GNSO Standing Committee for Continuous Improvement – Ideas and Possible Approach

Dear Councilors, SG/C Chairs, As you may be aware, there are quite a number of projects on the Council’s Action Decision Radar (see that deal with improvements to GNSO processes and procedures. We heard from you during the Strategic Planning Session about the importance of prioritizing work as well as considering the resources available to conduct work as efficiently as possible. To this end, the suggestion was made to explore the possibility of creating a Standing Committee that would be tasked with addressing projects or assignments that are mainly focused on improving existing GNSO processes and procedures. To further explore this possible approach, the Council leadership team has worked with the staff support team on developing a high-level outline for your review and input (see Although the Standing Committee would be chartered by and operate under the oversight of the GNSO Council, it is intended to be a GNSO effort which can only be successful with the full support and participation of all SG and Cs. We appreciate that it may be challenging to comment on this approach without having all the details, but our hope is that by soliciting input at this point in time, we would be able to develop a more detailed proposal as a next step factoring in your suggestions and perspectives. Some of the questions we hope you can focus on are: · Is this the right approach to benefit from synergies? If not, how should all the projects listed be tackled instead? · How to ensure appropriate scoping of work? The idea is that the standing committee would tackle topics that cut across the GNSO community and/or would benefit from a cross-GNSO collaboration. A possible approach could be that the charter provides an indication of the topics that are expected to be tackled, but specific assignments are confirmed in the form of a clear scoping document and work plan that is approved by the GNSO Council, with input from SG/Cs via their respective Council members. Are there other approaches that could be considered? · What should membership look like? How to ensure a balanced composition which at the same time is nimble enough to work effectively? How to introduce sufficient flexibility to allow for expert participation? · What decision-making methodology should be applied? Or is this to be determined based on the assignment the Standing Committee is tasked with? · Is it feasible to consider tackling some of the projects identified in parallel through different sub-committees? · How should the work be prioritized if a Standing Committee is created? Each of the possible projects identified could take a substantial amount of time to address and resolve which means certain items could take a while to get addressed. Of course, there may be other topics you want to weigh in on. We hope to receive your feedback in advance of the next Council meeting which is scheduled for Thursday 21 January, either via your input on the google doc (see or in response to this email. As you will have seen, a number of the possible projects for the Standing Committee are fairly high on the Council’s Action Decision Radar so we hope to agree on an approach for tackling these sooner rather than later. Best regards and happy holidays, Philippe Fouquart Chair, GNSO _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, veuillez le signaler a l'expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages electroniques etant susceptibles d'alteration, Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Merci. This message and its attachments may contain confidential or privileged information that may be protected by law; they should not be distributed, used or copied without authorisation. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete this message and its attachments. As emails may be altered, Orange is not liable for messages that have been modified, changed or falsified. Thank you.

