WHOIS service requirement final report

Dear GNSO Councilors, Attached please find the final WHOIS Service Requirements report requested by the Council in May 2009. As requested by the GNSO in its resolution, staff shared the initial draft with the GNSO Council and with the other SOs (ccNSO, ASO) and ACs (SSAC, ALAC, GAC) for their input. This document is an updated report following those consultations as well as GNSO Council and community discussions in Brussels. I am available to answer any questions or provide additional information as requested. Please also note that the final report will be posted shortly on the WHOIS policy page here: http://gnso.icann.org/issues/whois/. Warmly, -- Steve Sheng Senior Technical Analyst ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers P: +1 (310) 578 8607 C: +1 (310) 463 8430 www.icann.org
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Steve Sheng