, the vast majority of our efforts are focused on:
- Creating content governance through new, enforced workflows and the creation of a consistent, multilingual taxonomy.
- Building new technical infrastructures including a first-ever for ICANN document management system (DMS) and a new content management system (CMS). This new infrastructure will enforce this governance and enable improved content findability.
Much of this foundational work won't be available on the feedback site for your input, but we will show the intended benefits of this work through the content and features we will share.
ITI Update
The ITI team has been hard at work completing that foundational work I mentioned above. We have completed the following tasks since the January 2018 launch of ITI:
- The foundational build of the DMS and CMS, and the integration between the two platforms.
- Sixty percent of the content audit and the taxonomy creation.
- Interviews with SO/AC leaders, registrants, registrars, Fellows, and other ICANN stakeholders.
We have also begun work on the following items:
- Content modelling, workflow creation, and content governance enforcement in the DMS.
- Accessibility guidelines and multilingual site implementation planning.
ITI will launch in December 2019.
ITI Backgrounders
For those of you unfamiliar with ITI, you can read about what it is and how it will benefit the ICANN community in my [kickoff blog[]](
You can learn more about how the content audit and taxonomy will help your search experience in my [January blog[]](
We also outlined the differences between ITI and the Open Data Initiative (ODI) in our [pre-ICANN61 blog[]](
We Need Your Feedback
Remember, we need your input to help us make the specific improvements to search, transparency, and accessibility that you need and want.
Please visit the [ITI feedback site[]]( and email us anytime at
[Log in to Comment[]]( or [Sign Up[]](
- ICANN Blog
- Author: David Conrad, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Senior Vice-President
- 23 Apr 2018
David A. Olive Senior Vice President
Policy Development Support Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
So-ac-sg-cleaders mailing list

Hi Ayden, all, The most recent CEO report has information about ITI on page 32: We are reaching out to our colleagues supporting this initiative to see if there are any further updates and will let you know if there is additional information to report. Best regards, Marika From: Ayden Férdeline <> Reply-To: Ayden Férdeline <> Date: Sunday, June 30, 2019 at 13:35 To: Ayden Férdeline <> Cc: Marika Konings <>, GNSO Council List <> Subject: [Ext] Re: [council] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad Hello, A year has now passed - is an update available on the Information Transparency Initiative (ITI)? The website has not been updated since 11 October 2018, and I understand there is a large budget allocation still assigned to this work. In April 2018, the launch for ITI was apparently imminent. Whatever happened to it? Thank you. Kind regards, Ayden Férdeline ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Saturday, 2 June 2018 15:21, Ayden Férdeline <> wrote: Thank you; I will advise the Council if I receive a response regarding this initiative. In the meantime I have noticed that the new acronym glossary has been launched, and the term 'GNSO' is missing. Not to repeat myself, but perhaps if we had been consulted on the actual text that would populate this tool, and not on its layout and interface, this could have been picked up earlier. Other SO/ACs, like the ccNSO, are included in the glossary. Ayden ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On 23 May 2018 11:41 PM, Marika Konings <> wrote: Ayden, I would suggest you reach out to<> so that those responsible for this initiative can respond to your questions. Best regards, Marika From: council <> on behalf of Ayden Férdeline <> Reply-To: Ayden Férdeline <> Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 15:29 To: Ayden Férdeline <> Cc: GNSO Council List <> Subject: Re: [council] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad I have noticed that the Information Transparency Initiative, which opened up for public comment for a total of seven days last month, has still not yet published the results of its consultation. It apparently required 15 days to review the feedback received in that one week, but three weeks have now passed and the consultation results have yet to be published. I think this sham consultation is a waste of resources, and I continue to maintain that it is offensive for ICANN org to claim that this outrageously small consultation window of one week was justifiable given budgetary constraints. I also note that my repeated requests to see the actual substance - that is, not mock ups of the design of the new glossary tool, but the actual text that will populate the tool and its 250 definitions - have been ignored. Given the tightening budgetary situation and the need to realise operational efficiencies across ICANN, I would personally appreciate some clarity into how much this Initiative is costing, as I do not believe it is delivering anything of value -- not yet anyway. Ayden Férdeline ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On 25 April 2018 6:08 PM, Ayden Férdeline <> wrote: Thanks, Mary- The issue that the feedback tool does not actually work is not the real concern that I have here; the concern I have is that we are not being asked to offer any real feedback. We are not being asked to review the 250 new definitions of acronyms that will appear on the ICANN website. Instead we are being asked to watch a stupid 3 minute YouTube video (that could be condensed to three screenshots), and to comment on this ‘tool.’ It is a pseudo consultation at best, and I really think ICANN has wasted resources developing it. And with respect, I think the suggestion that the comment period could only be open for under a week, due to budget constraints, is ludicrous. It says a lot about how ICANN org values community feedback. Ayden Sent from ProtonMail Mobile On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 17:13, Mary Wong <<>> wrote: Dear Ayden and all, We apologize if there were difficulties with accessing the feedback tool – there ought not to be any, so please do try it again if you wish to provide feedback. Please be assured that ICANN organization is committed to and interested in gathering the community’s feedback on each of the features that we will be rolling out with the objective of improving the findability, transparency, and accessibility of ICANN public content. The deadlines are, unfortunately, what they are in order to ensure that we are able to deliver on this major project on budget and on time. There will certainly be multiple and additional opportunities and forums for continuing community feedback, as noted in David’s blog that is referenced in the announcement below. Thank you. Best regards, Mary From: council <> on behalf of Ayden Férdeline <> Reply-To: Ayden Férdeline <> Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 09:17 To: Heather Forrest <> Cc: GNSO Council List <> Subject: Re: [council] Fwd: [So-ac-sg-cleaders] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad