Action Items: GNSO Council meeting 17 December 2020

Dear Councilors, Please find the action items, as stated during the meeting, below arising from the GNSO Council meeting held on Thursday, 17 December 2020. Please refer to the Action Item page<> for updates on item completion progress. Please take note of the action items coming out of the Council meeting and the proposed timing for delivering on these actions. Please ensure your wiki logins are up to date as all Action Items have been assigned to councilors and/or staff and posted on the Action Item wiki page here<>. If you are logged into the wiki when you go to that page, your name will be highlighted alongside the action item assigned to you. Please refer to this page for the recent status updates on the Action items. Please note that actions for all councilors are highlighted below. Item 3: Consent Agenda (10 minutes) 3.1 - Approval of SSC Leadership for 2020-2021: Carlton Samuels, Chair and Sophie Hey, Vice-Chair 3.2 - Approval of Heather Forrest to serve an additional term as GNSO nominated member of the Fellowship Selection Committee 3.3 - Approval of Keith Drazek to serve as EPDP 2A Chair 3.4 - Approval of Chris Disspain to serve as IGO Curative Rights Work Track Chair 3.5 - Confirmation of Council liaisons to respective efforts: * All Rights Protection Mechanisms in All gTLDs / IGO Curative Rights Work Track - John McElwaine * New gTLD Subsequent Procedures - Flip Petillion * EPDP Phase 2 - Olga Cavalli * EPDP Phase 2A - TBD * Standing Committee on Budget & Operations (SCBO) - Philippe Fouquart (ex officio) * Standing Selection Committee (SSC) - Tatiana Tropina (ex officio) * IRT: EPDP Phase 1 - Sebastien Ducos * IRT: Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues PDP Recommendations (PPSAI) IRT - TBD (paused) * IRT: Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information (T/T) - Maxim Alzoba (paused) * GNSO Council liaison to the ccNSO - Sebastien Ducos * GNSO Council liaison to the GAC - Jeff Neuman (already approved but included for completeness) Action Item: * Staff to inform Fellowship Selection Committee of GNSO Council’s approval of Heather Forrest as the GNSO nominated member for an additional term. [COMPLETED] * Staff to send a call for volunteers for the EPDP Phase 2A Liaison position, with the aim to fill the position by the 21 January 2021 Council meeting. (EPDP Phase 2 liaison position is not needed) Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Affirm Intent of EPDP Phase 1 Recommendation 7 (25 minutes) Action Item: * GNSO Council small team on EPDP Phase 1 Rec 7 to reconvene and further consider an improved approach and propose updated motion for the January 2021 Council meeting as a vote item, with the caveat that the intent of Rec 7 be maintained. Staff to send out a doodle poll to schedule a placeholder meeting (preferably before 11 Jan 2021) for the small team. Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update from Council small team on GNSO next steps to implement WS2 recommendations (10 minutes) Action Item: * Staff to place this item on the GNSO Council January 2021 meeting agenda (discussion deferred) Item 7: ANY OTHER BUSINESS (20 minutes) 7.1 - Notification of SG/C and Council discussion and agreement on process to appoint GNSO members for the Community Representatives Group to select IRP Standing Panel (i.e., assign to SSC and provide the SSC with briefing document to help guide their selection process) (GNSO Chair - Philippe Fouquart) 7.2 - Update from SO/AC leadership roundtable (GNSO Chair - Philippe Fouquart) 7.3 - Update on SubPro PDP WG Final Report delivery (Council leadership & Flip Petillion) 7.4 - Next steps for the letter from the Board regarding EPDP Phase 1, Recommendation 12 7.5 - GNSO Council Additional Budget Requests (due 29 January 2021) Action Item: * Staff to circulate an email to the GNSO Council, providing context about previous Council Additional Budget Requests and seeking input for potential requests for the next fiscal year. * GNSO Council leadership to send a call for volunteers message to form a Council small team (likely composed of CPH Councilors) to prepare a draft response to the Board letter regarding EPDP Phase 1 Rec 12. Thank you! Andrea
participants (1)
Andrea Glandon