Hi All,


Thanks for your attendance and participation on today’s Privacy/Proxy IRT call. If you couldn’t attend, I encourage you to listen to the recording, which is available on the wiki, https://community.icann.org/display/IRT.


We have several updates and action items today. Please review this list carefully.


  1. Last week’s IRT poll re: PSWG-proposed edit to PP disclosure framework. The poll results, attached as JPG screenshots, are similar to the feedback received on last week’s IRT call. A few IRT members supported the adoption of the PSWG proposal, but most IRT members expressed a preference to keep the language in the current PPAA draft as-is. We have sent these results to the PSWG and asked whether the PSWG would like to discuss potential compromises any further. We’ll determine next steps after hearing back from the PSWG.
  2. The PPAA issues list (attached) has been updated to reflect all IRT input received on the list over the past week and today’s IRT call.
  3. Data Escrow: Any additional feedback on the issues raised on today’s call should be sent to the list no later than this Friday, 1 September. In particular, please consider whether the proposed elements of the specification that Francisco presented seem to be going in the intended direction, or whether you believe changes are needed.
  4. RDDS Labeling: Any additional feedback on the issues raised on today’s call should be sent to the list no later than this Friday, 1 September.
  5. Agenda for 5 Sept IRT call: De-accreditation process proposal (to be sent to the list this week); PPAA issue 26 (new! Suggested on-list by Sara Bockey, re 24/7 monitoring of abuse contact); next steps on data retention (possible)
  6. Any IRT feedback on comments from list from Margie Milam re: IP framework (attached) should be sent to list no later than this Friday, 1 September.
  7. Any IRT feedback on comments from list from Steve Metalitz on PPAA Sect. 3.5.4 should be sent to list no later than this Friday, 1 September.
  8. Please note that draft PPAA_17July (attached) has not been updated to reflect IRT discussions to date (this is the original sent to the IRT). Once we have completed the issues list, we will distribute an updated draft v2 that reflects all changes made per the IRT’s feedback, for the IRT’s review.


Finally, as many of you are probably aware, I am preparing to go out on maternity leave in about 3 weeks (for 12 weeks). I should be around through 22 Sept, but I wanted to alert you to this in case I’m unexpectedly out before then. Caitlin Tubergen will be providing backup support for this project while I’m away (thanks, Caitlin!), and every effort has been made to keep this project moving at the current pace in my absence. Thanks to all your hard work and dedication, this IRT’s work should be ready to publish for public comment while I’m away, barring any unexpected developments. I’ll be following your work while I’m out, and will be back either the week before the ICANN holiday break or the first week of 2018. Thanks for your understanding and please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions.






Amy E. Bivins

Registrar Services and Engagement Senior Manager

Registrar Services and Industry Relations

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Direct: +1 (202) 249-7551

Fax:  +1 (202) 789-0104

Email: amy.bivins@icann.org