Given comments are being sought for less than a week, this does not strike me as a genuine consultative activity but appears to be a token form of participation intended to manipulate public opinion. This new website implies a shift towards greater consultation and community participation in ICANN's content strategy, but we cannot actually wield any influence by commenting here. (And not just because if you press the 'provide feedback' button, you see "The feedback survey is temporarily unavailable.") From what I understand we are not even being asked to comment on anything important. The list of 250 definitions, which I would like to review for neutrality and accuracy, are not online and it sounds like they have already been approved internally and are not open to community review. Are we really being asked to comment on just the glossary tool itself, and did ICANN really produce a video mockup and slide deck of something so incredibly mundane when it is up for public comment for just a week? Please forgive the negative sentiment to my message here, but it really seems a poor allocation of resources to me. Ayden Férdeline ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On 25 April 2018 3:03 PM, Heather Forrest <> wrote: Dear Council colleagues, I am pleased to pass on David Olive's update, below, on the Information Transparency Initiative. Best wishes, Heather ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "David Olive" <<> > Date: 24/04/2018 10:37 AM Subject: [So-ac-sg-cleaders] The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live - ICANN - Blog by David Conrad To: "<> " <<>> Cc: "David Conrad" <<> >, "Jana Juginovic" <<> >[]<> The Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) Feedback Site is Now Live I'm pleased to announce that today, we launched the ITI feedback site[]<> ([]<>). As I have written about in previous blogs and discussed at ICANN60 and ICANN61 sessions, this site[]<> is intended to provide you, the ICANN community, with the ability to share your input on the content and features the ITI team is working on to improve the findability, transparency, and accessibility of ICANN public content. The first item we are looking for your comments on is an updated Acronyms and Terms feature[]<> to replace the existing feature[]<>. Our update doubles the number of terms available, provides up-to-date definitions for the terms, and improves search. Unlike most of the ITI project, we will launch this updated feature on the current[]<> before 31 May 2018. The deadline to provide your input on the proposed updates to Acronyms and Terms is 30 April 2018, 23:59 UTC. Please visit[]<> to experience the proposed changes and complete a short survey. How the ITI Feedback Site Works The ITI Team will regularly post documents, mockups, or video walkthroughs of new content and features. The proposed content or feature items are listed on the homepage under the heading "Feedback Needed." Each item lists a deadline by which you need to provide input. Simply click on the item you're interested in. This will take you to another page, which provides you with the option to either download a mockup or watch a video walkthrough. Once you have completed that task, click on the "Feedback" button to complete a short survey or email your feedback to<>. Once the deadline has passed, the ITI Team will collect and publish all comments to[]<>. All published results of the survey will be anonymous, unless otherwise requested by the submitter. We will review all submissions and make our best efforts to implement the feedback, prioritizing input that serves the goals of improving search and accessibility, and increasing the transparency of our content. Feedback Deadlines We do have a tight deadline for community comments – one week for each new item. The reason for this timeline is we need to maintain a rigorous development schedule to ensure we are delivering the project on time and within budget. However,[]<> is not your only avenue to share input. ITI has many other opportunities to learn about ITI and provide comments including: * Regular sessions at ICANN Public Meetings. * Special sessions or webinars for Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees (SO/ACs) on request or for special features and content like Public Comment. * Monthly blogs and newsletters. * Via email at<> Feedback Translations As I outlined above, we are working at a brisk development pace. This does limit our ability to fully translate[]<> and its survey. But, if you want to share feedback in another language, email us at<>. It is important to emphasize that one of the primary goals of ITI is a multilingual[]<>, and the sooner we complete this project, the sooner we can deliver on that goal. ITI Goals ITI's goal is not a revamp of[]<>. While the ITI team is working on making improvements to your User Experience (UX) on[]<>, the vast majority of our efforts are focused on: * Creating content governance through new, enforced workflows and the creation of a consistent, multilingual taxonomy. * Building new technical infrastructures including a first-ever for ICANN document management system (DMS) and a new content management system (CMS). This new infrastructure will enforce this governance and enable improved content findability. Much of this foundational work won't be available on the feedback site for your input, but we will show the intended benefits of this work through the content and features we will share. ITI Update The ITI team has been hard at work completing that foundational work I mentioned above. We have completed the following tasks since the January 2018 launch of ITI: * The foundational build of the DMS and CMS, and the integration between the two platforms. * Sixty percent of the content audit and the taxonomy creation. * Interviews with SO/AC leaders, registrants, registrars, Fellows, and other ICANN stakeholders. We have also begun work on the following items: * Content modelling, workflow creation, and content governance enforcement in the DMS. * Accessibility guidelines and multilingual site implementation planning. ITI will launch in December 2019. ITI Backgrounders For those of you unfamiliar with ITI, you can read about what it is and how it will benefit the ICANN community in my kickoff blog[]<>. You can learn more about how the content audit and taxonomy will help your search experience in my January blog[]<>. We also outlined the differences between ITI and the Open Data Initiative (ODI) in our pre-ICANN61 blog[]<>. We Need Your Feedback Remember, we need your input to help us make the specific improvements to search, transparency, and accessibility that you need and want. Please visit the ITI feedback site[]<> and email us anytime at<>. Comments Log in to Comment[]<> or Sign Up[]<> Details * ICANN Blog * Author: David Conrad, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Senior Vice-President * 23 Apr 2018 David A. Olive Senior Vice President Policy Development Support Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) _______________________________________________ So-ac-sg-cleaders mailing list<>
participants (4)
Ariel Liang
Ayden Férdeline
Marika Konings
Mary Wong