Colleagues: In preparation for possible discussion on the CPWG call re: feedback on the evolving multistakeholder model (which forms part of the FY21-25 operating and financial plan), a draft google doc has been started here:

Should there be any time to discuss this subject on the call, I will concentrate on the following task:  Rank the six workstreams according to which issue which represents the most “ripe fruit” opportunity – i.e. an approach or solution can be developed with minimal (lesser) resources.

The 6 workstreams and the proposed leads are:

Consensus + Representation/inclusivity – GNSO working with SOs/ACs
Prioritization of work + efficient use of resources – SO/AC chairs working with ICANN org. CEO and ICANN Board chair
Culture, trust and silos – ALAC working with ACs/SOs
Complexity – re: accessibility to info/data + SO/AC chairs re: process, procedures, bylaws, communication and documentation
Precision in scoping – TBD (SSAC has been suggested)
Roles and responsibilities – ICANN Board with community and CEO

In the draft document, I have proposed that work on culture, trust and silos would naturally precede representation/inclusivity (which includes recruitment/demographics) -- especially because of the competition between groups for committed and engaged volunteers. But that is a practical suggestion, not made with the "minimal resources" idea in mind. But please send me your thoughts on how you might rank some of these other workstreams from the "low hanging fruit"perspective.

