Hello everyone, In relation with the ICANN geographic regions Communtiy Wide WG requested comments, I would like to propose the following motion to be discussed during our next meeting on 4 September. Attached you can also find the last version of the document prepared by the drafting team. Regards Olga *Draft Motion regarding GNSO Comments re. Geographic Regions Community-Wide WG* * * Whereas: - In its meeting on 2 November 2007 the ICANN Board approved resolution 07.92 requesting "that the ICANN community, including the GNSO, ccNSO, ASO, GAC, and ALAC, provide the ICANN Staff with input on the ccNSO Council's resolution relating to ICANN's Geographic Regions" - In an email to the GNSO Council dated 15 July 2008 Denise Michel requested the GNSO "provide input, if any, on the suggested formation of a community wide working group, and its mandate" - In its meeting on 17 July 2008 the GNSO Council agreed to form a drafting team in response to the ICANN Board request on ICANN Geographic Regions - The drafting team submitted its recommendations for GNSO comments to the GNSO Council on 26 July 2008 Resolve: - The GNSO Council expresses sincere appreciation and thanks to the following members of the drafting team: Olga Cavalli (NomCom appointee & chair), Clint Crosby (IPC), Glen de Saint Gery (ICANN Staff), Chuck Gomes (RyC), Tony Harris (ISPCPC), Robert Hoggarth (ICANN Staff), Marika Konings (ICANN Staff), Kristina Rosette (IPC), Tim Ruiz (RC), Philip Sheppard (CBUC), and Ken Stubbs (RyC) - Council representatives are asked to forward the recommendations to their respective constituencies for discussion and comment as applicable and be prepared to finalize the GNSO comments in the Council meeting on 25 September 2008.

I second this motion. Chuck ________________________________ From: owner-council@gnso.icann.org [mailto:owner-council@gnso.icann.org] On Behalf Of Olga Cavalli Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 11:00 PM To: Council GNSO Cc: Olga Cavalli Subject: [council] ICANN geo regions Hello everyone, In relation with the ICANN geographic regions Communtiy Wide WG requested comments, I would like to propose the following motion to be discussed during our next meeting on 4 September. Attached you can also find the last version of the document prepared by the drafting team. Regards Olga Draft Motion regarding GNSO Comments re. Geographic Regions Community-Wide WG Whereas: * In its meeting on 2 November 2007 the ICANN Board approved resolution 07.92 requesting "that the ICANN community, including the GNSO, ccNSO, ASO, GAC, and ALAC, provide the ICANN Staff with input on the ccNSO Council's resolution relating to ICANN's Geographic Regions" * In an email to the GNSO Council dated 15 July 2008 Denise Michel requested the GNSO "provide input, if any, on the suggested formation of a community wide working group, and its mandate" * In its meeting on 17 July 2008 the GNSO Council agreed to form a drafting team in response to the ICANN Board request on ICANN Geographic Regions * The drafting team submitted its recommendations for GNSO comments to the GNSO Council on 26 July 2008 Resolve: * The GNSO Council expresses sincere appreciation and thanks to the following members of the drafting team: Olga Cavalli (NomCom appointee & chair), Clint Crosby (IPC), Glen de Saint Gery (ICANN Staff), Chuck Gomes (RyC), Tony Harris (ISPCPC), Robert Hoggarth (ICANN Staff), Marika Konings (ICANN Staff), Kristina Rosette (IPC), Tim Ruiz (RC), Philip Sheppard (CBUC), and Ken Stubbs (RyC) * Council representatives are asked to forward the recommendations to their respective constituencies for discussion and comment as applicable and be prepared to finalize the GNSO comments in the Council meeting on 25 September 2008.
participants (2)
Gomes, Chuck
Olga Cavalli