Hello, All,


I have a few developments to share with you. Items 3 and 4 require action from you, so please review this message carefully.


First, ICANN will be formally announcing to accredited registrars today that the expiration date of the 2013 RAA Specification on Privacy and Proxy Registrations is extended to 1 January 2018.


Second, the new LEA subgroup page is up the wiki, https://community.icann.org/display/IRT/Subgroup%3A+Law+Enforcement+Authority+Issues. The subgroup likely won’t meet until shortly before ICANN58, but I am glad that so many of you have signed up and that we have the subgroup ready when there is a proposal ready to discuss. I’ll continue to share all information I have about this effort with you (this effort should be officially kicked off with the PSWG in early January).


Third, a first draft of Section 1 of the Privacy and Proxy Service Provider Accreditation Provider is attached and ready for your review. We will be discussing this on our 10 January call. Please provide your initial feedback to the list no later than your EOD 6 January, so that we can plan for how to allocate time for this topic on the next call.


Fourth, pursuant to a request on the 13 December 2016 call, ICANN has prepared an illustrative timeline showing our best estimate for how we could attempt to compress the existing project plan into a one-year timeline to coincide with the new 1 January 2018 expiration date of the interim 2013 RAA Specification.


Please note:

·         This is ICANN’s best estimate only. If the IRT wants to pursue this compressed timeline, this plan could shift and change along the way due to a variety of factors and dependencies, many beyond ICANN’s (and the IRT’s) control (for example, an additional deliverable on Transfer Policy requirements might need to be added to the project plan).

·         The distribution of this illustrative timeline is not an ICANN endorsement of this timeline. There could be significant impacts to the initial application process and account management infrastructure, at a minimum, to rolling out this program at this pace—impacts that might be seen as detrimental by some within the community. For example, it is unlikely that ICANN will have a portal/system in place to accept applications and for accredited services to manage their accounts by 1 January 2018, even if the final implementation can be announced as soon as October 2017.

·         Dates noted in the timeline should not be interpreted as a commitment by ICANN, as meeting each milestone will depend on a multitude of factors.

·         Moving along at this pace would require weekly meetings, at a minimum. IRT discussion on topics that must be decided upon each week would either (a) need to be time-limited, by some process (suggested time allotments in the illustrative example are for discussion purposes only), or (b) the IRT would likely need to have longer or multiple meetings during at least some weeks to stay on schedule and resolve the relevant topic(s).

·         Meeting this illustrative timeline would significantly impact the burdens placed on staff and IRT volunteers. This could have a significant impact on the costs required to implement this program.

·         We want to stress the importance of ensuring that the final program implementation is sound and delivers what the PDP WG intended. This cannot be sacrificed for speed’s sake (though staff will do everything we can to be efficient managers of this process).

·         ICANN will require at least 6+ months to become operationally ready to process applications for accreditation after all program requirements are finalized.


With those cautions firmly in mind, ICANN commits to use all reasonable efforts to adhere closely to this proposed timeline if the IRT wants to pursue this path.


Please provide your feedback on this timeline no later than 6 January 2017. If the IRT would like to explore some compromise between the originally proposed timeline and this 12-month timeline, ICANN is also open to that (this exercise identified some areas where this timeline might be compressed with lesser impacts on overall burdens than the 12-month timeline attached).


Fifth, I have consulted internally regarding the appropriate day(s) for scheduling face-to-face meetings before ICANN58 (which was the most popular option in the Doodle poll, by one vote). The schedule is not set yet, so I apologize that the poll was premature. I will let you know as soon as I know what the approved date(s) for a day-long meeting prior to ICANN58 would be.


Finally, this is a reminder that ICANN offices are closed 24 December until 2 January. I hope that you all have a happy and healthy holiday season (for those who celebrate) and I look forward to working with you all in the new year.





Amy E. Bivins

Registrar Policy Services Manager

Registrar Services and Industry Relations

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Direct: +1 (202) 249-7551

Fax:  +1 (202) 789-0104

Email: amy.bivins@icann.org
