Not able to make it to the call this morning.

On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Caitlin Tubergen <> wrote:

Dear Colleagues,


Thanks so much for your participation on the last Privacy/Proxy IRT call on Tuesday, 19 September. For those who could not attend, I encourage you to review the recording and materials on the wiki,


A detailed account of the feedback received during the call is attached. In summary, the consensus of the group appeared to be that:

  • ICANN org should provide the IRT with supporting cost data to facilitate the discussion surrounding proposed program fees;
  • ICANN org should create a new draft of the accreditation application, transforming most if not all of the “essay”-type questions in sections 5 and 6 to “confirm the applicant will comply”-type questions;
  • ICANN org should revisit the list of questions to consider which ones should, and should not, be required for registrar-affiliated applicants. The shift to confirmation-type questions may reduce the burden of these questions for affiliates.


ICANN is working on these deliverables, and they should be ready to share with the IRT in a couple of weeks. In addition, I want to flag that one IRT member has recommended that we revisit the current definitions of “privacy service” and “proxy service” in the current guidebook and PPAA drafts. Non-substantive changes to these definitions from the Final Report, to conform to other defined terms in the agreement, were not opposed by any IRT member when this topic was previously discussed. However, if multiple IRT members would like to revisit this discussion, this will be added to the agenda for a future meeting.


For our call next Tuesday, 3 October, we will be discussing the second draft de-accreditation process (attached).  Please review prior to the call so that we can discuss the proposed changes in detail. If you are unable to attend the call, as some of you have noted, please feel free to provide feedback via the list prior to or following the call.


Additionally, prior to the call, I will be providing an updated Privacy/Proxy Accreditation Agreement.  While we will be not discussing the updates in detail on next week’s call, I will be providing a high-level overview of the changes to guide your review/discussion on future calls.


Please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.


Best regards,


Caitlin Tubergen

Registrar Services and Engagement Senior Manager


12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300

Los Angeles, CA 90094

Office: +1 310 578 8666

Mobile: +1 310 699 5326




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