Further to our discussion on the CPWG call of 16 Sep, I'm recirculating my original call for comments on Closed Generics.which contains the links to the 3 proposals from which we should glean any elements which we think should apply in "governing" Closed Generics.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Justine Chew <justine.chew@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2020 at 18:02
Subject: Subsequent Procedures: Call for comments on Topic 23: Closed Generics (aka Exclusive Generics)
To: CPWG <cpwg@icann.org>


As many of you already know, the Draft Final Report of the Subsequent Procedures PDP WG, covering a total of 41 topics, has been released for public comment, with the comment period closing on 30 September.

We have been diligently discussing selected topics at each CPWG Call for many months now, and in many cases, scorecards on the anticipated recommendations for various topics have been drawn up. While we continue with our discussions on CPWG Calls insofar as time permits, Topic 23: Closed Generics (otherwise known as Exclusive Generics) is one which has not yielded any recommendation from the Subsequent Procedures PDP WG because of a lack of agreement to-date.

As a result, the Draft Final Report portion concerning Topic 23 only summarizes the PDP WG deliberations, including ideas raised and discussed, and appends 3 proposals for comment.

  • In the GAC Beijing Communique, GAC advised the Board that, "For strings representing generic terms, exclusive registry access should serve a public interest goal".
  • The Board's action in response, ultimately led to no exclusive generic gTLDs being delegated in the 2012 round.
  • SubPro PDP WG was to develop policy concerning Closed Generics / Exclusive Generics for subsequent procedures; i.e. under what circumstances should an application for a Closed Generic TLD be considered and/or what criteria should such an application carry (if at all) for the next round?
  • A Closed Generic / Exclusive Generic is a generic word string to be used exclusively by applicant; Note: a brand name that is not a generic word won't be considered as a Closed Generic.

Report Extract and Proposals

Action Required From You
Under what circumstances should an application for a Closed Generic TLD be considered and/or what criteria should such an application carry (if at all) for the next round? Please share your thoughts on and/or indicate if you favour/disfavour any element(s) in any of the 3 proposals [1], [2], and [3] above. 

Next Steps
I hope to gain some early feedback to position a better informed discussion in a week's time.

