FW: [CCWG-ACCT] Timeline and next steps (updated)

Please use this version of the timeline instead. From: <accountability-cross-community-bounces@icann.org<mailto:accountability-cross-community-bounces@icann.org>> on behalf of León Felipe Sánchez Ambía <leonfelipe@sanchez.mx<mailto:leonfelipe@sanchez.mx>> Date: Thursday 19 November 2015 07:20 To: Accountability Cross Community <accountability-cross-community@icann.org<mailto:accountability-cross-community@icann.org>> Cc: cc staff all <cc-staff@lists.ibiblio.org<mailto:cc-staff@lists.ibiblio.org>> Subject: [CCWG-ACCT] Timeline and next steps (updated) An earlier version of this email was sent mistakenly so please disregard the earlier version and have this version as the final version. ================= Dear all, As indicated on call #68, we have designed a detailed roadmap of key dates and milestones toward finalizing theThird Draft Proposal that we invite you to read and mark in your calendars. In order to meet our 30 November deadline, it will be important that we all comply with this calendar of deliverables to ensure feedback and edits are incorporated into the Third Proposal in a prompt and appropriate fashion: 20-Nov-15 Full Proposal content is delivered to CCWG by 23:59 UTC 21-23 Nov-15 CCWG Co-Chairs and Rapporteurs gather feedback from Working Party groups, legal counsel and Advisors 23-Nov-15 CCWG final comments on Full Proposal content due by 23:59 UTC 24-Nov-15 Weekly call #69 24-25-Nov 15 Back and forth and finalizing content with Co-Chairs, Writing team holding the pen 25-Nov-15 Content due to translation / formatting by 23:59 UTC 26-Nov-15 Additional CCWG-ACCT call (call #70) 30-Nov-15 Begin Phase 2 of Consideration by Chartering Organizations 30-Nov-15 Begin professional proofreading/final editing 12 -Dec-15 Translations ready 20-Dec-15 Delivery of final proofreading/editing 21-Dec-15 End of public comment and first close for Chartering Organizations to indicate support for recommendations 24-Dec-15 Staff summary of public comments and Chartering Organization support for recommendation Please note that in consideration of the work load, we recommend holding an additional next week on Thursday 26 November at 14:00-16:00 UTC. For US-based colleagues, the timeslot was selected so that it is early in day for you in consideration of the U.S. holiday. We recognize that we are operating under tight deadlines to produce our Third Draft Proposal and as always, thank you for your cooperation and hard work. Best regards Mathieu, Thomas, León

Hi Marika, Just so that I am clear and can take back an accurate message to my stakeholders, the proposed schedule would have the GNSO Coucil give its up or down on the CCWG-Accountability proposal 3 days after the end of public comment, with that 3 day period ending on Christmas Eve. Do I have this right? Best, Paul Paul D. McGrady Jr. Partner Chair, Trademark, Domain Names and Brand Enforcement Practice Winston & Strawn LLP 35 W. Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60601-9703 D: +1 (312) 558-5963 F: +1 (312) 558-5700 Bio<http://www.winston.com/en/who-we-are/attorneys/mcgrady-paul-d.html> | VCard<http://www.winston.com/vcards/996.vcf> | Email<mailto:pmcgrady@winston.com> | winston.com<http://www.winston.com> [Winston & Strawn LLP] From: owner-council@gnso.icann.org [mailto:owner-council@gnso.icann.org] On Behalf Of Marika Konings Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 7:28 AM To: Council Subject: [council] FW: [CCWG-ACCT] Timeline and next steps (updated) Please use this version of the timeline instead. From: <accountability-cross-community-bounces@icann.org<mailto:accountability-cross-community-bounces@icann.org>> on behalf of León Felipe Sánchez Ambía <leonfelipe@sanchez.mx<mailto:leonfelipe@sanchez.mx>> Date: Thursday 19 November 2015 07:20 To: Accountability Cross Community <accountability-cross-community@icann.org<mailto:accountability-cross-community@icann.org>> Cc: cc staff all <cc-staff@lists.ibiblio.org<mailto:cc-staff@lists.ibiblio.org>> Subject: [CCWG-ACCT] Timeline and next steps (updated) An earlier version of this email was sent mistakenly so please disregard the earlier version and have this version as the final version. ================= Dear all, As indicated on call #68, we have designed a detailed roadmap of key dates and milestones toward finalizing theThird Draft Proposal that we invite you to read and mark in your calendars. In order to meet our 30 November deadline, it will be important that we all comply with this calendar of deliverables to ensure feedback and edits are incorporated into the Third Proposal in a prompt and appropriate fashion: 20-Nov-15 Full Proposal content is delivered to CCWG by 23:59 UTC 21-23 Nov-15 CCWG Co-Chairs and Rapporteurs gather feedback from Working Party groups, legal counsel and Advisors 23-Nov-15 CCWG final comments on Full Proposal content due by 23:59 UTC 24-Nov-15 Weekly call #69 24-25-Nov 15 Back and forth and finalizing content with Co-Chairs, Writing team holding the pen 25-Nov-15 Content due to translation / formatting by 23:59 UTC 26-Nov-15 Additional CCWG-ACCT call (call #70) 30-Nov-15 Begin Phase 2 of Consideration by Chartering Organizations 30-Nov-15 Begin professional proofreading/final editing 12 -Dec-15 Translations ready 20-Dec-15 Delivery of final proofreading/editing 21-Dec-15 End of public comment and first close for Chartering Organizations to indicate support for recommendations 24-Dec-15 Staff summary of public comments and Chartering Organization support for recommendation Please note that in consideration of the work load, we recommend holding an additional next week on Thursday 26 November at 14:00-16:00 UTC. For US-based colleagues, the timeslot was selected so that it is early in day for you in consideration of the U.S. holiday. We recognize that we are operating under tight deadlines to produce our Third Draft Proposal and as always, thank you for your cooperation and hard work. Best regards Mathieu, Thomas, León The contents of this message may be privileged and confidential. Therefore, if this message has been received in error, please delete it without reading it. Your receipt of this message is not intended to waive any applicable privilege. Please do not disseminate this message without the permission of the author.

Paul; The next GNSO Council call is 12/17, which is 4 days before the end of the public comment period. Best, Philip Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. Philip S. Corwin, Founding Principal Virtualaw LLC 1155 F Street, NW. Suite 1050 Washington, DC 20004 202-559-8597/Direct 202-559-8750/Fax 202-255-6172/Cell Twitter: @VLawDC "Luck is the residue of design" -- Branch Rickey From: McGrady, Paul D. Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015 10:00 PM To: Marika Konings; Council Subject: [council] RE: [CCWG-ACCT] Timeline and next steps (updated) Hi Marika, Just so that I am clear and can take back an accurate message to my stakeholders, the proposed schedule would have the GNSO Coucil give its up or down on the CCWG-Accountability proposal 3 days after the end of public comment, with that 3 day period ending on Christmas Eve. Do I have this right? Best, Paul Paul D. McGrady Jr. Partner Chair, Trademark, Domain Names and Brand Enforcement Practice Winston & Strawn LLP 35 W. Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60601-9703 D: +1 (312) 558-5963 F: +1 (312) 558-5700 Bio<http://www.winston.com/en/who-we-are/attorneys/mcgrady-paul-d.html> | VCard<http://www.winston.com/vcards/996.vcf> | Email<mailto:pmcgrady@winston.com> | winston.com<http://www.winston.com> [Winston & Strawn LLP] From: owner-council@gnso.icann.org [mailto:owner-council@gnso.icann.org] On Behalf Of Marika Konings Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 7:28 AM To: Council Subject: [council] FW: [CCWG-ACCT] Timeline and next steps (updated) Please use this version of the timeline instead. From: <accountability-cross-community-bounces@icann.org<mailto:accountability-cross-community-bounces@icann.org>> on behalf of León Felipe Sánchez Ambía <leonfelipe@sanchez.mx<mailto:leonfelipe@sanchez.mx>> Date: Thursday 19 November 2015 07:20 To: Accountability Cross Community <accountability-cross-community@icann.org<mailto:accountability-cross-community@icann.org>> Cc: cc staff all <cc-staff@lists.ibiblio.org<mailto:cc-staff@lists.ibiblio.org>> Subject: [CCWG-ACCT] Timeline and next steps (updated) An earlier version of this email was sent mistakenly so please disregard the earlier version and have this version as the final version. ================= Dear all, As indicated on call #68, we have designed a detailed roadmap of key dates and milestones toward finalizing theThird Draft Proposal that we invite you to read and mark in your calendars. In order to meet our 30 November deadline, it will be important that we all comply with this calendar of deliverables to ensure feedback and edits are incorporated into the Third Proposal in a prompt and appropriate fashion: 20-Nov-15 Full Proposal content is delivered to CCWG by 23:59 UTC 21-23 Nov-15 CCWG Co-Chairs and Rapporteurs gather feedback from Working Party groups, legal counsel and Advisors 23-Nov-15 CCWG final comments on Full Proposal content due by 23:59 UTC 24-Nov-15 Weekly call #69 24-25-Nov 15 Back and forth and finalizing content with Co-Chairs, Writing team holding the pen 25-Nov-15 Content due to translation / formatting by 23:59 UTC 26-Nov-15 Additional CCWG-ACCT call (call #70) 30-Nov-15 Begin Phase 2 of Consideration by Chartering Organizations 30-Nov-15 Begin professional proofreading/final editing 12 -Dec-15 Translations ready 20-Dec-15 Delivery of final proofreading/editing 21-Dec-15 End of public comment and first close for Chartering Organizations to indicate support for recommendations 24-Dec-15 Staff summary of public comments and Chartering Organization support for recommendation Please note that in consideration of the work load, we recommend holding an additional next week on Thursday 26 November at 14:00-16:00 UTC. For US-based colleagues, the timeslot was selected so that it is early in day for you in consideration of the U.S. holiday. We recognize that we are operating under tight deadlines to produce our Third Draft Proposal and as always, thank you for your cooperation and hard work. Best regards Mathieu, Thomas, León The contents of this message may be privileged and confidential. Therefore, if this message has been received in error, please delete it without reading it. Your receipt of this message is not intended to waive any applicable privilege. Please do not disseminate this message without the permission of the author. ________________________________ No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com<http://www.avg.com> Version: 2015.0.6140 / Virus Database: 4450/10889 - Release Date: 10/25/15 Internal Virus Database is out of date.

