Thank you Evin and thanks to those who put the talking points.

I have a remark concerning the talking point Nbr 3 of the SubPro: it says: "Remain concerned about indigenous and community participation".
The indigenous community is one of the communities already mentioned while the underserved regions are not mentionned at all.
I propose to modify it in this way: "
Remain concerned about the underserved regions and communities participation".

Otherwise, I find all the other talking points excellent. 

Evin Erdogdu <> a écrit :

Dear CPWG Members,


Please see the draft ICANN69 ALAC/At-Large Talking Points for comment at the link below:


Your feedback welcome.


Looking forward to ICANN69!


Evin Ashley Erdoğdu

Policy Development Senior Coordinator

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Executive Director
Mediterranean Federation of Internet Associations (FMAI)
Telephone: +216 52 385 114