Thanks Philippe for sending this out. As we discussed, this is based off of what was recommended during the PDP 2.0 process by the PPSC. As the chair and active participant for the effort a bunch of years ago, I have provided some comments based on the discussions that took place then. I would be happy to discuss further. Sincerely, Jeff [cid:image001.png@01D6E1CB.DA8C8060] Jeffrey J. Neuman Founder & CEO JJN Solutions, LLC p: +1.202.549.5079 E:<> From: council <> On Behalf Of Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2020 2:16 PM To: GNSO Council List <>; Heather Forrest <>; Selli, Claudia <>; Wolf-Ulrich Knoben <>; Bruna Martins dos Santos <>; Raoul Plommer <>; Raphaël Beauregard-Lacroix <>;; Demetriou, Samantha <>;; Sue Schuler <>; Zoe Bonython <> Cc: Brenda Brewer <>; Subject: [council] GNSO Standing Committee for Continuous Improvement – Ideas and Possible Approach Dear Councilors, SG/C Chairs, As you may be aware, there are quite a number of projects on the Council’s Action Decision Radar (see that deal with improvements to GNSO processes and procedures. We heard from you during the Strategic Planning Session about the importance of prioritizing work as well as considering the resources available to conduct work as efficiently as possible. To this end, the suggestion was made to explore the possibility of creating a Standing Committee that would be tasked with addressing projects or assignments that are mainly focused on improving existing GNSO processes and procedures. To further explore this possible approach, the Council leadership team has worked with the staff support team on developing a high-level outline for your review and input (see Although the Standing Committee would be chartered by and operate under the oversight of the GNSO Council, it is intended to be a GNSO effort which can only be successful with the full support and participation of all SG and Cs. We appreciate that it may be challenging to comment on this approach without having all the details, but our hope is that by soliciting input at this point in time, we would be able to develop a more detailed proposal as a next step factoring in your suggestions and perspectives. Some of the questions we hope you can focus on are: * Is this the right approach to benefit from synergies? If not, how should all the projects listed be tackled instead? * How to ensure appropriate scoping of work? The idea is that the standing committee would tackle topics that cut across the GNSO community and/or would benefit from a cross-GNSO collaboration. A possible approach could be that the charter provides an indication of the topics that are expected to be tackled, but specific assignments are confirmed in the form of a clear scoping document and work plan that is approved by the GNSO Council, with input from SG/Cs via their respective Council members. Are there other approaches that could be considered? * What should membership look like? How to ensure a balanced composition which at the same time is nimble enough to work effectively? How to introduce sufficient flexibility to allow for expert participation? * What decision-making methodology should be applied? Or is this to be determined based on the assignment the Standing Committee is tasked with? * Is it feasible to consider tackling some of the projects identified in parallel through different sub-committees? * How should the work be prioritized if a Standing Committee is created? Each of the possible projects identified could take a substantial amount of time to address and resolve which means certain items could take a while to get addressed. Of course, there may be other topics you want to weigh in on. We hope to receive your feedback in advance of the next Council meeting which is scheduled for Thursday 21 January, either via your input on the google doc (see or in response to this email. As you will have seen, a number of the possible projects for the Standing Committee are fairly high on the Council’s Action Decision Radar so we hope to agree on an approach for tackling these sooner rather than later. Best regards and happy holidays, Philippe Fouquart Chair, GNSO _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, veuillez le signaler a l'expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages electroniques etant susceptibles d'alteration, Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Merci. This message and its attachments may contain confidential or privileged information that may be protected by law; they should not be distributed, used or copied without authorisation. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete this message and its attachments. As emails may be altered, Orange is not liable for messages that have been modified, changed or falsified. Thank you.

Happy new year colleagues!! Thanks Philippe, I just added some comments. Looking forward for discussing the document further. Best Olga El dom, 3 ene 2021 a las 10:39, <> escribió:
Dear Councilors, SG/C Chairs,
As you may be aware, there are quite a number of projects on the Council’s Action Decision Radar (see that deal with improvements to GNSO processes and procedures. We heard from you during the Strategic Planning Session about the importance of prioritizing work as well as considering the resources available to conduct work as efficiently as possible. To this end, the suggestion was made to explore the possibility of creating a Standing Committee that would be tasked with addressing projects or assignments that are mainly focused on improving existing GNSO processes and procedures.
To further explore this possible approach, the Council leadership team has worked with the staff support team on developing a high-level outline for your review and input (see Although the Standing Committee would be chartered by and operate under the oversight of the GNSO Council, it is intended to be a GNSO effort which can only be successful with the full support and participation of all SG and Cs. We appreciate that it may be challenging to comment on this approach without having all the details, but our hope is that by soliciting input at this point in time, we would be able to develop a more detailed proposal as a next step factoring in your suggestions and perspectives.
Some of the questions we hope you can focus on are:
· Is this the right approach to benefit from synergies? If not, how should all the projects listed be tackled instead?
· How to ensure appropriate scoping of work? The idea is that the standing committee would tackle topics that cut across the GNSO community and/or would benefit from a cross-GNSO collaboration. A possible approach could be that the charter provides an indication of the topics that are expected to be tackled, but specific assignments are confirmed in the form of a clear scoping document and work plan that is approved by the GNSO Council, with input from SG/Cs via their respective Council members. Are there other approaches that could be considered?
