Report of the Whois Study Hypothesis Group attached

All, The Whois Study Hypothesis Group is pleased to share the results of its recent work, as requested by the Council in its resolution of 26 June. The Whois Study Hypothesis Report will also be posted shortly under the "Whois" issue area on the GNSO home page. Thanks, Liz

Thanks Liz. I would like to submit the following motion in this regard for our meeting on 4 September. Chuck Draft Motion re Whois Hypotheses Whereas: * On 31 October 2007, the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council concluded that a comprehensive, objective and quantifiable understanding of key factual issues regarding the gTLD WHOIS system will benefit future GNSO policy development efforts ( <> ) * Before defining the details of these studies, the Council solicited suggestions from the community for specific topics of study on WHOIS that community stakeholders recommend be conducted * Suggestions for WHOIS studies were submitted ( <> ) * ICANN staff prepared the report titled 'Report on Public Suggestions on Further Studies of WHOIS', dated 25 February 2008 ( t-25feb08.pdf ) * On 28 March 2008 the GNSO Council resolved to form a group of volunteers (Whois Study Group) to review and discuss the 'Report on Public Suggestions on Further Studies of WHOIS' and develop a proposed list, if any, of recommended studies for which ICANN staff will be asked to provide cost estimates to the Council ( ) * There was not agreement in the Whois Studies volunteer group regarding whether or not any studies should be conducted, on 25 June 2008 the GNSO Council resolved to form another group of volunteers (Whois Hypotheses WG) to review the study recommendations offered through the public comment period and by the GAC and prepare a concise list of hypotheses to be tested, derived from the study recommendations and suggested benefits and to deliver a report containing the above with any supporting rationale to the Council () * The Whois Hypotheses WG delivered its report to the Council on 27 August 2008 (insert link). Resolve: * The GNSO Council expresses sincere appreciation and thanks to the Whois Hypotheses WG * Council representatives are asked to forward the report to their respective constituencies ASAP for discussion and comment as applicable and be prepared to develop a proposed list, if any, of recommended studies for which ICANN staff will be asked to prepare cost estimates to the Council in the Council meeting on 25 September 2008. ________________________________ From: [] On Behalf Of Liz Gasster Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 7:51 PM To:; Subject: [gnso-whois-study] Report of the Whois Study Hypothesis Group attached All, The Whois Study Hypothesis Group is pleased to share the results of its recent work, as requested by the Council in its resolution of 26 June. The Whois Study Hypothesis Report will also be posted shortly under the "Whois" issue area on the GNSO home page. Thanks, Liz

Note that I made some edits to the resolved portion of the following motion to make sure that the reports are sent to the GAC and ALAC for comment as well as to GNSO consitutencies. The revised resolution reads as follows now: "Resolve: * The GNSO Council expresses sincere appreciation and thanks to the Whois Hypotheses WG * Council representatives including liaisons are asked to forward the report to their respective constituencies ASAP for discussion and comment as applicable and be prepared on 25 September 2008 to develop a proposed list, if any, of recommended studies for which ICANN staff will be asked to prepare cost estimates to the Council in the Council meeting. * ICANN Policy Staff are asked to forward the report ASAP directly to the GAC and ALAC for comment before the 25 September Council meeting if possible. " A second is still needed and amendments are welcome. Chuck ________________________________ From: [] On Behalf Of Gomes, Chuck Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 8:16 PM To: Liz Gasster; Subject: [council] RE: [gnso-whois-study] Report of the Whois Study Hypothesis Group attached Thanks Liz. I would like to submit the following motion in this regard for our meeting on 4 September. Chuck Draft Motion re Whois Hypotheses Whereas: * On 31 October 2007, the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council concluded that a comprehensive, objective and quantifiable understanding of key factual issues regarding the gTLD WHOIS system will benefit future GNSO policy development efforts ( <> ) * Before defining the details of these studies, the Council solicited suggestions from the community for specific topics of study on WHOIS that community stakeholders recommend be conducted * Suggestions for WHOIS studies were submitted ( <> ) * ICANN staff prepared the report titled 'Report on Public Suggestions on Further Studies of WHOIS', dated 25 February 2008 ( t-25feb08.pdf ) * On 28 March 2008 the GNSO Council resolved to form a group of volunteers (Whois Study Group) to review and discuss the 'Report on Public Suggestions on Further Studies of WHOIS' and develop a proposed list, if any, of recommended studies for which ICANN staff will be asked to provide cost estimates to the Council ( ) * There was not agreement in the Whois Studies volunteer group regarding whether or not any studies should be conducted, on 25 June 2008 the GNSO Council resolved to form another group of volunteers (Whois Hypotheses WG) to review the study recommendations offered through the public comment period and by the GAC and prepare a concise list of hypotheses to be tested, derived from the study recommendations and suggested benefits and to deliver a report containing the above with any supporting rationale to the Council () * The Whois Hypotheses WG delivered its report to the Council on 27 August 2008 (insert link). Resolve: * The GNSO Council expresses sincere appreciation and thanks to the Whois Hypotheses WG * Council representatives are asked to forward the report to their respective constituencies ASAP for discussion and comment as applicable and be prepared to develop a proposed list, if any, of recommended studies for which ICANN staff will be asked to prepare cost estimates to the Council in the Council meeting on 25 September 2008. ________________________________ From: [] On Behalf Of Liz Gasster Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 7:51 PM To:; Subject: [gnso-whois-study] Report of the Whois Study Hypothesis Group attached All, The Whois Study Hypothesis Group is pleased to share the results of its recent work, as requested by the Council in its resolution of 26 June. The Whois Study Hypothesis Report will also be posted shortly under the "Whois" issue area on the GNSO home page. Thanks, Liz

