GNSO Elections for ICANN Board Director seat 14

[To: council[at]] Dear Council members, The nomination period for ICANN Board director seat 14 is officially closed. One candidate, Rita Rodin was nominated, seconded and accepted her nomination. B. VOTING PROCEDURE Since there is only one candidate, there will be one round of voting by secret electronic ballot. C. PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR THE VOTING Friday 29 February 2008, 15:00 UTC - Friday 7 March 2008, 15:00 UTC D. GNSO COUNCIL MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: All GNSO Council members are eligible to vote, that is, 3 representatives from each constituency, Registrars, gTLD registries, Commercial and Business Users (CBUC), Non Commercial Users (NCUC), Intellectual Property (IPC), and Internet Service Providers and Connectivity Providers (ISPCP) and the 3 Nominating Committee appointees. Liaisons from the ALAC and the GAC do not vote. E. COUNTING OF VOTES: As provided in the ICANN bylaws,, Article X, section 5.2. each GNSO Council member representing either the registrars constituency or the gTLD registries constituency will be entitled to cast two votes in each round, and all other members (including those selected by the Nominating Committee) shall be entitled to cast one vote. There will be a total of 27 votes cast and the winning candidate must receive at least 14 affirmative votes. F. VOTING Voting will take place by secret e-mail ballot. 1. Ballots will be sent out individually to each GNSO Council members' e-mail address. 2. Ballots should be filled out and returned to the e-mail address stated in the ballot. They should not be copied to any e-mail list. 3. At the scheduled time, the Secretariat will announce the result of by sending a message to the < mailing list>. The announcement will include: a. The number of votes the candidate received; b. The names of the GNSO Council members from whom ballots were received; and c. The confidential code number of each ballot . Item 3(c) will allow each GNSO Council member to double-check that his or her ballot was properly understood, but will not allow others to determine how the member voted. 4. In exceptional cases where a GNSO Council member has no Internet access during the voting period, a voice vote may be registered with the GNSO Secretariat personally during the voting period, before the vote is closed. G. DISCLOSURE OF THE VOTING The Secretariat will announce the outcome of the voting at the close of the voting period. The GNSO Council will confirm the results of the voting at a Council meeting. Once that occurs, the GNSO Secretariat will prepare and post a full record of all voting, including how each member voted in each round. H. DISCUSSION MAILING LIST DURING ELECTIONS 1. In accordance with a decision as noted in: Public archiving of the GNSO Council list will not be stopped. A separate archive and mailing list will be created for the purpose of managing elections going forward. This list will (a) exclude those Council members who are candidates; but include (b) any liaisons from the ALAC or GAC to the GNSO Council; and (c) the GNSO Secretariat. The list recipients and archiving will be concluded at the end of the process. This list name is and archives will be posted at following the conclusion of the election. 2. Messages posted to the list should be treated as confidential until the end of the elections. The GNSO Secretariat may, however, disclose them to the General Counsel's office to the extent appropriate to obtain advice about how to handle procedural problems that arise during the voting process. The Council list should continue to be used for normal policy development work. Please note that no ICANN staff, except the GNSO secretariat will be recipients of the special election mailing list during this period, and they should be contacted separately with any enquiries. Thank you. Kind regards, Glen -- Glen de Saint Géry GNSO Secretariat - ICANN gnso.secretariat[at]
participants (1)