· What should membership look like? How to ensure a balanced composition which at the same time is nimble enough to work effectively? How to introduce sufficient flexibility to allow for expert participation?
· What decision-making methodology should be applied? Or is this to be determined based on the assignment the Standing Committee is tasked with?
· Is it feasible to consider tackling some of the projects identified in parallel through different sub-committees?
· How should the work be prioritized if a Standing Committee is created? Each of the possible projects identified could take a substantial amount of time to address and resolve which means certain items could take a while to get addressed.
Of course, there may be other topics you want to weigh in on.
We hope to receive your feedback *in advance of the next Council meeting* which is scheduled for Thursday 21 January, either via your input on the google doc (see or in response to this email. As you will have seen, a number of the possible projects for the Standing Committee are fairly high on the Council’s Action Decision Radar so we hope to agree on an approach for tackling these sooner rather than later.
Best regards and happy holidays,
Philippe Fouquart
Chair, GNSO
Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, veuillez le signaler a l'expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages electroniques etant susceptibles d'alteration, Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Merci.
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_______________________________________________ council mailing list
_______________________________________________ By submitting your personal data, you consent to the processing of your personal data for purposes of subscribing to this mailing list accordance with the ICANN Privacy Policy ( and the website Terms of Service ( You can visit the Mailman link above to change your membership status or configuration, including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.

Thank you Chair. I made a few comments. Carlton ============================== *Carlton A Samuels* *Mobile: 876-818-1799Strategy, Process, Governance, Assessment & Turnaround* ============================= On Sun, Jan 3, 2021 at 8:39 AM <> wrote:
Dear Councilors, SG/C Chairs,
As you may be aware, there are quite a number of projects on the Council’s Action Decision Radar (see that deal with improvements to GNSO processes and procedures. We heard from you during the Strategic Planning Session about the importance of prioritizing work as well as considering the resources available to conduct work as efficiently as possible. To this end, the suggestion was made to explore the possibility of creating a Standing Committee that would be tasked with addressing projects or assignments that are mainly focused on improving existing GNSO processes and procedures.
To further explore this possible approach, the Council leadership team has worked with the staff support team on developing a high-level outline for your review and input (see Although the Standing Committee would be chartered by and operate under the oversight of the GNSO Council, it is intended to be a GNSO effort which can only be successful with the full support and participation of all SG and Cs. We appreciate that it may be challenging to comment on this approach without having all the details, but our hope is that by soliciting input at this point in time, we would be able to develop a more detailed proposal as a next step factoring in your suggestions and perspectives.
Some of the questions we hope you can focus on are:
· Is this the right approach to benefit from synergies? If not, how should all the projects listed be tackled instead?
· How to ensure appropriate scoping of work? The idea is that the standing committee would tackle topics that cut across the GNSO community and/or would benefit from a cross-GNSO collaboration. A possible approach could be that the charter provides an indication of the topics that are expected to be tackled, but specific assignments are confirmed in the form of a clear scoping document and work plan that is approved by the GNSO Council, with input from SG/Cs via their respective Council members. Are there other approaches that could be considered?
· What should membership look like? How to ensure a balanced composition which at the same time is nimble enough to work effectively? How to introduce sufficient flexibility to allow for expert participation?
· What decision-making methodology should be applied? Or is this to be determined based on the assignment the Standing Committee is tasked with?
· Is it feasible to consider tackling some of the projects identified in parallel through different sub-committees?
· How should the work be prioritized if a Standing Committee is created? Each of the possible projects identified could take a substantial amount of time to address and resolve which means certain items could take a while to get addressed.
Of course, there may be other topics you want to weigh in on.
We hope to receive your feedback *in advance of the next Council meeting* which is scheduled for Thursday 21 January, either via your input on the google doc (see or in response to this email. As you will have seen, a number of the possible projects for the Standing Committee are fairly high on the Council’s Action Decision Radar so we hope to agree on an approach for tackling these sooner rather than later.
