We probably do well to remember the library scene in Shawshank Redemption…and now that they’ve established a willingness to open the contract, ask. For a couple more things



               (reading a letter from the state)

               Dear Mr. Dufresne. In response to

               your repeated inquiries, the State

               Senate has allocated the enclosed

               funds for your library project... "

                       (stunned, examines check)

               This is two hundred dollars.


        Wiley grins. Hadley glares at him. The grin vanishes.



               In addition, the Library District

               has generously responded with a

               charitable donation of used books

               and sundries. We trust this will

               fill your needs. We now consider

               the matter closed. Please stop

               sending us letters. Yours truly,

               the State Comptroller's Office.


        Andy gazes around at the boxes. The riches of the world lay at

        his feet. His eyes mist with emotion at the sight.



               I want all this cleared out before

               the warden gets back, I shit you not.


        Hadley exits. Andy touches the boxes like a love-struck man

        touching a beautiful woman. Wiley grins.



               Good for you, Andy.



               Only took six years.


               From now on, I send two letters a

               week instead of one.





From: Bill Jouris <b_jouris@yahoo.com>
Date: Saturday, February 29, 2020 at 10:24 AM
To: CPWG <cpwg@icann.org>, Jonathan Zuck <JZuck@innovatorsnetwork.org>
Subject: Re: [CPWG] PIC commitments on ORG


After listening to the Ethos webinar, and thinking about it for a few days, a couple of ideas bubbled up. 


First, to address some of the concerns that have been raised, Ethos proposes several modifications to the contract with PIC for .org.  ICANN could get those amendments to the contract (or something like them) in place before approving the sale.  Since the changes were Ethos' suggestions, they shouldn't have a problem with them.  (And if they do, well that would be a big red flag, wouldn't it?)  That assures that they will actually happen as advertised. 


Second, having established the independent oversight committee with those contract amendments, ICANN and PIC could start populating it.  Thus addressing the concerns expressed about how independent (of Ethos' board) it would actually be. 


I realize that this doesn't address every concern that has been raised.  But it might be a start.


Bill Jouris

On Friday, February 21, 2020, 09:14:25 AM PST, Jonathan Zuck <jzuck@innovatorsnetwork.org> wrote:




Take a look at the PIC commitments proposed by PIR/Ethos for ORG.  At present, they focus on pricing, free speech and privacy.



While a step in the right direction, including some binding powers in the above regards by the stewardship council, our concerns extend to the consumer trust implications of dramatically broadening the registrant profile of .ORG.  We want it to remain predominantly a space for non-profit organizations and individuals and limit the potential for DSN abuse through practices such as bulk registrations.


In any case, give it a read and we will discuss on Wednesday.




Jonathan Zuck |  Executive Director  |  Innovators Network

jzuck@innovatorsnetwork.org | O 202.420.7497 | S jvzuck |




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