Dear All,

Please see the below information regarding an EPDP II Webinar this Thursday, 13 February.





Please find the details below for the EPDP - Phase 2 Proposed Recommendations on a Standardized System for Access and Disclosure Webinar.


This webinar will provide an overview of the EPDP’s Phase 2 proposed recommendations for a Standardized System for Access and Disclosure (SSAD). This effort builds upon the EPDP’s Phase 1 work on enhancing Registration Data Services where, under certain circumstances, personal contact information is now redacted. The Phase 2 effort for developing the SSAD will allow for disclosure of this redacted contact information based on third-party legitimate interests, administration proceedings, and law enforcement needs, subject to applicable law and the rights of the data subject.


The webinar will highlight each of the EPDP Team’s recommendations and will provide an opportunity for participants to ask questions and provide feedback on the Initial Report, which is currently out for public comment. The report can be found on the public comment proceedings section on, and the webinar materials will be posted on the EPDP’s wiki page following the webinar.


Thursday, 13 February 2020 at 14:00 UTC for 60 minutes

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Thank you in advance for reserving this time in your schedule.