Hi Paul, As I understand it, the Council is expected to indicate by the close of the public comment period whether there any major concerns that could potentially affect the chances of approval of the Final Proposal or if there aren't any, whether it is likely that the Council would be able to support the proposal as it stands. The actual consideration of the Final Proposal for approval would not happen until January after the CCWG has confirmed the Final Proposal following review of the public comments and input received from the Chartering Organizations. I've copied in Thomas so he can correct me if I am wrong. Best regards, Marika On Nov 20, 2015, at 20:56, McGrady, Paul D. <PMcGrady@winston.com<mailto:PMcGrady@winston.com>> wrote: Hi Marika, Just so that I am clear and can take back an accurate message to my stakeholders, the proposed schedule would have the GNSO Coucil give its up or down on the CCWG-Accountability proposal 3 days after the end of public comment, with that 3 day period ending on Christmas Eve. Do I have this right? Best, Paul Paul D. McGrady Jr. Partner Chair, Trademark, Domain Names and Brand Enforcement Practice Winston & Strawn LLP 35 W. Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60601-9703 D: +1 (312) 558-5963 F: +1 (312) 558-5700 Bio<http://www.winston.com/en/who-we-are/attorneys/mcgrady-paul-d.html> | VCard<http://www.winston.com/vcards/996.vcf> | Email<mailto:pmcgrady@winston.com> | winston.com<http://www.winston.com> [Winston & Strawn LLP] From: owner-council@gnso.icann.org<mailto:owner-council@gnso.icann.org> [mailto:owner-council@gnso.icann.org] On Behalf Of Marika Konings Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 7:28 AM To: Council Subject: [council] FW: [CCWG-ACCT] Timeline and next steps (updated) Please use this version of the timeline instead. From: <accountability-cross-community-bounces@icann.org<mailto:accountability-cross-community-bounces@icann.org>> on behalf of León Felipe Sánchez Ambía <leonfelipe@sanchez.mx<mailto:leonfelipe@sanchez.mx>> Date: Thursday 19 November 2015 07:20 To: Accountability Cross Community <accountability-cross-community@icann.org<mailto:accountability-cross-community@icann.org>> Cc: cc staff all <cc-staff@lists.ibiblio.org<mailto:cc-staff@lists.ibiblio.org>> Subject: [CCWG-ACCT] Timeline and next steps (updated) An earlier version of this email was sent mistakenly so please disregard the earlier version and have this version as the final version. ================= Dear all, As indicated on call #68, we have designed a detailed roadmap of key dates and milestones toward finalizing theThird Draft Proposal that we invite you to read and mark in your calendars. In order to meet our 30 November deadline, it will be important that we all comply with this calendar of deliverables to ensure feedback and edits are incorporated into the Third Proposal in a prompt and appropriate fashion: 20-Nov-15 Full Proposal content is delivered to CCWG by 23:59 UTC 21-23 Nov-15 CCWG Co-Chairs and Rapporteurs gather feedback from Working Party groups, legal counsel and Advisors 23-Nov-15 CCWG final comments on Full Proposal content due by 23:59 UTC 24-Nov-15 Weekly call #69 24-25-Nov 15 Back and forth and finalizing content with Co-Chairs, Writing team holding the pen 25-Nov-15 Content due to translation / formatting by 23:59 UTC 26-Nov-15 Additional CCWG-ACCT call (call #70) 30-Nov-15 Begin Phase 2 of Consideration by Chartering Organizations 30-Nov-15 Begin professional proofreading/final editing 12 -Dec-15 Translations ready 20-Dec-15 Delivery of final proofreading/editing 21-Dec-15 End of public comment and first close for Chartering Organizations to indicate support for recommendations 24-Dec-15 Staff summary of public comments and Chartering Organization support for recommendation Please note that in consideration of the work load, we recommend holding an additional next week on Thursday 26 November at 14:00-16:00 UTC. For US-based colleagues, the timeslot was selected so that it is early in day for you in consideration of the U.S. holiday. We recognize that we are operating under tight deadlines to produce our Third Draft Proposal and as always, thank you for your cooperation and hard work. Best regards Mathieu, Thomas, León The contents of this message may be privileged and confidential. Therefore, if this message has been received in error, please delete it without reading it. Your receipt of this message is not intended to waive any applicable privilege. Please do not disseminate this message without the permission of the author.

