

In advance of tomorrow’s call, here are a few issues to consider related to the IP related text:



Given the balance that this Policy attempts to strike, evidence of the use of high-volume, automated electronic processes for sending Requests or responses to Requests (without human review) to the systems of Requesters, Providers, or Customers in performing any of the steps in the processes outlined in this Policy shall create a rebuttable presumption of non-compliance with this Policy.


I may have missed this, but it seems the Agreement should include an obligation on the Provider to conduct a human review of the requests.  Also, is there language regarding the rebuttable presumption of noncompliance if there are high-volume automated electronic responses to a request?



All the best,




From: <gdd-gnso-ppsai-impl-bounces@icann.org> on behalf of Amy Bivins <amy.bivins@icann.org>
Reply-To: "gdd-gnso-ppsai-impl@icann.org" <gdd-gnso-ppsai-impl@icann.org>
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2017 at 12:40 PM
To: "gdd-gnso-ppsai-impl@icann.org" <gdd-gnso-ppsai-impl@icann.org>
Subject: [Gdd-gnso-ppsai-impl] Action items from today's PP IRT call


Hello, All,


Thanks so much for your participation on today’s IRT call. I’ve updated the issues list (attached) with the input we received on this morning’s call. We have several outstanding discussion topics that we are requesting your feedback on via the list this week (requested deadline of 21 August):


  1. Any additional feedback on PPAA issue 1: definitions (outlined in detail in attached slides from this week’s meeting)


  1. Any additional feedback on PPAA issue 3: amendment/negotiation process. Edits were proposed by ICANN this week to allow proposed amendments to the PPAA to be considered by a working group convened by the GNSO or the Privacy/Proxy Stakeholder Group (if one is ever created). During today’s call, it was recommended by an IRT member that this should be limited, such that if there is ever a stakeholder group, its members can participate in the GNSO-convened group, but would not replace the GNSO-convened group in the PPAA amendment negotiation process. For reference, for the RAA negotiation process, the “working group” for negotiations is convened by the RrSG (See 2013 RAA Section 7.4.1). IRT feedback is requested on the proposed edits as well as the recommendation raised on today’s call.


  1. Any additional feedback on PPAA issue 21: RAA synchronization. The IRT was asked whether any future updates to the RAA involving sections that are adapted in the PPAA should result in automatic updates to the PPAA. It was recommended on today’s call that updates could be synchronized with the PPAA, but this should not be automatic. Any proposed updates to the PPAA as a result of RAA updates should be presented to the working group (referenced in Item 2, above) for approval. IRT feedback is sought on the topic of synchronization in general, as well as the recommendation made on today’s call. In addition, feedback is sought on whether, if we do decide to have an approval mechanism before changes go into effect, the working group should always be the approval mechanism or whether other means, such as a public comment forum, could also be used.


  1. Leading into next week’s continued discussion of the LEA framework, additional IRT feedback is requested on the proposed edit from the PSWG, that would reduce the time to review requests from LEA from 2 business days to 24 hours (See PPAA Issue 19 in attached issues list). IRT feedback on this topic has not produced a clear consensus on this topic. Please consider this issue and come prepared to discuss this topic on next week’s call, with the goal of reaching a resolution on this topic.


  1. Customer Data Accuracy (See item 15 in issues list). It was noted on-list and on today’s call that the requirements in the draft Customer Data Accuracy Specification and Section, including pending updates based on IRT input, may result in some inconsistencies or lack of clarity surrounding requirements for providers. Please provide any further input on this topic. ICANN will revisit these provisions, taking into account IRT feedback, and propose language to clarify these requirements.


Thanks so much in advance for your consideration of these items. For next week’s call, we are planning to discuss:


If you have questions or comments in the interim, please don’t hesitate to send them to the list.






Amy E. Bivins

Registrar Services and Engagement Senior Manager

Registrar Services and Industry Relations

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Direct: +1 (202) 249-7551

Fax:  +1 (202) 789-0104

Email: amy.bivins@icann.org
