Dear colleagues,

on last week's CPWG call, a particularly vigorous discussion started regarding gTLD subsequent procedures, with a particular focus on applicant support.

The ALAC has been on record in the past round as fully supporting the concept and implementation of an Applicant Support program for applicants that might not otherwise have the funding capability to pay the hefty application fee required when filing an application for a new gTLD.

For your information, please be so kind to find a few Statements from the ALAC about Applicant Support:

Publish Date
  1. Title
  2. 31 Jul 2014
  3. 10 Jan 2012
  4. 20 Dec 2011
  5. 4 Aug 2011
  6. 7 Dec 2010
  7. 24 Jun 2010

On last week's call -- see we heard several calls for changing this long standing ALAC line and whilst some opposed changing the At-Large position, there was also significant support for changing it.

In short, the argument that was developed against Applicant Support was that the financial support proposed to applicants only covered the application fee that was only a small subset of the costs of running a gTLD - so one could argue that applicants risk being set-up to fail. Second, there was concern that there were so few applications for applicant support in the previous ground and thirdly, the guidelines for accepting support applications were so tight to reduce the possibility of gaming, that they were unachievable.

I recommend that you read the appropriate transcript that is linked from the agenda on -- but I would urge those who developed their points, in favour of continuing the ALAC view to improve applicant support and those in favour of scrapping Applicant Support, to make their points known here. My paraphrased summary definitely doesn't do justice to all of the points that were put across during the call so I apologise if I have not gotten its interpretation all correct.

The conversation was just too large and too fundamental for the small amount of time we had available on the call.

Kindest regards,
