Fwd: ALAC Review - GNSO Council 4 September 2008

Begin forwarded message:
From: "Tricia Drakes" <tricia.drakes@x2all.com> Date: 27 August 2008 16:32:30 EDT To: <avri@acm.org> Cc: <cgomes@verisign.com>, <glen@icann.org>, "'Patrick Sharry'" <Patrick.Sharry@ps2.com.au
, "'Denise Michel'" <denise.michel@icann.org> Subject: ALAC Review - GNSO Council 5 September 2008
Many thanks for including the ALAC Review on the Agenda for the GNSO Council Teleconference on 4 September 2008.
The final report of the Independent Review of the ALAC prepared by Westlake Consulting is located athttp://www.icann.org/en/reviews/alac/alac-independent-review-final-25jul08-e... with links to translations of the report in Arabic, Chinese, German, French and Spanish available onhttp://www.icann.org/en/reviews/alac/
In particular, we are interested in GNSO input on two main topics:
Thoughts on Recommendation 12 – relationship between ALAC and NCUC Any other comments on any other recommendations
Please do let me know if there is any additional information you require in advance of the call.
With many thanks and good wishes.
Tricia +44 7768 517567
participants (1)
Avri Doria