Best regards and happy holidays,
Philippe Fouquart
Chair, GNSO
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_______________________________________________ council mailing list
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Hi Philippe, I have thought about this quite a bit and have reached out to others to test my thoughts. While they are not fully fleshed-out or informed, I wanted to provide some input prior to the meeting and look forward to the reaction (positive or negative) of others. My initial impulse, that has not waned in the weeks since this proposal was published, is that this SCCI is not an effort to be started at this point. First, this would be yet another community drain on scarce resources. Most recently, we have had difficulty staffing important initiatives. I don’t think this is the appropriate time to be launching another project without clear remit, objective or end. Second, my recollection of the discussion during the strategic planning session was that there were certain things Councillors had in mind that might result in improvements to the work of the Council. The idea of at least some Councillors was to establish a group of Councilors to undertake this effort. This is reinforced by my perception that the Councillors are best positioned to consider potential efficiencies and not a group outside the Council. Third, my understanding from talking to others is that the results of the last SCI, that was spun up in 2008 and reported out in 2015, were less than useful. Rather than a review of the SCI recommendations being the first job of the new SCCI, that review should be a pre-requisite to establishing an SCCI. For me, one of the reasons I was pleased to join the Council was that I thought it would provide me the opportunity to help make its work more efficient and timely. I don’t think appointing a commission that will outlast my tenure will accomplish that. Rather than spin-up this substantial organization, I think it’d be better to launch a Council team to discuss approaches with an emphasis on simple, light-weight approaches or perhaps the creation of mission-specific task forces as suggested in the comments. Thanks for hearing me out, Kurt
On Dec 22, 2020, at 11:15 AM, wrote:
Dear Councilors, SG/C Chairs,
As you may be aware, there are quite a number of projects on the Council’s Action Decision Radar (see <>) that deal with improvements to GNSO processes and procedures. We heard from you during the Strategic Planning Session about the importance of prioritizing work as well as considering the resources available to conduct work as efficiently as possible. To this end, the suggestion was made to explore the possibility of creating a Standing Committee that would be tasked with addressing projects or assignments that are mainly focused on improving existing GNSO processes and procedures.
To further explore this possible approach, the Council leadership team has worked with the staff support team on developing a high-level outline for your review and input (see <>). Although the Standing Committee would be chartered by and operate under the oversight of the GNSO Council, it is intended to be a GNSO effort which can only be successful with the full support and participation of all SG and Cs. We appreciate that it may be challenging to comment on this approach without having all the details, but our hope is that by soliciting input at this point in time, we would be able to develop a more detailed proposal as a next step factoring in your suggestions and perspectives.
Some of the questions we hope you can focus on are:
· Is this the right approach to benefit from synergies? If not, how should all the projects listed be tackled instead? · How to ensure appropriate scoping of work? The idea is that the standing committee would tackle topics that cut across the GNSO community and/or would benefit from a cross-GNSO collaboration. A possible approach could be that the charter provides an indication of the topics that are expected to be tackled, but specific assignments are confirmed in the form of a clear scoping document and work plan that is approved by the GNSO Council, with input from SG/Cs via their respective Council members. Are there other approaches that could be considered? · What should membership look like? How to ensure a balanced composition which at the same time is nimble enough to work effectively? How to introduce sufficient flexibility to allow for expert participation? · What decision-making methodology should be applied? Or is this to be determined based on the assignment the Standing Committee is tasked with? · Is it feasible to consider tackling some of the projects identified in parallel through different sub-committees? · How should the work be prioritized if a Standing Committee is created? Each of the possible projects identified could take a substantial amount of time to address and resolve which means certain items could take a while to get addressed.
Of course, there may be other topics you want to weigh in on.
