Draft Agenda for GNSO Council meeting 1 April 2004

The next GNSO Council meeting is scheduled for: Thursday 1 April UTC 19:00 (2pm Washington, DC, 7pm London, 6am Friday Melbourne, Australia) Item 1: Approval of minutes of last meeting - 3 March 2004 - Actions arising Item 2: Update on WHOIS task forces (30 mins) Receive an update from the WHOIS task force chairs - status of constituency statements - next steps - possible recommendations Item 3:Update on PDP for approval process for gtld registry changes (15 mins) Receive an update from the GNSO Committee chair (Bruce Tonkin) Item 4: Re-assignment of .net (30 minutes) - recommend establish a subcommittee of the Council - establish list of issues to consider and terms of reference (via ICANN staff manager) - review Namescouncil recommendations with respect to .org - collect constituency statements Item 5: new gtlds (30 minutes) - establish list of issues to consider and terms of reference (via ICANN staff manager) - collect constituency statements - consider establishing a task force
From the MOU with the US Dept of Commerce: http://www.icann.org/general/amend6-jpamou-17sep03.htm
"Continue the process of implementing new top level domains (TLDs), which process shall include consideration and evaluation of: a. The potential impact of new TLDs on the Internet root server system and Internet stability; b. The creation and implementation of selection criteria for new and existing TLD registries, including public explanation of the process, selection criteria, and the rationale for selection decisions; c. Potential consumer benefits/costs associated with establishing a competitive environment for TLD registries; and, d. Recommendations from expert advisory panels, bodies, agencies, or organizations regarding economic, competition, trademark, and intellectual property issues. Define and implement a predictable strategy for selecting new TLDs using straightforward, transparent, and objective procedures that preserve the stability of the Internet (strategy development to be completed by September 30, 2004 and implementation to commence by December 31, 2004)." Item 5: Any other business Regards, Bruce Tonkin
participants (1)
Bruce Tonkin