Per an excellent suggestion from Avri, I made a few for edits to my Whois Study Hypotheses motion originally submitted on 26 August and amended earlier today. The changes I made earlier today plus some I made in response to Avri's suggestion are highlighted in the attached file, and a clean version of the motion is contained in the motions section of the wiki for our 4 September meeting at Chuck ________________________________ From: Gomes, Chuck Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 10:30 AM To: Gomes, Chuck; Liz Gasster; Subject: RE: [council] RE: [gnso-whois-study] Report of the Whois Study Hypothesis Group attached Note that I made some edits to the resolved portion of the following motion to make sure that the reports are sent to the GAC and ALAC for comment as well as to GNSO consitutencies. The revised resolution reads as follows now: "Resolve: * The GNSO Council expresses sincere appreciation and thanks to the Whois Hypotheses WG * Council representatives including liaisons are asked to forward the report to their respective constituencies ASAP for discussion and comment as applicable and be prepared on 25 September 2008 to develop a proposed list, if any, of recommended studies for which ICANN staff will be asked to prepare cost estimates to the Council in the Council meeting. * ICANN Policy Staff are asked to forward the report ASAP directly to the GAC and ALAC for comment before the 25 September Council meeting if possible. " A second is still needed and amendments are welcome. Chuck ________________________________ From: [] On Behalf Of Gomes, Chuck Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 8:16 PM To: Liz Gasster; Subject: [council] RE: [gnso-whois-study] Report of the Whois Study Hypothesis Group attached Thanks Liz. I would like to submit the following motion in this regard for our meeting on 4 September. Chuck Draft Motion re Whois Hypotheses Whereas: * On 31 October 2007, the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council concluded that a comprehensive, objective and quantifiable understanding of key factual issues regarding the gTLD WHOIS system will benefit future GNSO policy development efforts ( <> ) * Before defining the details of these studies, the Council solicited suggestions from the community for specific topics of study on WHOIS that community stakeholders recommend be conducted * Suggestions for WHOIS studies were submitted ( <> ) * ICANN staff prepared the report titled 'Report on Public Suggestions on Further Studies of WHOIS', dated 25 February 2008 ( -25feb08.pdf ) * On 28 March 2008 the GNSO Council resolved to form a group of volunteers (Whois Study Group) to review and discuss the 'Report on Public Suggestions on Further Studies of WHOIS' and develop a proposed list, if any, of recommended studies for which ICANN staff will be asked to provide cost estimates to the Council ( ) * There was not agreement in the Whois Studies volunteer group regarding whether or not any studies should be conducted, on 25 June 2008 the GNSO Council resolved to form another group of volunteers (Whois Hypotheses WG) to review the study recommendations offered through the public comment period and by the GAC and prepare a concise list of hypotheses to be tested, derived from the study recommendations and suggested benefits and to deliver a report containing the above with any supporting rationale to the Council () * The Whois Hypotheses WG delivered its report to the Council on 27 August 2008 (insert link). Resolve: * The GNSO Council expresses sincere appreciation and thanks to the Whois Hypotheses WG * Council representatives are asked to forward the report to their respective constituencies ASAP for discussion and comment as applicable and be prepared to develop a proposed list, if any, of recommended studies for which ICANN staff will be asked to prepare cost estimates to the Council in the Council meeting on 25 September 2008. ________________________________ From: [] On Behalf Of Liz Gasster Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 7:51 PM To:; Subject: [gnso-whois-study] Report of the Whois Study Hypothesis Group attached All, The Whois Study Hypothesis Group is pleased to share the results of its recent work, as requested by the Council in its resolution of 26 June. The Whois Study Hypothesis Report will also be posted shortly under the "Whois" issue area on the GNSO home page. Thanks, Liz
participants (2)
Gomes, Chuck
Liz Gasster