Hello, All,


I hope you are well, and I look forward to seeing those of you who are attending our face-to-face meeting in Copenhagen on Saturday. As a reminder, our meeting will be in Hall A3 and will start at 13:45 local time. We have the room reserved until 18:00.


Remote participation will be available here: https://schedule.icann.org/event/9nnx/icann-gdd-privacy-and-proxy-service-provider-accreditation-program-implementation-review-team-irt


Our agenda is as follows (we will follow this as closely as we can):


Part 1: 13:45-15:00: Timeline Check, Updated Policy Document Overview, Third-Party Requests/Abuse Reports

·         See attachment: IRT questions related to criteria for third-party requests and abuse reports


15:00-15:15: Break


Part 2: 15:15-16:45: Public Safety Working Group Discussion, Questions related to Accreditation Agreement


16:45-17:00: Break


Part 3: 17:00-18:00: Registrar-related questions

·         During this final time slot, we will discuss registrar-related questions that have arisen thus far in this IRT:

(1)    How do you envision the registration lifecycle operating when a Provider is not Affiliated with a Registrar (topic is being raised now due to its impact on other requirements, including labeling)?

(2)    What should a registrar be required to do when it becomes aware of a registration involving an unaccredited Provider? Alternatives previously raised for discussion included:

o   Registrar could treat situation as a WHOIS accuracy issue and verify/re-verify email address (this may not reach root issue because email may be operational);

o   Registrar could be required to notify unaccredited Provider of requirement that Providers maintain ICANN accreditation, and provide Provider/Customer a period of time to remedy situation before suspending registration;

o   In all cases, should allow significant period for onboarding Providers before enforcing this requirement.


If you have questions or wish to comment prior to the meeting, please feel free to do so on the list. Safe travels!





Amy E. Bivins

Registrar Policy Services Manager

Registrar Services and Industry Relations

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Direct: +1 (202) 249-7551

Fax:  +1 (202) 789-0104

Email: amy.bivins@icann.org