All, The IPC would like to join the chorus of folks who are pointing out the unrealistic timeframe of this usually short comment period and a GNSO call on the subject which occurs before the comment period closes. Since the IPC and its member organizations are composed primarily of volunteers, the volume of the latest proposal is significant, and the issues are complex, we doubt we will have our comment in before the end of the rushed comment period. We also do not think that the GNSO Council will likely be in a position to opine on the proposal, other than perhaps to compile anecdotal data about how the community is reacting to the latest draft. I personally believe that we should push ICANN for more time for a realistic comment period in line with the magnitude of this proposal. For example, the New gTLD Program Implementation Review Draft Report was given 76 days and this seems at least - or a whole lot more! - important than that. The Council should also be given time to digest those comments prior to opining. I don't think that ICANN is doing any favors by compressing these timeframes, especially during the holidays. We will, of course, all work as hard and as fast as we can, but the idea of having anything close to final by our December Council call just isn't realistic. Best, Paul From: Marika Konings [mailto:marika.konings@icann.org] Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015 9:10 PM To: McGrady, Paul D. Cc: Council; thomas@rickert.net Subject: Re: [CCWG-ACCT] Timeline and next steps (updated) Hi Paul, As I understand it, the Council is expected to indicate by the close of the public comment period whether there any major concerns that could potentially affect the chances of approval of the Final Proposal or if there aren't any, whether it is likely that the Council would be able to support the proposal as it stands. The actual consideration of the Final Proposal for approval would not happen until January after the CCWG has confirmed the Final Proposal following review of the public comments and input received from the Chartering Organizations. I've copied in Thomas so he can correct me if I am wrong. Best regards, Marika On Nov 20, 2015, at 20:56, McGrady, Paul D. <PMcGrady@winston.com<mailto:PMcGrady@winston.com>> wrote: Hi Marika, Just so that I am clear and can take back an accurate message to my stakeholders, the proposed schedule would have the GNSO Coucil give its up or down on the CCWG-Accountability proposal 3 days after the end of public comment, with that 3 day period ending on Christmas Eve. Do I have this right? Best, Paul Paul D. McGrady Jr. Partner Chair, Trademark, Domain Names and Brand Enforcement Practice Winston & Strawn LLP 35 W. Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60601-9703 D: +1 (312) 558-5963 F: +1 (312) 558-5700 Bio<http://www.winston.com/en/who-we-are/attorneys/mcgrady-paul-d.html> | VCard<http://www.winston.com/vcards/996.vcf> | Email<mailto:pmcgrady@winston.com> | winston.com<http://www.winston.com> [Winston & Strawn LLP] From: owner-council@gnso.icann.org<mailto:owner-council@gnso.icann.org> [mailto:owner-council@gnso.icann.org] On Behalf Of Marika Konings Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 7:28 AM To: Council Subject: [council] FW: [CCWG-ACCT] Timeline and next steps (updated) Please use this version of the timeline instead. From: <accountability-cross-community-bounces@icann.org<mailto:accountability-cross-community-bounces@icann.org>> on behalf of León Felipe Sánchez Ambía <leonfelipe@sanchez.mx<mailto:leonfelipe@sanchez.mx>> Date: Thursday 19 November 2015 07:20 To: Accountability Cross Community <accountability-cross-community@icann.org<mailto:accountability-cross-community@icann.org>> Cc: cc staff all <cc-staff@lists.ibiblio.org<mailto:cc-staff@lists.ibiblio.org>> Subject: [CCWG-ACCT] Timeline and next steps (updated) An earlier version of this email was sent mistakenly so please disregard the earlier version and have this version as the final version. ================= Dear all, As indicated on call #68, we have designed a detailed roadmap of key dates and milestones toward finalizing theThird Draft Proposal that we invite you to read and mark in your calendars. In order to meet our 30 November deadline, it will be important that we all comply with this calendar of deliverables to ensure feedback and edits are incorporated into the Third Proposal in a prompt and appropriate fashion: 20-Nov-15 Full Proposal content is delivered to CCWG by 23:59 UTC 21-23 Nov-15 CCWG Co-Chairs and Rapporteurs gather feedback from Working Party groups, legal counsel and Advisors 23-Nov-15 CCWG final comments on Full Proposal content due by 23:59 UTC 24-Nov-15 Weekly call #69 24-25-Nov 15 Back and forth and finalizing content with Co-Chairs, Writing team holding the pen 25-Nov-15 Content due to translation / formatting by 23:59 UTC 26-Nov-15 Additional CCWG-ACCT call (call #70) 30-Nov-15 Begin Phase 2 of Consideration by Chartering Organizations 30-Nov-15 Begin professional proofreading/final editing 12 -Dec-15 Translations ready 20-Dec-15 Delivery of final proofreading/editing 21-Dec-15 End of public comment and first close for Chartering Organizations to indicate support for recommendations 24-Dec-15 Staff summary of public comments and Chartering Organization support for recommendation Please note that in consideration of the work load, we recommend holding an additional next week on Thursday 26 November at 14:00-16:00 UTC. For US-based colleagues, the timeslot was selected so that it is early in day for you in consideration of the U.S. holiday. We recognize that we are operating under tight deadlines to produce our Third Draft Proposal and as always, thank you for your cooperation and hard work. Best regards Mathieu, Thomas, León The contents of this message may be privileged and confidential. Therefore, if this message has been received in error, please delete it without reading it. Your receipt of this message is not intended to waive any applicable privilege. Please do not disseminate this message without the permission of the author. The contents of this message may be privileged and confidential. Therefore, if this message has been received in error, please delete it without reading it. Your receipt of this message is not intended to waive any applicable privilege. Please do not disseminate this message without the permission of the author.

