Dear CCOICI members,


Please find below the notes and action items from today’s CCOICI meeting. Please see the relevant materials which can be found on the wiki page:


Best regards,


Ariel, Julie and Marika



CCOICI Meeting #33 on Wednesday 21 December at 13.00 UTC


HOMEWORK/ACTION ITEMS: Staff to send the final draft of the Recommendations Report to the group for review.





1. Welcome


2. Review the input in the Google doc at: []:


a.                   Suggestion

Corresponding Comments

An additional option is added to the question relating to Primary Organizational Affiliation, namely that in addition to “At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC)”, there is also the option to select “At-Large Community”




a.                   Suggestion

Corresponding Comments

Whether it should be possible for respondents who choose to, to have their name published in the summary report.

Jeff Neuman (during GNSO Council February meeting)   


Manju Chen

a.                   Agree

b.                   disagree

when there are a defined number of members in a WG, letting people choose to have their names published risks revealing the identities of those who don’t. 

Susan Payne 

a.                   agree

b.                   disagree

b) I can see pros and cons of disclosing names, but I tend to agree with Manju’s comments above.  Unwillingness to go on the record and/or concerns about retaliation may discourage frank feedback if the respondent is concerned about the disclosure of their identity




3. Review of the attached updated recommendations report:


Next Steps:


ACTION ITEM: Staff to send the final draft of the Recommendations Report to the group for review.


4. AOB: None.