Hi Eric (and all),


Thanks for this! Does anyone else have comments on these points? I’m adding these to the tracker and will distribute the updated file after our call tomorrow.


With respect to your second point on 5.7.1, the goal of this provision (regarding provider suspension) would be to suspend the provider’s authorization to offer new PP services, specifically, during the suspension period (as a step short of termination, if the Provider is working with ICANN compliance to resolve a Compliance issue). This suspension would include a prohibition on providing PP services for new domain name registrations (the provider could continue providing services for existing names for existing customers) or adding a new PP service to an existing registration that didn’t previous have the PP service. Is that what you were asking—if I misunderstood your question could you please expand on it?






From: gdd-gnso-ppsai-impl-bounces@icann.org [mailto:gdd-gnso-ppsai-impl-bounces@icann.org] On Behalf Of Eric Rokobauer
Sent: Monday, August 7, 2017 3:00 PM
To: gdd-gnso-ppsai-impl@icann.org
Subject: Re: [Gdd-gnso-ppsai-impl] Updates, action items following 1 August PP IRT call


​Hello all,


Some feedback for the items discussed in this thread. - I support Sara's suggested language​.


5.7.1 - Blocking new registrations will present technical challenges and still just not sure how we can achieve it (whether affiliated with an ICANN ID or not). 


​And maybe something to keep in mind - 


hose applying 

​are doing so in order to​

 obtain the right to provide

​privacy/proxy as a service



​And if those providers ​

were to be in violation

​, they ​

could lose their right to

​ offering that service. 



o we intend for it to also 

mean they lose the right to

​doing ​


​ also​

​? Having this section feels like it would suggest that.​







On Tue, Aug 1, 2017 at 3:32 PM, Amy Bivins <amy.bivins@icann.org> wrote:

Dear Colleagues,


Thanks so much for your active participation on today’s Privacy/Proxy IRT call. We made a lot of progress. If you were unable to attend, the recording and materials are available on the wiki, https://community.icann.org/display/IRT/01+August+2017.


I’ve updated the issues list (attached) for the topics discussed today (Issues 5, 6, 9, 10, 13) based on your feedback.


IRT Action Items

  1. Please provide any additional input you have on issues 5, 6, 9, 10, and 13 no later than next Monday, 7 August. In particular, please consider the following questions that arose during today’s meeting:
    1. Regarding issue 6 (Section of the draft PPAA), should we consider reducing the required period from 15 days to some shortened period? If yes, do you have recommendations for what the shortened time period should be?
    2. Regarding issue 13 (PPAA section 5.7.1): (i) Is it feasible for a registrar to block new registrations from a suspended provider (provided that provider is identified by its ICANN ID during the registration process)? (IRT input on this point has been mixed); (ii) If the answer to (i) is yes, is any additional language required with respect to Point 5 raised during the call (“sounds like we need an EPP for PP Providers”)?
  1. Please complete the IRT poll re: data escrow and additional PPAA discussion topics no later than Friday, 4 August, https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/62XCMSS


Next Week

Next week, we plan to discuss Issues 4 and 23(data retention), 12 (accreditation term), 15 (Customer Data Accuracy Spec), 17-19 (LEA Specification). We will discuss data retention and the LEA specification first, to ensure we can discuss both of these while we have our PSWG colleagues on the call.


Thanks in advance for your continued consideration of the issues discussed today and your completion of the poll. If you have questions or comments before our next meeting, please send them to the list.






Amy E. Bivins

Registrar Services and Engagement Senior Manager

Registrar Services and Industry Relations

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Direct: +1 (202) 249-7551

Fax:  +1 (202) 789-0104

Email: amy.bivins@icann.org



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