Re: [council] [Ext] RE: Draft minutes of the GNSO Council meeting 19 January 2023

Dear Susan, Thank you for these updates, I’ve corrected the minutes’ document and this will be reflected in the published document. Best, Nathalie From: Susan Payne <> Date: Tuesday, 24 January 2023 at 19:53 To: Nathalie Peregrine <> Cc: "" <>, "" <> Subject: [Ext] RE: Draft minutes of the GNSO Council meeting 19 January 2023 Hi Nathalie, thanks for circulating the Minutes. With respect to item 4, I don’t think the below quite reflects my point (which is reflected better in the letter than I perhaps managed to do on the call). I have suggested a correction, as follows: There are some reservations about that the Implementation approach, with a number of systems being built from scratch, exacerbates the which could be the root of Org concerns about whether costs will be recovered, given the uncertainty of demand. Maybe an alternative system could be considered, with a buying in of services for example. I hope this is OK. Susan Payne Head of Legal Policy Com Laude T +44 (0) 20 7421 8250 Ext 255 [cid:image001.png@01D9304B.3EC15B80][]<;!!PtGJab4!7wfI2pXBVrezWsV...> From: council <> On Behalf Of Nathalie Peregrine via council Sent: 23 January 2023 20:25 To: Cc: Subject: [council] Draft minutes of the GNSO Council meeting 19 January 2023 Dear Councilors, Attached, please find the draft minutes of the GNSO Council meeting held on Thursday, 19 January 2023. If there are no comments, these minutes will be published on the website as approved, according to the GNSO Rules of Procedure <> section 3.5 "If no objections are received within 10 days, the minutes will be deemed to have been approved for posting" on 2 February 2023. Thank you. Kind Regards, Nathalie ________________________________ The contents of this email and any attachments are confidential to the intended recipient. They may not be disclosed, used by or copied in any way by anyone other than the intended recipient. If you have received this message in error, please return it to the sender (deleting the body of the email and attachments in your reply) and immediately and permanently delete it. Please note that Com Laude Group Limited (the “Com Laude Group”) does not accept any responsibility for viruses and it is your responsibility to scan or otherwise check this email and any attachments. The Com Laude Group does not accept liability for statements which are clearly the sender's own and not made on behalf of the group or one of its member entities. The Com Laude Group is a limited company registered in England and Wales with company number 10689074 and registered office at 28-30 Little Russell Street, London, WC1A 2HN England. The Com Laude Group includes Nom-IQ Limited t/a Com Laude, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 5047655 and registered office at 28-30 Little Russell Street, London, WC1A 2HN England; Valideus Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 6181291 and registered office at 28-30 Little Russell Street, London, WC1A 2HN England; Demys Limited, a company registered in Scotland with company number SC197176 and registered office at 15 William Street, South West Lane, Edinburgh, EH3 7LL Scotland; Consonum, Inc. dba Com Laude USA and Valideus USA, a corporation incorporated in the State of Washington and principal office address at Suite 332, Securities Building, 1904 Third Ave, Seattle, WA 98101; Com Laude (Japan) Corporation, a company registered in Japan with company number 0100-01-190853 and registered office at 1-3-21 Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0033, Japan; Com Laude Domain ESP S.L.U., a company registered in Spain and registered office address at Calle Barcas 2, 2, Valencia, 46002, Spain. For further information see []<;!!PtGJab4!7wfI2pXBVrezWsVR...>

I will admit that Susan’s edit to the Council minutes caused me read them. With that, I have the following recommendation to my comment during the meeting on the same topic: ...mentioned that he could have preferred a more collaborative tone, noting that ICANN seemed to recognise many of the issues raised in the small team report when ICANN suggested “Option 2” and that the report should focus on leaving more of the decision to the IRT, but understood that, for the small team, time was of the essence. He thanked the small team for their efforts. Even with this amendment, my comment was still somewhat inartful, but I think it reflects what I actually said. Thanks for considering this. Regards, Kurt On 25 Jan 2023, at 8:26 am, Nathalie Peregrine via council <<>> wrote: Dear Susan, Thank you for these updates, I’ve corrected the minutes’ document and this will be reflected in the published document. Best, Nathalie From: Susan Payne <<>> Date: Tuesday, 24 January 2023 at 19:53 To: Nathalie Peregrine <<>> Cc: "<>" <<>>, "<>" <<>> Subject: [Ext] RE: Draft minutes of the GNSO Council meeting 19 January 2023 Hi Nathalie, thanks for circulating the Minutes. With respect to item 4, I don’t think the below quite reflects my point (which is reflected better in the letter than I perhaps managed to do on the call). I have suggested a correction, as follows: There are some reservations about that the Implementation approach, with a number of systems being built from scratch,exacerbates the which could be the root of Org concerns about whether costs will be recovered, given the uncertainty of demand. Maybe an alternative system could be considered, with a buying in of services for example. I hope this is OK. Susan Payne Head of Legal Policy Com Laude T +44 (0) 20 7421 8250 Ext 255 <image001.png>[]<;!!PtGJab4!7wfI2pXBVrezWsV...> From: council <<>> On Behalf Of Nathalie Peregrine via council Sent: 23 January 2023 20:25 To:<> Cc:<> Subject: [council] Draft minutes of the GNSO Council meeting 19 January 2023 Dear Councilors, Attached, please find the draft minutes of the GNSO Council meeting held on Thursday, 19 January 2023. If there are no comments, these minutes will be published on the website as approved, according to the GNSO Rules of Procedure <> section 3.5 "If no objections are received within 10 days, the minutes will be deemed to have been approved for posting" on 2 February 2023. Thank you. Kind Regards, Nathalie ________________________________ The contents of this email and any attachments are confidential to the intended recipient. They may not be disclosed, used by or copied in any way by anyone other than the intended recipient. If you have received this message in error, please return it to the sender (deleting the body of the email and attachments in your reply) and immediately and permanently delete it. Please note that Com Laude Group Limited (the “Com Laude Group”) does not accept any responsibility for viruses and it is your responsibility to scan or otherwise check this email and any attachments. The Com Laude Group does not accept liability for statements which are clearly the sender's own and not made on behalf of the group or one of its member entities. The Com Laude Group is a limited company registered in England and Wales with company number 10689074 and registered office at 28-30 Little Russell Street, London, WC1A 2HN England. The Com Laude Group includes Nom-IQ Limited t/a Com Laude, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 5047655 and registered office at 28-30 Little Russell Street, London, WC1A 2HN England; Valideus Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 6181291 and registered office at 28-30 Little Russell Street, London, WC1A 2HN England; Demys Limited, a company registered in Scotland with company number SC197176 and registered office at 15 William Street, South West Lane, Edinburgh, EH3 7LL Scotland; Consonum, Inc. dba Com Laude USA and Valideus USA, a corporation incorporated in the State of Washington and principal office address at Suite 332, Securities Building, 1904 Third Ave, Seattle, WA 98101; Com Laude (Japan) Corporation, a company registered in Japan with company number 0100-01-190853 and registered office at 1-3-21 Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0033, Japan; Com Laude Domain ESP S.L.U., a company registered in Spain and registered office address at Calle Barcas 2, 2, Valencia, 46002, Spain. For further information see []<;!!PtGJab4!7wfI2pXBVrezWsVR...> _______________________________________________ council mailing list<> _______________________________________________ By submitting your personal data, you consent to the processing of your personal data for purposes of subscribing to this mailing list accordance with the ICANN Privacy Policy ( and the website Terms of Service ( You can visit the Mailman link above to change your membership status or configuration, including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.
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Nathalie Peregrine