We hope to receive your feedback in advance of the next Council meeting which is scheduled for Thursday 21 January, either via your input on the google doc (see <>) or in response to this email. As you will have seen, a number of the possible projects for the Standing Committee are fairly high on the Council’s Action Decision Radar so we hope to agree on an approach for tackling these sooner rather than later.
Best regards and happy holidays,
Philippe Fouquart Chair, GNSO
Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, veuillez le signaler a l'expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages electroniques etant susceptibles d'alteration, Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Merci.
This message and its attachments may contain confidential or privileged information that may be protected by law; they should not be distributed, used or copied without authorisation. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete this message and its attachments. As emails may be altered, Orange is not liable for messages that have been modified, changed or falsified. Thank you. _______________________________________________ council mailing list <> <>
_______________________________________________ By submitting your personal data, you consent to the processing of your personal data for purposes of subscribing to this mailing list accordance with the ICANN Privacy Policy ( <>) and the website Terms of Service ( <>). You can visit the Mailman link above to change your membership status or configuration, including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.

Hello all, I second Kurt on this, especially when he says:
First, this would be yet another community drain on scarce resources. Most recently, we have had difficulty staffing important initiatives. I don’t think this is the appropriate time to be launching another project without clear remit, objective or end.
There are many tasks or roles that could be endorsed by a small group of councillors rather than creating and additional external group… will endlessly drain resources (staffing, time, working, synchronising, liaising, discussions, etc…) @__f_f__ Best regards ____________________________________ Lt-Colonel Farell FOLLY, Ir GNSO Councillor
On 20 Jan 2021, at 04:02, Kurt Pritz <> wrote:
Hi Philippe,
I have thought about this quite a bit and have reached out to others to test my thoughts. While they are not fully fleshed-out or informed, I wanted to provide some input prior to the meeting and look forward to the reaction (positive or negative) of others.
My initial impulse, that has not waned in the weeks since this proposal was published, is that this SCCI is not an effort to be started at this point.
Second, my recollection of the discussion during the strategic planning session was that there were certain things Councillors had in mind that might result in improvements to the work of the Council. The idea of at least some Councillors was to establish a group of Councilors to undertake this effort. This is reinforced by my perception that the Councillors are best positioned to consider potential efficiencies and not a group outside the Council.
Third, my understanding from talking to others is that the results of the last SCI, that was spun up in 2008 and reported out in 2015, were less than useful. Rather than a review of the SCI recommendations being the first job of the new SCCI, that review should be a pre-requisite to establishing an SCCI.
For me, one of the reasons I was pleased to join the Council was that I thought it would provide me the opportunity to help make its work more efficient and timely. I don’t think appointing a commission that will outlast my tenure will accomplish that.
Rather than spin-up this substantial organization, I think it’d be better to launch a Council team to discuss approaches with an emphasis on simple, light-weight approaches or perhaps the creation of mission-specific task forces as suggested in the comments.
Thanks for hearing me out,
On Dec 22, 2020, at 11:15 AM, <> wrote:
Dear Councilors, SG/C Chairs,
As you may be aware, there are quite a number of projects on the Council’s Action Decision Radar (see <>) that deal with improvements to GNSO processes and procedures. We heard from you during the Strategic Planning Session about the importance of prioritizing work as well as considering the resources available to conduct work as efficiently as possible. To this end, the suggestion was made to explore the possibility of creating a Standing Committee that would be tasked with addressing projects or assignments that are mainly focused on improving existing GNSO processes and procedures.
To further explore this possible approach, the Council leadership team has worked with the staff support team on developing a high-level outline for your review and input (see <>). Although the Standing Committee would be chartered by and operate under the oversight of the GNSO Council, it is intended to be a GNSO effort which can only be successful with the full support and participation of all SG and Cs. We appreciate that it may be challenging to comment on this approach without having all the details, but our hope is that by soliciting input at this point in time, we would be able to develop a more detailed proposal as a next step factoring in your suggestions and perspectives.
