Thank you for the mail. I look forward to the discussion on this subject during the CPWG meetings
as per the Agenda.

Gopal T V
0 9840121302
Dr. T V Gopal
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
College of Engineering
Anna University
Chennai - 600 025, INDIA
Ph : (Off) 22351723 Extn. 3340
       (Res) 24454753

From: CPWG <> on behalf of lists--- via CPWG <>
Sent: 18 July 2022 18:55
To: <>
Subject: [CPWG] Protection of Geographical Indications – European ccTLDs.

Good evening :

Colleagues may recall that I have argued in Sub-Pro and elsewhere that geographical indications must be protected in the DNS in the same way as are trade-marks.

Recent reports (thankyou, Domain Name Wire) relate to the proposed EU Regulation for the protection of GIs for Industrial and Craft products including in the DNS (Article 41).

The scope of the Regulation is the ccTLD Registries within EU jurisdiction. It goes into these matters in considerable detail (pp. 71).

The Executive agency responsible for implementation is the EU Intellectual Property Office (previously known as OHIM, Alicante.)

I would request that the protection of Geographical Indications be put back on the agenda of SubPro and CPWG.

I would also be interested to know whether, CCNSO and CENTR participated in preparatory consultations relating to this EU Regulation. Could At Large Staff please investigate and rerport on the background to this proposal.



On 14 Jul 2022, at 03:51, ICANN At-Large Staff via CPWG <> wrote: