Dear All,


Please find below the proposed agenda for the next meeting of the CCOICI which is scheduled for Thursday 25 May at 12.00 UTC.


Best regards,


Julie & Marika



Proposed Agenda - CCOICI Meeting on 25 May at 12:00 UTC


  1. Welcome
  2. SOI Task Force Recommendations Report (see from the GNSO Framework for Continues Improvement: “Where full consensus is not achieved, the report/recommendations to the GNSO Committee and/or GNSO Council should clearly outline the efforts that were undertaken to try and achieve full consensus and the reasons for why this was not achieved”. The TF achieved full consensus on all but one essential element, namely whether there should be an exemption from disclosing who someone is representing in the case of professional ethical obligations that would prevent such disclosure.
    1. CCOICI feedback:
      • Any further questions/comments about current requirements and existing safeguards?
      • Any further questions/comments about SOI TF recommendations report and views on exemption provision?
      • What are we trying to solve for?
    2. Discuss alternative proposal - WG members who choose the exemption might not be eligible to participate in the Consensus Process. Is this a possible path forward?
      • If yes, what would this look like in practice (e.g. is this something that would be captured in the SOI, in the WG Charter, Operating Procedures
      • If no, which other alternatives should be considered?
    1. Confirm next steps
  1. Confirm next meeting – to be confirmed