Some of the questions we hope you can focus on are:
· Is this the right approach to benefit from synergies? If not, how should all the projects listed be tackled instead? · How to ensure appropriate scoping of work? The idea is that the standing committee would tackle topics that cut across the GNSO community and/or would benefit from a cross-GNSO collaboration. A possible approach could be that the charter provides an indication of the topics that are expected to be tackled, but specific assignments are confirmed in the form of a clear scoping document and work plan that is approved by the GNSO Council, with input from SG/Cs via their respective Council members. Are there other approaches that could be considered? · What should membership look like? How to ensure a balanced composition which at the same time is nimble enough to work effectively? How to introduce sufficient flexibility to allow for expert participation? · What decision-making methodology should be applied? Or is this to be determined based on the assignment the Standing Committee is tasked with? · Is it feasible to consider tackling some of the projects identified in parallel through different sub-committees? · How should the work be prioritized if a Standing Committee is created? Each of the possible projects identified could take a substantial amount of time to address and resolve which means certain items could take a while to get addressed.
Of course, there may be other topics you want to weigh in on.
We hope to receive your feedback in advance of the next Council meeting which is scheduled for Thursday 21 January, either via your input on the google doc (see <>) or in response to this email. As you will have seen, a number of the possible projects for the Standing Committee are fairly high on the Council’s Action Decision Radar so we hope to agree on an approach for tackling these sooner rather than later.
Best regards and happy holidays,
Philippe Fouquart Chair, GNSO
Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, veuillez le signaler a l'expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages electroniques etant susceptibles d'alteration, Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Merci.
This message and its attachments may contain confidential or privileged information that may be protected by law; they should not be distributed, used or copied without authorisation. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete this message and its attachments. As emails may be altered, Orange is not liable for messages that have been modified, changed or falsified. Thank you. _______________________________________________ council mailing list <> <>
_______________________________________________ By submitting your personal data, you consent to the processing of your personal data for purposes of subscribing to this mailing list accordance with the ICANN Privacy Policy ( <>) and the website Terms of Service ( <>). You can visit the Mailman link above to change your membership status or configuration, including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.
_______________________________________________ council mailing list
_______________________________________________ By submitting your personal data, you consent to the processing of your personal data for purposes of subscribing to this mailing list accordance with the ICANN Privacy Policy ( and the website Terms of Service ( You can visit the Mailman link above to change your membership status or configuration, including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.

Thanks Farell, thanks Kurt, this is very helpful. Hi all, We’ll get back to you shortly on the possible next steps at council, but just an initial reaction given that this concern over management overhead and associated risks of overburdening an already pressured ‘workforce’ was a common trait in a number of comments received on this, I think that whatever we come up with will have to be lightweight, focused, purpose-driven, and scalable eventually, so that we should probably approach this in terms of goals first rather than process. Regards, Philippe From: Farell FOLLY [] Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2021 12:21 PM To: Kurt Pritz <> Cc: FOUQUART Philippe TGI/OLN <>; Selli, Claudia <>; Raoul Plommer <>; GNSO Council List <>; Sue Schuler <>; Zoe Bonython <>; Bruna Martins dos Santos <>; Wolf-Ulrich Knoben <>; Brenda Brewer <>; Demetriou, Samantha <>;;;; Raphaël Beauregard-Lacroix <> Subject: Re: [council] GNSO Standing Committee for Continuous Improvement – Ideas and Possible Approach Hello all, I second Kurt on this, especially when he says: First, this would be yet another community drain on scarce resources. Most recently, we have had difficulty staffing important initiatives. I don’t think this is the appropriate time to be launching another project without clear remit, objective or end. There are many tasks or roles that could be endorsed by a small group of councillors rather than creating and additional external group… will endlessly drain resources (staffing, time, working, synchronising, liaising, discussions, etc…) @__f_f__ Best regards ____________________________________ Lt-Colonel Farell FOLLY, Ir GNSO Councillor<> On 20 Jan 2021, at 04:02, Kurt Pritz <<>> wrote: Hi Philippe, I have thought about this quite a bit and have reached out to others to test my thoughts. While they are not fully fleshed-out or informed, I wanted to provide some input prior