Dear Colleagues,


Thanks so much for your active participation on today’s IRT call. If you were unable to attend, I encourage you to listen to the recording, which is available on the wiki,


Attached, you will find an updated “issues list” that includes a detailed summary of all the PPAA-related topics discussed to date, including those raised on the call today. A very short summary of the input received today and the significant outstanding questions is also available below. Please review the topics discussed today and submit any additional feedback you have no later than next Monday, 14 August. Your feedback is especially needed on the LEA Framework and Data Retention topics.


Proposed upcoming IRT discussion schedule:

15 August: PPAA definitions, PPAA amendment/negotiation process (updated per IRT feedback), RAA synchronization, request suggestions for future discussion topics

22 August: LEA framework, data retention, IP Framework, business dealings

29 August: Data escrow, labeling (new draft specification modeled on RAA requirements to be provided, per IRT feedback)


Summary of Discussion on Today’s Call





Amy E. Bivins

Registrar Services and Engagement Senior Manager

Registrar Services and Industry Relations

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Direct: +1 (202) 249-7551

Fax:  +1 (202) 789-0104