Thank you for that feedback, Paul. Susan and I am still waiting on further guidance from BC members before we can indicate their views. Best regards, Philip Philip S. Corwin, Founding Principal Virtualaw LLC 1155 F Street, NW Suite 1050 Washington, DC 20004 202-559-8597/Direct 202-559-8750/Fax 202-255-6172/cell Twitter: @VlawDC "Luck is the residue of design" -- Branch Rickey From: owner-council@gnso.icann.org [mailto:owner-council@gnso.icann.org] On Behalf Of McGrady, Paul D. Sent: Friday, December 04, 2015 6:15 PM To: Marika Konings Cc: Council; thomas@rickert.net Subject: [council] RE: [CCWG-ACCT] Timeline and next steps (updated) All, The IPC would like to join the chorus of folks who are pointing out the unrealistic timeframe of this usually short comment period and a GNSO call on the subject which occurs before the comment period closes. Since the IPC and its member organizations are composed primarily of volunteers, the volume of the latest proposal is significant, and the issues are complex, we doubt we will have our comment in before the end of the rushed comment period. We also do not think that the GNSO Council will likely be in a position to opine on the proposal, other than perhaps to compile anecdotal data about how the community is reacting to the latest draft. I personally believe that we should push ICANN for more time for a realistic comment period in line with the magnitude of this proposal. For example, the New gTLD Program Implementation Review Draft Report was given 76 days and this seems at least - or a whole lot more! - important than that. The Council should also be given time to digest those comments prior to opining. I don't think that ICANN is doing any favors by compressing these timeframes, especially during the holidays. We will, of course, all work as hard and as fast as we can, but the idea of having anything close to final by our December Council call just isn't realistic. Best, Paul From: Marika Konings [mailto:marika.konings@icann.org] Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015 9:10 PM To: McGrady, Paul D. Cc: Council; thomas@rickert.net<mailto:thomas@rickert.net> Subject: Re: [CCWG-ACCT] Timeline and next steps (updated) Hi Paul, As I understand it, the Council is expected to indicate by the close of the public comment period whether there any major concerns that could potentially affect the chances of approval of the Final Proposal or if there aren't any, whether it is likely that the Council would be able to support the proposal as it stands. The actual consideration of the Final Proposal for approval would not happen until January after the CCWG has confirmed the Final Proposal following review of the public comments and input received from the Chartering Organizations. I've copied in Thomas so he can correct me if I am wrong. Best regards, Marika On Nov 20, 2015, at 20:56, McGrady, Paul D. <PMcGrady@winston.com<mailto:PMcGrady@winston.com>> wrote: Hi Marika, Just so that I am clear and can take back an accurate message to my stakeholders, the proposed schedule would have the GNSO Coucil give its up or down on the CCWG-Accountability proposal 3 days after the end of public comment, with that 3 day period ending on Christmas Eve. Do I have this right? Best, Paul Paul D. McGrady Jr. Partner Chair, Trademark, Domain Names and Brand Enforcement Practice Winston & Strawn LLP 35 W. Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60601-9703 D: +1 (312) 558-5963 F: +1 (312) 558-5700 Bio<http://www.winston.com/en/who-we-are/attorneys/mcgrady-paul-d.html> | VCard<http://www.winston.com/vcards/996.vcf> | Email<mailto:pmcgrady@winston.com> | winston.com<http://www.winston.com> [Winston & Strawn LLP] From: owner-council@gnso.icann.org<mailto:owner-council@gnso.icann.org> [mailto:owner-council@gnso.icann.org] On Behalf Of Marika Konings Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 7:28 AM To: Council Subject: [council] FW: [CCWG-ACCT] Timeline and next steps (updated) Please use this version of the timeline instead. From: <accountability-cross-community-bounces@icann.org<mailto:accountability-cross-community-bounces@icann.org>> on behalf of León Felipe Sánchez Ambía <leonfelipe@sanchez.mx<mailto:leonfelipe@sanchez.mx>> Date: Thursday 19 November 2015 07:20 To: Accountability Cross Community <accountability-cross-community@icann.org<mailto:accountability-cross-community@icann.org>> Cc: cc staff all <cc-staff@lists.ibiblio.org<mailto:cc-staff@lists.ibiblio.org>> Subject: [CCWG-ACCT] Timeline and next steps (updated) An earlier version of this email was sent mistakenly so please disregard the earlier version and have this version as the final version. ================= Dear all, As indicated on call #68, we have designed a detailed roadmap of key dates and milestones toward finalizing theThird Draft Proposal that we invite you to read and mark in your calendars. In order to meet our 30 November deadline, it will be important that we all comply with this calendar of deliverables to ensure feedback and edits are incorporated into the Third Proposal in a prompt and appropriate fashion: 20-Nov-15 Full Proposal content is delivered to CCWG by 23:59 UTC 21-23 Nov-15 CCWG Co-Chairs and Rapporteurs gather feedback from Working Party groups, legal counsel and Advisors 23-Nov-15 CCWG final comments on Full Proposal content due by 23:59 UTC 24-Nov-15 Weekly call #69 24-25-Nov 15 Back and forth and finalizing content with Co-Chairs, Writing team holding the pen 25-Nov-15 Content due to translation / formatting by 23:59 UTC 26-Nov-15 Additional CCWG-ACCT call (call #70) 30-Nov-15 Begin Phase 2 of Consideration by Chartering Organizations 30-Nov-15 Begin professional proofreading/final editing 12 -Dec-15 Translations ready 20-Dec-15 Delivery of final proofreading/editing 21-Dec-15 End of public comment and first close for Chartering Organizations to indicate support for recommendations 24-Dec-15 Staff summary of public comments and Chartering Organization support for recommendation Please note that in consideration of the work load, we recommend holding an additional next week on Thursday 26 November at 14:00-16:00 UTC. For US-based colleagues, the timeslot was selected so that it is early in day for you in consideration of the U.S. holiday. We recognize that we are operating under tight deadlines to produce our Third Draft Proposal and as always, thank you for your cooperation and hard work. Best regards Mathieu, Thomas, León The contents of this message may be privileged and confidential. Therefore, if this message has been received in error, please delete it without reading it. Your receipt of this message is not intended to waive any applicable privilege. Please do not disseminate this message without the permission of the author. The contents of this message may be privileged and confidential. Therefore, if this message has been received in error, please delete it without reading it. Your receipt of this message is not intended to waive any applicable privilege. Please do not disseminate this message without the permission of the author. ________________________________ No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com<http://www.avg.com> Version: 2016.0.7227 / Virus Database: 4477/11098 - Release Date: 12/01/15
participants (3)
Marika Konings
McGrady, Paul D.
Phil Corwin