Looking ahead from ICANN 45 - GNSO Web Site Resources

Dear Jonathan, Maria and Wolf-Ulrich; In view of your recent dialogue about Councilor learning curves and induction materials, I wanted to advise the Council that as part of "Phase 2" of the updated GNSO.icann.org website, staff is currently developing introductory materials to use as a standing resource for councilors and community members on a variety of introductory "basic" topics such as GNSO Working Group formation and operations, PDP procedures, communications tools and guides for new councilors and working group chairs. We are working to leverage existing materials including some that Glen currently gathers and shares when new Councilors come on board. The materials will ultimately find a home on the "Basics" tab of the GNSO web site - http://newgnso.icann.org/en/basics/getting-started. We will alert you all as those materials are added to the site. On the horizon we envision developing other materials for the page on particular topics like a "DNS 101 Guide". We would welcome suggestions about additional topics and subjects that any of you thinkmight be of value as a future addition to the Basics Tab as either a refresher or introduction to a particular matter for interested community members. In the meantime, I hope the currently structured Active Projects/Groups/Teams page (http://newgnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/active-groups.htm) and the document linked to the Pending Projects List page (http://newgnso.icann.org/en/ongoing-work/pending-projects-list.htm ) of the GNSO web site will provide some useful status, background and context information regarding the full range of current GNSO Council matters, issues and topics of interest. Best regards, Rob Hoggarth

Thanks Rob, ideas shall come by using the website. I relatively often search the site for specific information - and sometimes my logic of thinking doesn't lead me to the result I would expect. For example I can't find anything about WHOIS RT recommendations under ongoing work - policy activities - WHOIS - current policy work. Maybe appropriate links in the pending projects list could help. This list is supposed to supply a concentrate of the council activities and could eserve as main starting point for searching related information. Best regards Wolf-Ulrich ________________________________ Von: owner-council@gnso.icann.org [mailto:owner-council@gnso.icann.org] Im Auftrag von Robert Hoggarth Gesendet: Freitag, 26. Oktober 2012 21:26 An: Jonathan Robinson; Maria Farrell; Wolf-Ulrich.Knoben@t-online.de Cc: council@gnso.icann.org; gnso-secs@icann.org Betreff: [council] Looking ahead from ICANN 45 - GNSO Web Site Resources Dear Jonathan, Maria and Wolf-Ulrich; In view of your recent dialogue about Councilor learning curves and induction materials, I wanted to advise the Council that as part of "Phase 2" of the updated GNSO.icann.org website, staff is currently developing introductory materials to use as a standing resource for councilors and community members on a variety of introductory "basic" topics such as GNSO Working Group formation and operations, PDP procedures, communications tools and guides for new councilors and working group chairs. We are working to leverage existing materials including some that Glen currently gathers and shares when new Councilors come on board. The materials will ultimately find a home on the "Basics" tab of the GNSO web site - http://newgnso.icann.org/en/basics/getting-started. We will alert you all as those materials are added to the site. On the horizon we envision developing other materials for the page on particular topics like a "DNS 101 Guide". We would welcome suggestions about additional topics and subjects that any of you thinkmight be of value as a future addition to the Basics Tab as either a refresher or introduction to a particular matter for interested community members. In the meantime, I hope the currently structured Active Projects/Groups/Teams page (http://newgnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/active-groups.htm) and the document linked to the Pending Projects List page (http://newgnso.icann.org/en/ongoing-work/pending-projects-list.htm ) of the GNSO web site will provide some useful status, background and context information regarding the full range of current GNSO Council matters, issues and topics of interest. Best regards, Rob Hoggarth
participants (2)
Robert Hoggarth