to the meeting and look forward to the reaction (positive or negative) of others. My initial impulse, that has not waned in the weeks since this proposal was published, is that this SCCI is not an effort to be started at this point. Second, my recollection of the discussion during the strategic planning session was that there were certain things Councillors had in mind that might result in improvements to the work of the Council. The idea of at least some Councillors was to establish a group of Councilors to undertake this effort. This is reinforced by my perception that the Councillors are best positioned to consider potential efficiencies and not a group outside the Council. Third, my understanding from talking to others is that the results of the last SCI, that was spun up in 2008 and reported out in 2015, were less than useful. Rather than a review of the SCI recommendations being the first job of the new SCCI, that review should be a pre-requisite to establishing an SCCI. For me, one of the reasons I was pleased to join the Council was that I thought it would provide me the opportunity to help make its work more efficient and timely. I don’t think appointing a commission that will outlast my tenure will accomplish that. Rather than spin-up this substantial organization, I think it’d be better to launch a Council team to discuss approaches with an emphasis on simple, light-weight approaches or perhaps the creation of mission-specific task forces as suggested in the comments. Thanks for hearing me out, Kurt On Dec 22, 2020, at 11:15 AM,<> wrote: Dear Councilors, SG/C Chairs, As you may be aware, there are quite a number of projects on the Council’s Action Decision Radar (see that deal with improvements to GNSO processes and procedures. We heard from you during the Strategic Planning Session about the importance of prioritizing work as well as considering the resources available to conduct work as efficiently as possible. To this end, the suggestion was made to explore the possibility of creating a Standing Committee that would be tasked with addressing projects or assignments that are mainly focused on improving existing GNSO processes and procedures. To further explore this possible approach, the Council leadership team has worked with the staff support team on developing a high-level outline for your review and input (see Although the Standing Committee would be chartered by and operate under the oversight of the GNSO Council, it is intended to be a GNSO effort which can only be successful with the full support and participation of all SG and Cs. We appreciate that it may be challenging to comment on this approach without having all the details, but our hope is that by soliciting input at this point in time, we would be able to develop a more detailed proposal as a next step factoring in your suggestions and perspectives. Some of the questions we hope you can focus on are: • Is this the right approach to benefit from synergies? If not, how should all the projects listed be tackled instead? • How to ensure appropriate scoping of work? The idea is that the standing committee would tackle topics that cut across the GNSO community and/or would benefit from a cross-GNSO collaboration. A possible approach could be that the charter provides an indication of the topics that are expected to be tackled, but specific assignments are confirmed in the form of a clear scoping document and work plan that is approved by the GNSO Council, with input from SG/Cs via their respective Council members. Are there other approaches that could be considered? • What should membership look like? How to ensure a balanced composition which at the same time is nimble enough to work effectively? How to introduce sufficient flexibility to allow for expert participation? • What decision-making methodology should be applied? Or is this to be determined based on the assignment the Standing Committee is tasked with? • Is it feasible to consider tackling some of the projects identified in parallel through different sub-committees? • How should the work be prioritized if a Standing Committee is created? Each of the possible projects identified could take a substantial amount of time to address and resolve which means certain items could take a while to get addressed. Of course, there may be other topics you want to weigh in on. We hope to receive your feedback in advance of the next Council meeting which is scheduled for Thursday 21 January, either via your input on the google doc (see or in response to this email. As you will have seen, a number of the possible projects for the Standing Committee are fairly high on the Council’s Action Decision Radar so we hope to agree on an approach for tackling these sooner rather than later. Best regards and happy holidays, Philippe Fouquart Chair, GNSO _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, veuillez le signaler a l'expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages electroniques etant susceptibles d'alteration, Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Merci. This message and its attachments may contain confidential or privileged information that may be protected by law; they should not be distributed, used or copied without authorisation. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete this message and its attachments. 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participants (6)
Carlton Samuels
Farell FOLLY
Jeff Neuman
Kurt Pritz
Olga Cavalli