Hello CPWG members,

Further to Greg's email below, please provide comments, if any, on the draft ALAC statement by this Thursday, 1 April at 23:59 UTC.

The ALAC statement will then be ratified by the ALAC before submission to ICANN Public Comment.

Thank you,

Evin Ashley Erdoğdu

Policy Analyst

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

From: CPWG <cpwg-bounces@icann.org> on behalf of Greg Shatan via CPWG <cpwg@icann.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 7:23 AM
Subject: [CPWG] Draft ALAC Statement on SSR2 Final Report.

I have attached a draft report for consideration of the CPWG, reflecting the considerable efforts of Alejandro Pisanty and myself.  As I had the "last pen" all errors or deviations from Alejandro's views should be blamed on me.  Alejandro, sensibly, will review tomorrow (i.e, today but not now).
