Draft agenda for IDN workshop II with focus on the African region

Hello All, Attached is a draft agenda being prepared by ICANN for an IDN workshop at the Cape Town meeting. Please forward suggestions to Tina Dam at ICANN. Regards, Bruce Tonkin Workshop: Internationalized Domain Name Wednesday, 1 December 2004 Cape Town, South Africa In General The IDN Workshop II will be a follow-up on the previous workshop held on 21 July 2004 in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia. This previous workshop contained a 4 hour tutorial that addressed the basic issues necessary for a better understanding of the IDN topic. Participants to the IDN Workshop II, in Cape Town, are recommended to review the material presented in this tutorial, as such comprehensive level of introduction to IDN issues will not be part of the IDN Workshop II. § Copies of the presentations provided in the initial workshop in Kuala Lumpur can be viewed here: http://www.icann.org/meetings/kualalumpur/idn-workshop-08jul04.htm § Video archives of the presentations can be viewed here: http://www.icann.org/meetings/kualalumpur/video.htm The IDN workshop II will be based on knowledge sharing, opinions and experiences, and will focus on Agenda Welcome to the IDN Workshop II § By: Paul Twomey, President and CEO, ICANN General Introduction Presentations: IDN development within African Languages § Adama Samassekou (African Language Institute) § Lyndall Shope Mafole (DOC-South Africa) § Madame Beiji (Tunisa, testing implementation of IDN in ccTLD) § .tn (IDN testbed) § Francophonie (Unicode) Plenary I: Application Provider Development Plenary II: IDN Policy Issues and Decision-making Processes § Moderator: Chair, Presidents IDN Advisory Committee
participants (1)
Bruce Tonkin