Dear CCOICI members,


Please find below the notes and action items from today’s CCOICI meeting on Wednesday 19 July at 1200 UTC. Please see the relevant materials which can be found on the wiki page:


Best regards,


Julie and Marika





  1. Staff to provide a Google doc with the original exemption language and the suggested revision, along with the options for reporting to Council for CCOICI members to circulate to their groups and then to fill out with their positions.
  2. Staff to schedule a meeting in two weeks on Wednesday, 02 August at 1200 UTC.




1. Welcome


2. Feedback on updated language on page 8 of the recommendations report



3. Confirm next steps


  1. Staff to provide a Google doc with the original exemption language and the suggested revision, along with the options for reporting to Council for CCOICI members to circulate to their groups and then to fill out with their positions.
  2. Staff to schedule a meeting in two weeks on Wednesday, 02 August at 1200 UTC.